Ängste sind unsere Freunde! Von der Angstzone in die Wachstumszone, in die Lernzone.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfawLpS-w8I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 236 [Name] => Kayadelen [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kayadelen-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 914 [VideoName] => Theresa Schleicher [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag New Retaility - Die Konsumentenanforderungen an den LEH der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2TVRvVQrZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 235 [Name] => Schleicher [Firstname] => Theresa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schleicher-theresa-portraitbild.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 913 [VideoName] => Theresa Schleicher [VideoDescription] =>Expertentalk an der spogagafa - Garden & BBQ trade fair
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo10wptjlhM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 235 [Name] => Schleicher [Firstname] => Theresa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schleicher-theresa-portraitbild.jpg ) [5] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 911 [VideoName] => Mentale Gesundheit: Prävention am Arbeitsplatz [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppcHMUciWGk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 213 [Name] => Schneider [Firstname] => Eva Elisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schneider-eva-elisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [6] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 912 [VideoName] => Podcast - Leistungsdruck: Was hilft? [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fJ6GoYTXhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 213 [Name] => Schneider [Firstname] => Eva Elisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schneider-eva-elisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [7] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 910 [VideoName] => Christian Wehner [VideoDescription] =>TEDxHHL - Become a KIDULT - Rediscover The Magic of Childhood Wonder
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8WBaniSQAU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 259 [Name] => Wehner [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wehner-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [8] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 909 [VideoName] => Gordon Herbert [VideoDescription] =>Gordon Herbert on Leadership, Teamwork & taking ownership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr-ngiQBBc4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 301 [Name] => Herbert [Firstname] => Gordon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-herbert-gordon-portraitbild.jpg ) [9] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 908 [VideoName] => Gordon Herbert [VideoDescription] =>Gordon Herbert im Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFmF50uY9CA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 301 [Name] => Herbert [Firstname] => Gordon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-herbert-gordon-portraitbild.jpg ) [10] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 907 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt Speaker Reel [VideoDescription] =>Innovation Speaker & Future Optimist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLvpZ-kkJ4w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [11] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 906 [VideoName] => German Ramirez Speaker Reel [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez - Redner Digitalisierung, Transformation & Technologien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb-tyVQN1sc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [12] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 905 [VideoName] => Sophie Hundertmark [VideoDescription] =>Sophie Hundertmark - Intelligent Chatbots - TEDxHochschuleLuzern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjnjDUbxS7k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 300 [Name] => Hundertmark [Firstname] => Sophie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hundertmark-sophie-portraitbild.jpg ) [13] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 904 [VideoName] => Sophie Hundertmark [VideoDescription] =>Sophie Hundertmark zu ChatGPT - 10vor10
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUq77rIkduo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 300 [Name] => Hundertmark [Firstname] => Sophie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hundertmark-sophie-portraitbild.jpg ) [14] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 903 [VideoName] => Dominic von Proeck [VideoDescription] =>Dominic von Proeck - Hacking your brain through your sense of smell
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnRbAW_Tadw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 299 [Name] => von Proeck [Firstname] => Dominic [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-proeck-dominic-portraitbild.jpg ) [15] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 902 [VideoName] => Dominic von Proeck [VideoDescription] =>Dominic von Proeck - Künstliche Intelligenz wird alle Branchen verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBrM1gaf8ug [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 299 [Name] => von Proeck [Firstname] => Dominic [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-proeck-dominic-portraitbild.jpg ) [16] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 900 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft gestalten: Wie unsere Entscheidungen heute die Welt von morgen beeinflussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXcOvdDkAJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [17] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 901 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Die Weiterentwicklung des E-Commerce: Neue Technologien, neue Möglichkeiten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7du47IMQjOs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [18] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 899 [VideoName] => Léa Steinacker & Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel & Léa Steinacker: Wie KI unsere Welt verändert und was wir dabei gewinnen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke3EEAniP3I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 298 [Name] => Steinacker [Firstname] => Léa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steinacker-lea-portraitbild.jpg ) [19] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 898 [VideoName] => Léa Steinacker & Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel & Léa Steinacker: Gefahren und Chancen durch Künstliche Intelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n789JY6z33I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 298 [Name] => Steinacker [Firstname] => Léa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steinacker-lea-portraitbild.jpg ) [20] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 897 [VideoName] => [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin für Event, Gala, Award, Messe, Kongress, Podium, Hybrid-Event, TV - Ilka Groenewold 2025
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrw73ja7cBM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 157 [Name] => Groenewold [Firstname] => Ilka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenewold-ilka-portraitbild.jpg ) [21] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 896 [VideoName] => [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 297 [Name] => Suter [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-suter-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [22] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 895 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - Business Storytelling - The Premium Speakers Agency
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq_yDfCFUgU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [23] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 894 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher: "I never really liked my teammates, except this one..." - Ralf on his F1 career
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiiWv7nr9MQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [24] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 893 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher interview before driving the BMW Williams FW25 in Spielberg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiiWv7nr9MQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [25] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 892 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher on why he left Jordan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Arttho6CyE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [26] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 890 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez "Branding in the digital age" Live auf der StartupCon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIy2AARmy_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [27] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 889 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez: The third and final digital revolution - TEDxLugano
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBIqQ_Owd7s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [28] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 888 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez für Vortrag Digitalisierung, Branding, Marketing, Disruption & Führung buchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU5BkdpBmc0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [29] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 887 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: No Bullshit Innovation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LWxQQasvU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [30] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 886 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: Was ist die Lösung für Mobilität?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dE9E2mfS8U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [31] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 885 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: Get real Innovation. Wie man wirklich innovativ wird. TEDxOldenbourg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndbZAEyhmps [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [32] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 884 [VideoName] => Angela Oguntala [VideoDescription] =>Angela Oguntala - Re-Imagine the Future | TEDxCopenhagen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB-BGlAqeDc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 293 [Name] => Oguntala [Firstname] => Angela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oguntala-angela-portraitbild.jpg ) [33] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 883 [VideoName] => Angela Oguntala [VideoDescription] =>Angela Oguntala - Designing futures
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFVOAf-f1Pg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 293 [Name] => Oguntala [Firstname] => Angela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oguntala-angela-portraitbild.jpg ) [34] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 882 [VideoName] => Selma Kuyas [VideoDescription] =>Selma Kuyas - The future of Employee Benefits
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSHVH8tSwMI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 292 [Name] => Kuyas [Firstname] => Selma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuyas-selma-portraitbild.jpg ) [35] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 881 [VideoName] => Selma Kuyas [VideoDescription] =>Selma Kuyas - Authentizität - Mythos oder Gamechanger?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1OmDWvY0M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 292 [Name] => Kuyas [Firstname] => Selma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuyas-selma-portraitbild.jpg ) [36] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 880 [VideoName] => Chris Heemskerk [VideoDescription] =>Chris Heemskerk - The Innovation Scorecard by the Innovation Alliance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N49t6nr5tIM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 291 [Name] => Heemskerk [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heemskerk-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [37] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 879 [VideoName] => Chris Heemskerk [VideoDescription] =>Chris Heemskerk on Innovation & Future Trends - The Importance of Adopting an Innovation Strategy in your Business.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHZFQI2xcIY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 291 [Name] => Heemskerk [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heemskerk-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [38] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 878 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elazari Virtual Keynote Speaker - Cyber Security in Times of Crisis
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD9VITXjynA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [39] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 877 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elzarai - Hacking: Das Immunsystem des Internets | TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erCAp_Bd0AQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [40] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 876 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elazari - A Short introduction to The Friendly Hacker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxSOiRnu9ok [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [41] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 875 [VideoName] => Sabina Kocherhans [VideoDescription] =>Sabina Kocherhans - Diversität, Inklusion und wie Du Kunden verblüffst
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNNAIEpcQXk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 289 [Name] => Kocherhans [Firstname] => Sabina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kocherhans-sabina-portraitbild.jpg ) [42] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 874 [VideoName] => Sarah Lewandowski [VideoDescription] =>Sarah Lewandowski - Bayer's Innovation Journey
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaKFI0RRSEg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 288 [Name] => Lewandowski [Firstname] => Sarah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lewandowski-sarah-portraitbild.jpg ) [43] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 873 [VideoName] => Sarah Lewandowski [VideoDescription] =>Sarah Lewandowski - Labs on Edge – Innovation im Pflanzenschutz mit einer hybriden Machine Learning Pipeline | HCS22
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWApjSJnWxw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 288 [Name] => Lewandowski [Firstname] => Sarah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lewandowski-sarah-portraitbild.jpg ) [44] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 872 [VideoName] => Bernd Hufnagl [VideoDescription] =>Bernd Hufnagl - Besser fix als fertig. Hirngerecht arbeiten?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csP6yyKjdtQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 287 [Name] => Hufnagl [Firstname] => Bernd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hufnagl-bernd-portraitbild.jpg ) [45] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 871 [VideoName] => Bernd Hufnagl [VideoDescription] =>Bernd Hufnagl: Future Brain - Wie meistert unser Gehirn die Zukunft?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=178sd1FGYqw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 287 [Name] => Hufnagl [Firstname] => Bernd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hufnagl-bernd-portraitbild.jpg ) [46] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 868 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>The Future Unveiled
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=095wZDztJNE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [47] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 869 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Digitalization and Sustainability
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBLOaZhnsz8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [48] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 867 [VideoName] => Nikki Greenberg [VideoDescription] =>Nikki Greenberg - Keynote Speaker - The Future of High Performance Teams - Millenials and Gen Z: Our Future Customers
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkpGTR6lyIY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 285 [Name] => Greenberg [Firstname] => Nikki [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-greenberg-nikki-portraitbild.jpg ) [49] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 866 [VideoName] => Niki Greenberg [VideoDescription] =>Nikki Greenberg - The Future is now. Create our Future today.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLP-nSI1yuA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 285 [Name] => Greenberg [Firstname] => Nikki [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-greenberg-nikki-portraitbild.jpg ) [50] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 865 [VideoName] => Jeremy Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>The Zero Marginal Cost Society | Jeremy Rifkin | Talks at Google
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-iDUcETjvo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [51] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 864 [VideoName] => Jereny Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>V.O. Complete. Resilience, the key to our future. Jeremy Rifkin, sociologist and economist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jA58f2d8yQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [52] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 863 [VideoName] => Jeremy Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>Jeremy Rifkin - A history of the future – the world in 2025
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUVeg-x9Za4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [53] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 862 [VideoName] => Anna Kopp, CIO Microsoft Germany [VideoDescription] =>Leadership in a Transforming World & The Future Workplace mit Anna Kopp von Microsoft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1PRiub7tXA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 283 [Name] => Kopp [Firstname] => Anna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kopp-anna-portraitbild.jpg ) [54] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 861 [VideoName] => Anna Kopp, CIO Microsoft Germany [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Transformation mit dem Menschen im Fokus - Anna Kopp, CIO, Microsoft Deutschland
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5Kxat1b818 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 283 [Name] => Kopp [Firstname] => Anna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kopp-anna-portraitbild.jpg ) [55] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 859 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Skincareroutine 101 Skincare Beginners Guide by Dermdoc Dr Liv Kraemer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24VId3aF3uI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [56] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 860 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Liv Kraemer - Alpensymposium 2024
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9El6MBim_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [57] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 858 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Liv Kraemer - Longevity: Ein gesundes langes Leben
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5xvcVgq-CQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [58] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 857 [VideoName] => Gerlinde Manz-Christ [VideoDescription] =>Gerlinde Manz-Christ: Vertrauen ist die Basis und das Ziel zugleich von Diplomatie und erfolgreicher Kommunikation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZBMcODodHg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 281 [Name] => Manz-Christ [Firstname] => Gerlinde [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-manz-christ-gerlinde-portraitbild.jpg ) [59] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 856 [VideoName] => Gerlinde Manz-Christ [VideoDescription] =>Gerlinde Manz-Christ: Diplomatische Kommunikation - Die Kunst des sanften Siegens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOJrnnGiQ1w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 281 [Name] => Manz-Christ [Firstname] => Gerlinde [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-manz-christ-gerlinde-portraitbild.jpg ) [60] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 855 [VideoName] => Anja Blacha [VideoDescription] =>Anja Blacha Referentin & Abenteuerin & Bergsteigerin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYjGnH1cqdw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 31 [Name] => Blacha [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blacha-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [61] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 854 [VideoName] => Holger Bröer [VideoDescription] =>Holger Bröer: Wie Du in 8 Minuten neue Kunden gewinnst. Redner Kundenzentrierung und Verkauf
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ve3ND13W8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 280 [Name] => Bröer [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-broeer-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [62] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 853 [VideoName] => Holger Bröer [VideoDescription] =>Holger Bröer - Ich hasse Kaltakquise. Der Verkaufstrainer.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJqFPCVPyKU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 280 [Name] => Bröer [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-broeer-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [63] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 852 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>AFCP Soirèe Prestige
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrEYj6bbu58 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [64] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 851 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner | watching and reflecting on his olympic victory with his family
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg4C5_yecQI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [65] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 850 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner wins an emotional gold at Beijing 2008 | Epic Olympic Moments
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPwDWMfy7Z4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [66] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 849 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner Shares his Emotional Beijing 2008 Weightlifting Gold
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssO92BNsJc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [67] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 848 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner Olympiasieg 2008 in Peking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9LJ3ihufeI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [68] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 847 [VideoName] => Tim Cortinovis [VideoDescription] =>Tim Cortinovis - Global keynote speaker on Artificial Intelligence and Automation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_tTQl5PsPY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 278 [Name] => Cortinovis [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cortinovis-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [69] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 846 [VideoName] => Tim Cortinovis [VideoDescription] =>Tim Cortinovis Speaker Artificial Intelligence, Sales & Business mindset
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFLwhoZ_E8c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 278 [Name] => Cortinovis [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cortinovis-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [70] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 845 [VideoName] => Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel: Gefahren und Chancen durch Künstliche Intelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n789JY6z33I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 277 [Name] => Meckel [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meckel-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [71] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 844 [VideoName] => Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel: Zukunft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz | Wohnung 17 | WDR
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvIqPznYnw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 277 [Name] => Meckel [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meckel-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [72] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 843 [VideoName] => Edgar Itt [VideoDescription] =>Edgar Itt - Inspiration aus Leidenschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sizsUlK00l4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 276 [Name] => Itt [Firstname] => Edgar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-itt-edgar-portraitbild.jpg ) [73] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 842 [VideoName] => Edgar Itt [VideoDescription] =>Edgar Itt: Olympia steckt in Jedem - Über Hürden zum Erfolg.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxSPkJjKQyI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 276 [Name] => Itt [Firstname] => Edgar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-itt-edgar-portraitbild.jpg ) [74] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 841 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag "The Magic of Attention" - TEDxBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY1xiQvoBhw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [75] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 840 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton - Removing Friction unleashes innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKmEOZ_ZIB0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [76] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 839 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton - Achieving the impossible
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6qjqG9Ux0s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [77] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 838 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton, Founder of Shazam, innovation & technology keynote speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ251lS0Jf8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [78] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 837 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara: Is Purpose good for Business? Ranjay Gulati with Jyoti Guptara at 2022 Global Peter Drucker Forum
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHUbDq4Qw3g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [79] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 836 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - How Stories HACK the Brain: Business Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2K3fQ0Jfww [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [80] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 835 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - They only remember the Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTrBjxq1b8M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [81] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 832 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>War die Abschaffung der Wehrpflicht ein Fehler? Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg im Gespräch | maischberger
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvJDlmFILBo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [82] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 831 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg über die Sorge um die USA und seine Karriere
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHWF6hIYj6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [83] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 830 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Germany must not hide behind bureaucratic answers in Ukraine war response
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOc1T3P4mRA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [84] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 829 [VideoName] => Guido H. Baltes [VideoDescription] =>Guido H. Baltes Speaker digital Transformation, innovation & disruption. Strategic Management Perspectives.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfIuGAWW0g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 270 [Name] => Baltes [Firstname] => Guido H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baltes-guido-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [85] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 828 [VideoName] => Guido H. Baltes [VideoDescription] =>Guido H. Baltes Opening Keynote 24th ICE/IEEE Conference
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuwWo4eNLEA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 270 [Name] => Baltes [Firstname] => Guido H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baltes-guido-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [86] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 827 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker at Oxford Union
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofhulQPMZio [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [87] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 826 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker bei der OMR - "Ich brauche die internationale Öffentlichkeit."
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0YmB_aP2R4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [88] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 825 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker: First UK TV Interview since leaving prison
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Ui-yWKzhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [89] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 824 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Bargetzi: The World of Tomorrow. Big Tech meets Neuroscience - TEDxSHMS 2023
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sA5uuQTJXU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [90] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 823 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>Alpensymposium 2024 - Zarifa Ghafari: The future of Afghanistan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScfTTUVxWl8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [91] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 822 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Alpensymposium 2024 - Wie man aus Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partner Markenbotschafter macht.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hry-ErOhfY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [92] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 821 [VideoName] => Oliver Zeidler [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Zeidler - Einer für den Einer. Die Doku.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1jZL5A5gg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 268 [Name] => Zeidler [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zeidler-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [93] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 820 [VideoName] => Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8FeDv1rmpU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 249 [Name] => Corneliussen [Firstname] => Arne Elias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-corneliussen-arne-elias-portraitbild.jpg ) [94] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 819 [VideoName] => Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VIUWwMoO3U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 249 [Name] => Corneliussen [Firstname] => Arne Elias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-corneliussen-arne-elias-portraitbild.jpg ) [95] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 818 [VideoName] => Isabell Werth [VideoDescription] =>Isabell Werth im Gespräch über Erfolg, die Besonderheiten und was sie antreibt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek9zSNkpi_M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 267 [Name] => Werth [Firstname] => Isabell [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-werth-isabell-portraitbild.jpg ) [96] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 817 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Michaela Merk - TEDxBelfort: A la rencontre de la Confiance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTTmT7VrWIs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [97] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 816 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>Expert on Leadership and Crisis-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59O15HijFm4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [98] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 815 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>Nicola Winter - Expertin für Führung & Krisen-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkRhbjFMeEE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [99] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 814 [VideoName] => Kevin Lötscher [VideoDescription] =>Kevin Lötscher - Die Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEquEdk3qKY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 266 [Name] => Lötscher [Firstname] => Kevin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-loetscher-kevin-portraitbild.jpg ) [100] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 813 [VideoName] => Kevin Lötscher [VideoDescription] =>Kevin Lötscher - The Playmyker is You - TEDxHWZ Zurich
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qaax-pP0NY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 266 [Name] => Lötscher [Firstname] => Kevin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-loetscher-kevin-portraitbild.jpg ) [101] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 812 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Showreel Julia Bauer - ready for 2024
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VrgBwSqXpg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [102] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 811 [VideoName] => Torsten Kleint [VideoDescription] =>Torsten Kleint - Mindset. Was es braucht, Ziele zu erreichen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeQrqUO5bEE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 265 [Name] => Kleint [Firstname] => Torsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kleint-torsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [103] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 810 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Zurbuchen: NASA-Forschungsdirektor will auf den Mars
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wUWB1Nyg-4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [104] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 809 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Aus der Freikirche ins All – Die steile Karriere des NASA-Direktors Thomas Zurbuchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pov_bBZbxc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [105] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 808 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Understanding our Universe through the lens of NASA with former Head of Science Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UPPEnOYbdA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [106] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 807 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>Dietmar Dahmen on Strategies, Disruption & Digital Trust
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCJpn6pyd0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [107] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 806 [VideoName] => Victoria Riess [VideoDescription] =>Victoria Riess' Site Growth Strategy – How to grow your global tech hub by 150% #growthstrategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X32XnrbLICI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 263 [Name] => Riess [Firstname] => Victoria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riess-victoria-portraitbild.jpg ) [108] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 805 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Anticipating the Future Normal | FHS 2023 - GRIF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1SYm6z5tPQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [109] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 804 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Henry Coutinho-Mason: Future Thinker, Idea Generator. Strategic Storyteller.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxQgoD2IcRI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [110] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 803 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Henry Coutinho-Mason - Anticipating the Future Normal
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyXM_NbujgM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [111] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 802 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>The future normal with Henry Coutinho Mason - Thrive Live '23
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZC2kERPF54 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [112] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 801 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Chinese E-commerce: Latest trends and Pro Tips from Sharon Gai - Alibaba Group
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFyzGJ8T0Fo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [113] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 800 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Sharon Gai - The Future of E-Commerce and digital Marketing | Alibaba
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG60biCBk5g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [114] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 799 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Sharon Gai - Culture Fluid: How to be the bridge in a divided world | TEDxMcGill
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O41VBjyxM2k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [115] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 797 [VideoName] => Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Peter Kreuz - So schnell lernen, wie die Welt sich verändert.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibA0OO_HzV0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 167 [Name] => Kreuz [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kreuz-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [116] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 795 [VideoName] => Christian Wehner [VideoDescription] =>Christian Wehner - Think New. Transform Now.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk0_fUWpmcc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 259 [Name] => Wehner [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wehner-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [117] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 794 [VideoName] => Benjamin Talin [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Talin beim Digital-Gipfel 2022 Berlin zu Digitalen Zukunft und neuen Technologien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a60vDVYbCNg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 258 [Name] => Talin [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-talin-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [118] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 793 [VideoName] => Benjamin Talin [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Talin, Founder morethandigital.info, Digital-Experte & Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_gtaHrKJlo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 258 [Name] => Talin [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-talin-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [119] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 791 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Technology & Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oBwcxu1b5U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [120] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 790 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Management, Innovation & Cultural Game
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc8uckDXEd4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [121] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 789 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Entrepreneurship
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH5uk5izcrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [122] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 788 [VideoName] => Luzia Tschirky [VideoDescription] =>Luzia Tschirky: Krieg in der Ukraine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agf-u2IsFGo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 256 [Name] => Tschirky [Firstname] => Luzia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tschirky-luzia-portraitbild.jpg ) [123] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 787 [VideoName] => Luzia Tschirky [VideoDescription] =>Ukraine-Krieg: Total Vernichtung. Wenn der Krieg einem alles nimmt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZH14l8hQiI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 256 [Name] => Tschirky [Firstname] => Luzia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tschirky-luzia-portraitbild.jpg ) [124] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 786 [VideoName] => Dominik Neidhart [VideoDescription] =>Dominik Neidhart - Working together wins. Teamwork & Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cJi_28-FDE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 57 [Name] => Neidhart [Firstname] => Dominik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-neidhart-dominik-portraitbild.jpg ) [125] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 785 [VideoName] => Cristián Gálvez [VideoDescription] =>Cristián Gálvez - So entsteht gutes Selbstbewusstsein. Persönlichkeit schafft Wirkung.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJf5iqxERY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 255 [Name] => Gálvez [Firstname] => Cristián [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-galvez-cristian-portraitbild.jpg ) [126] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 784 [VideoName] => Cristián Gálvez [VideoDescription] =>Cristián Gálvez - Menschen begeistern: So bekommst du die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQifzLjlF-k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 255 [Name] => Gálvez [Firstname] => Cristián [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-galvez-cristian-portraitbild.jpg ) [127] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 783 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Benedikt Böhm: Shaping future leaders - One of the best mountaineer worldwide
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN4e7Ylu5R4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [128] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 782 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Benedikt Böhm: Einer der besten Bergsteiger der Welt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAqf_zpFhR4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [129] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 781 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Diversity and Inclusion
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GQ-UGDLqK0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [130] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 780 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Silence, the forgotten human skill | TEDxWassenaar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDr_GW4JnJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [131] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 779 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Organizations as Purpose driven Tribes
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_bxJG_aXIM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [132] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 778 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Building a Future-proof Corporate Culture
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rHQC5gObY0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [133] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 777 [VideoName] => Maks Giordano [VideoDescription] =>Maks Giordano - TEDxHongkong - Some thoughts on lifestyle of mobility
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeFA6bG2IAk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 253 [Name] => Giordano [Firstname] => Maks [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-giordano-maks-portraitbild.jpg ) [134] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 776 [VideoName] => Maks Giordano [VideoDescription] =>Maks Giordano: The Future of Retail
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Es1uXIjWA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 253 [Name] => Giordano [Firstname] => Maks [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-giordano-maks-portraitbild.jpg ) [135] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 775 [VideoName] => Michal Ziso [VideoDescription] =>Michal Ziso: The surprising things I learnt on my journey to become a Space Architect - TEDxISU
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mclRpweCu3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 252 [Name] => Ziso [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ziso-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [136] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 774 [VideoName] => Michal Ziso [VideoDescription] =>Michal Ziso: Equality Lessons from mars - TEDxJaffaWomen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XvPGBXHYU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 252 [Name] => Ziso [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ziso-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [137] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 773 [VideoName] => Lucas Sauberschwarz [VideoDescription] =>Lucas Sauberschwarz on Corporate Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LnxQgRHMiI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 251 [Name] => Sauberschwarz [Firstname] => Lucas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sauberschwarz-lucas-portraitbild.jpg ) [138] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 772 [VideoName] => Lucas Sauberschwarz [VideoDescription] =>Lucas Sauberschwarz zum Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft & schönen neuen Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3GWKWiLAA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 251 [Name] => Sauberschwarz [Firstname] => Lucas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sauberschwarz-lucas-portraitbild.jpg ) [139] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 771 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Ein Tag mit Olympiasiegerin Deborah Levi
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJqSIgo35Gs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [140] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 770 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Deborah Levi aus Dillenburg rauscht zu Olympia-Gold im Zweierbob
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EjDcpPwdWo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [141] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 769 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Olympiasiegerin Zweierbob 2022 - Sport-Stipendiat des Jahres 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3krbE4kGFoY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [142] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 767 [VideoName] => Sarik Weber [VideoDescription] =>Sarik Weber on digital Transformation and Industry 4.0
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgL6Rlc2EEY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 248 [Name] => Weber [Firstname] => Sarik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weber-sarik-portraitbild.jpg ) [143] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 766 [VideoName] => Sarik Weber [VideoDescription] =>Sarik Weber über Fokus Zukunft: Unser Leben in 2050.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxsKQnbR78I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 248 [Name] => Weber [Firstname] => Sarik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weber-sarik-portraitbild.jpg ) [144] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 765 [VideoName] => Marco Tempest [VideoDescription] =>Cyber Illusionist Marco Tempest - Magic Experiences & Creativity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe3N8xQHP-o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 247 [Name] => Tempest [Firstname] => Marco [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tempest-marco-portraitbild.jpg ) [145] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 764 [VideoName] => Marco Tempest [VideoDescription] =>Marco Tempest: The world's most popular live keynote presenter
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5y4KjdvLtM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 247 [Name] => Tempest [Firstname] => Marco [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tempest-marco-portraitbild.jpg ) [146] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 763 [VideoName] => Georges T. Roos [VideoDescription] =>Futurist Georges T. Roos - Leben in einer Smart World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Sid5nrlAA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 246 [Name] => Roos [Firstname] => Georges T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-roos-georges-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [147] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 762 [VideoName] => Georges T. Roos [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftsforscher Georges T. Roos - Lifestyle 202X
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zON-N1gA03A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 246 [Name] => Roos [Firstname] => Georges T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-roos-georges-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [148] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 761 [VideoName] => Missy Lee & Rahel Kindermann [VideoDescription] =>Missy Lee & Rahel Kindermann - Focus on your Horizon. The True North Star Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxe8N7Jhu1w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 245 [Name] => Lee [Firstname] => Missy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lee-missy-portraitbild.jpg ) [149] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 760 [VideoName] => Anthony Taylor [VideoDescription] =>Anthony Taylor - Dealing with mistakes, VAR and Christian Eriksen collapse
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ime2E9sYdkw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 244 [Name] => Taylor [Firstname] => Anthony [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-taylor-anthony-portraitbild.jpg ) [150] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 758 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: What to trust in a "post-truth" world - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpJx5VLQMxk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [151] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 757 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: The social responsibility of Business - TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5KZhm19EO0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [152] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 756 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: The Pie-Growing Mindset - TEDxManchester
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM67YJtYo6k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [153] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 755 [VideoName] => Florian Kehl [VideoDescription] =>Auf der Suche nach ausserirdischem Leben
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0GHcFeB2QQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 242 [Name] => Kehl [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kehl-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [154] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 754 [VideoName] => Florian Kehl [VideoDescription] =>NASA- & ESA-Weltraumforscher
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKOYNbDBbPw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 242 [Name] => Kehl [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kehl-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [155] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 753 [VideoName] => Thilo Stadelmann [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz - Chance oder Gefahr?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P89cDOqlATw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 241 [Name] => Stadelmann [Firstname] => Thilo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stadelmann-thilo-portraitbild.jpg ) [156] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 752 [VideoName] => Thilo Stadelmann [VideoDescription] =>Welche MACHT hat Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie können wir sie nutzen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sk_mX0dSCQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 241 [Name] => Stadelmann [Firstname] => Thilo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stadelmann-thilo-portraitbild.jpg ) [157] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 751 [VideoName] => Thomas Druyen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Druyen: Was Zukunft mit unserer Psyche macht.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iovA75lo-Zg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 240 [Name] => Druyen [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-druyen-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [158] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 750 [VideoName] => Thomas Druyen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Druyen: Verantwortung beim Umgang mit Vermögen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaRwyEJ2qg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 240 [Name] => Druyen [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-druyen-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [159] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 749 [VideoName] => Tina Teucher [VideoDescription] =>Innovation ist langweilig - Wenn sie die Welt nicht besser macht
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_2nDsxjHyk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 239 [Name] => Teucher [Firstname] => Tina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-teucher-tina-portraitbild.jpg ) [160] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 748 [VideoName] => Tina Teucher [VideoDescription] =>Tina Teucher: Wie Sie den Megatrends Nachhaltigkeit zu Ihrem Wettbewerbsvorteil machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMaUhFZnpbI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 239 [Name] => Teucher [Firstname] => Tina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-teucher-tina-portraitbild.jpg ) [161] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 747 [VideoName] => Béla Réthy [VideoDescription] =>Béla Réthy - EINBLICKE: Menschen mit Geschichte und Geschichten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKRJRViseUM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 238 [Name] => Réthy [Firstname] => Béla [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rethy-bela-portraitbild.jpg ) [162] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 746 [VideoName] => Béla Réthy [VideoDescription] =>Béla Réthy - Die besten Momente und Abschlussworte bei ZDF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYSveWqrgrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 238 [Name] => Réthy [Firstname] => Béla [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rethy-bela-portraitbild.jpg ) [163] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 745 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>Scariest Goalkeeper in Football History - The Titan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-y8fg1bDNc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [164] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 744 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>FIFA World Cup
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwb4aNkcofI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [165] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 743 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Kahn und die 10 besten Paraden für den FC Bayern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMAjDtr1GoI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [166] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 742 [VideoName] => Deniz Kayadelen [VideoDescription] =>Deniz Kayadelen - Out of Comfort Zone at TEDxBodrum
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0DOJF3XdFg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 236 [Name] => Kayadelen [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kayadelen-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [167] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 739 [VideoName] => Matthew Mockridge [VideoDescription] =>Worauf es ankommt....Jungunternehmertag mit Matthew Mockridge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKdThr4Wf5g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 234 [Name] => Mockridge [Firstname] => Matthew [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mockridge-matthew-portraitbild.jpg ) [168] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 738 [VideoName] => Matthew Mockridge [VideoDescription] =>The Power of Today - TEDxDHBWMannheim
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mggSiT89OA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 234 [Name] => Mockridge [Firstname] => Matthew [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mockridge-matthew-portraitbild.jpg ) [169] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 737 [VideoName] => Elly Oldenbourg [VideoDescription] =>Elly Oldenbourg: Re-Inventing Work - TEDxFS Frankfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MpaLA2QnRU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 233 [Name] => Oldenbourg [Firstname] => Elly [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oldenbourg-elly-portraitbild.jpg ) [170] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 736 [VideoName] => Elly Oldenbourg [VideoDescription] =>Der Morgen-Salon: Neue Handlungsimpulse in einer neuen Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY-DDa9nTtc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 233 [Name] => Oldenbourg [Firstname] => Elly [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oldenbourg-elly-portraitbild.jpg ) [171] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 735 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Harte Zeiten bringen uns zum Wachsen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSMwHQ3AquQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [172] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 734 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Unbreakable
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv1VUl7eQiM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [173] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 733 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Patricia Kelly im Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbJr0LFURBo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [174] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 732 [VideoName] => Michael Schulz [VideoDescription] =>Michael Schulz: Emotionen sind die wahren Entscheider
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKeVlt_XYYw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 231 [Name] => Schulz [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulz-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [175] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 731 [VideoName] => Michael Schulz [VideoDescription] =>Verkaufs-Experte Michael Schulz über Sales, Direktvertrieb und Führung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVM0TEVemuk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 231 [Name] => Schulz [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulz-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [176] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 730 [VideoName] => Sven Plöger [VideoDescription] =>Wo unser Wetter entsteht: Wie die Alpen unser Wetter machen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti8gl-keW_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 230 [Name] => Plöger [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ploeger-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [177] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 729 [VideoName] => Sven Plöger [VideoDescription] =>Sven Plöger: Zieht Euch warm an. Denn es wird heiss.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztPK4gKLNt4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 230 [Name] => Plöger [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ploeger-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [178] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 728 [VideoName] => Aileen Moeck [VideoDescription] =>Aileen Moeck über die Arbeit als Zukunftsforscherin und zukünftige Berufsbilder
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbqNfvukYr8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 229 [Name] => Moeck [Firstname] => Aileen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-moeck-aileen-portraitbild.jpg ) [179] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 727 [VideoName] => Aileen Moeck [VideoDescription] =>Aileen Moeck über das Lernen in einer digitalen Welt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBDKs6EEOFE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 229 [Name] => Moeck [Firstname] => Aileen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-moeck-aileen-portraitbild.jpg ) [180] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 726 [VideoName] => Benjamin Grewe [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Grewe ETH Podcast Artificial Intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oiEpqasMYk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 228 [Name] => Grewe [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grewe-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [181] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 725 [VideoName] => Bianca-Maria Klein [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbalHPqix4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 205 [Name] => Klein [Firstname] => Bianca-Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-klein-bianca-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [182] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 724 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Warum ein Schwimmstar Unternehmer geworden ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-0vwiaEYU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [183] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 723 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Unverhofft kommt oft - wie Sie das Unerwartete für sich nutzbar machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RklLYsCiMzw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [184] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 722 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Lerne vom dreifachen Olympia-Sieger - Michael Gross im Performance Talk
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI8x8N5QiJI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [185] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 721 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Psychologie von Hackern und Scammern - Cybercrime & Cybersecurity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSCwT0xrPmw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [186] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 720 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Profiling: Erkenne Psychopathen in der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icCqgx2FbUI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [187] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 719 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Profiling-Tricks: Was wir vom FBI über Menschenkenntnis lernen können.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsLEAsdn6xg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [188] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 718 [VideoName] => Rainer Petek [VideoDescription] =>Rainer Petek: Das Nordwand-Prinzip - Extrembergsteiger & Experte für Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLMlxQlnO5Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 225 [Name] => Petek [Firstname] => Rainer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-petek-rainer-portraitbild.jpg ) [189] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 717 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Massage zur geistigen Beweglichkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRQTuGOIpzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [190] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 716 [VideoName] => Stephanie zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Bildung, Chancen und Gerechtigkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OsmB5TVrPE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 224 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Stephanie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-stephanie-portraitbild.jpg ) [191] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 715 [VideoName] => Stephanie zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Bildung & Ausbildung für den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qn1vhNAbKU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 224 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Stephanie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-stephanie-portraitbild.jpg ) [192] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 714 [VideoName] => Sabine Hübner [VideoDescription] =>Was macht exzellenten Service aus?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2MC6XRq7_Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 223 [Name] => Hübner [Firstname] => Sabine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-huebner-sabine-portraitbild.jpg ) [193] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 713 [VideoName] => Sabine Hübner [VideoDescription] =>Veränderungen in der Servicekultur - Was in Zukunft wichtig sein wird.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obSZQHQMM6I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 223 [Name] => Hübner [Firstname] => Sabine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-huebner-sabine-portraitbild.jpg ) [194] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 712 [VideoName] => Thomas Rau [VideoDescription] =>Material Matters - Die Architektur eines neuen Wirtschaftssystems
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFt5kWIcpW4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 222 [Name] => Rau [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rau-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [195] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 711 [VideoName] => Thomas Rau [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Rau on Circular Economy at TEDxZwolle
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrb2v_f0ZYY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 222 [Name] => Rau [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rau-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [196] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 710 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvQ_18p714Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [197] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 709 [VideoName] => Oliver Heer [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Heer Redner Resilienz, Mut, Teamwork und Risiko-Management.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EROkLpjZGjw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 221 [Name] => Heer [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heer-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [198] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 708 [VideoName] => Marga Hoek [VideoDescription] =>Leading Business to a sustainable and prosperous Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDJPRLmSvI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 220 [Name] => Hoek [Firstname] => Marga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoek-marga-portraitbild.jpg ) [199] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 707 [VideoName] => Marga Hoek [VideoDescription] =>Marga Hoek: The SDGS, a compass for everyone, anywhere - TEDxAlkmaar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxHGY63rJU8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 220 [Name] => Hoek [Firstname] => Marga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoek-marga-portraitbild.jpg ) [200] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 706 [VideoName] => Richard van Hooijdonk [VideoDescription] =>The World of Logistics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCzdpCrTung [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 219 [Name] => van Hooijdonk [Firstname] => Richard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-hooijdonk-richard-portraitbild.jpg ) [201] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 705 [VideoName] => Richard van Hooijdonk [VideoDescription] =>At the World Police Summit 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZtXTPZ7EnA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 219 [Name] => van Hooijdonk [Firstname] => Richard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-hooijdonk-richard-portraitbild.jpg ) [202] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 704 [VideoName] => Rahel Kindermann [VideoDescription] =>Make a Flight Plan: Keynote Change-Management, Willpower & Leadership. Reaching Goals.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d7UFV0__rw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 218 [Name] => Kindermann [Firstname] => Rahel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kindermann-rahel-portraitbild.jpg ) [203] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 703 [VideoName] => Monika Schnitzer [VideoDescription] =>Inflation & Krieg - Die Zukunft der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2EcEb3jvKs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 217 [Name] => Schnitzer [Firstname] => Monika [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schnitzer-monika-portraitbild.jpg ) [204] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 702 [VideoName] => Monika Schnitzer [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft der Globalisierung im neuen geopolitischen Umfeld
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hsrh10qfZY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 217 [Name] => Schnitzer [Firstname] => Monika [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schnitzer-monika-portraitbild.jpg ) [205] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 699 [VideoName] => Andreas Kuffner [VideoDescription] =>Entscheidungen treffen: So erreichst Du Deine Ziele trotz Rückschlägen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot6PDwtR7WU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 216 [Name] => Kuffner [Firstname] => Andreas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuffner-andreas-portraitbild.jpg ) [206] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 698 [VideoName] => Andreas Kuffner [VideoDescription] =>Teamentwickler & Olympiasieger im Deutschlandachter
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MqHCYD6ZbE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 216 [Name] => Kuffner [Firstname] => Andreas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuffner-andreas-portraitbild.jpg ) [207] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 697 [VideoName] => Paul Niel [VideoDescription] =>Escaping my hamsterwheel - TEDxElsaHighSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0uNcT-krxo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 215 [Name] => Niel [Firstname] => Paul [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-niel-paul-portraitbild.jpg ) [208] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 696 [VideoName] => Paul Niel [VideoDescription] =>Paul Niel - Reaching Goals and keep focused
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48GWjPJ07xU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 215 [Name] => Niel [Firstname] => Paul [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-niel-paul-portraitbild.jpg ) [209] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 695 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>The new Era of Jobs and Pay - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOHLLXAcNhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [210] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 694 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>How Inclusive Leadership drives Cultural Change - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SQaGdmAG8o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [211] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 693 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Stand-up - TEDxFS Frankfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNKf3a0nYa0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [212] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 692 [VideoName] => Pero Mićić [VideoDescription] =>The five questions you must answer about your future | Pero Mićić | TEDxHochschuleLuzern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-iHN8jO6eE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 214 [Name] => Mićić [Firstname] => Pero [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-micic-pero-portraitbild.jpg ) [213] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 691 [VideoName] => Pero Mićić [VideoDescription] =>Pero Mićić - Wovon leben Sie morgen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-8lbj2wcjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 214 [Name] => Mićić [Firstname] => Pero [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-micic-pero-portraitbild.jpg ) [214] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 689 [VideoName] => Frank Busemann [VideoDescription] =>Who is Busman?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwCKwCSouFA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 212 [Name] => Busemann [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busemann-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [215] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 688 [VideoName] => Frank Busemann [VideoDescription] =>Mach's doch einfach - Wie Sie die Erfolgsprinzipien des Sports für Beruf und Alltag nutzen können.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=174L0vCjKVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 212 [Name] => Busemann [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busemann-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [216] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 687 [VideoName] => Bob Hanning [VideoDescription] =>Im aktuellen Sportstudio
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp7PqRaWkbg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 211 [Name] => Hanning [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hanning-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [217] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 686 [VideoName] => Bob Hanning [VideoDescription] =>Sportmanager & Headcoach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hyve28q0BE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 211 [Name] => Hanning [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hanning-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [218] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 685 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>10xDNA - The Mindset of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yIbkVLw6sw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [219] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 684 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Moderne Technologien: So sieht unser Leben in der Zukunft aus
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lP2hqjf3cI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [220] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 683 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Trends & Alltag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZw4XIzZOfA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [221] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 682 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Unternehmer Frank Thelen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7izgB08qw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [222] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 681 [VideoName] => Norbert Hillinger [VideoDescription] =>Creative AI Session mit Tolga Buz und Norbert Hillinger
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmm9cpo52gM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 40 [Name] => Hillinger [Firstname] => Norbert [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hillinger-norbert-portraitbild.jpg ) [223] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 679 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>The 5 secrets of Communication That all Leaders should know
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfOhF3GMfU8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [224] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 678 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>6 communication truths that everyone should know - TEDxVasa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvcbn6WtJvQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [225] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 677 [VideoName] => Stefan Carsten [VideoDescription] =>Stefan Carsten - Welche 3 Trends die Zukunft der Mobilität verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh-oprWTmZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 208 [Name] => Carsten [Firstname] => Stefan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-carsten-stefan-portraitbild.jpg ) [226] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 676 [VideoName] => Stefan Carsten [VideoDescription] =>How do spaces shape the future of urban mobility? TEDxKassel - Stefan Carsten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7rFxg0HT7U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 208 [Name] => Carsten [Firstname] => Stefan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-carsten-stefan-portraitbild.jpg ) [227] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 675 [VideoName] => Dani Nieth [VideoDescription] =>Danie Nieth spricht über positive Kommunikation & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DztGoWhcFDc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 207 [Name] => Nieth [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nieth-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [228] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 674 [VideoName] => Dani Nieth [VideoDescription] =>Impulsreferat Arbeit ist Spiel von Dani Nieth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFsQMLWz2Lg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 207 [Name] => Nieth [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nieth-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [229] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 673 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>The Business of the Future - Re-Think the box.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7R_VJyxleM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [230] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 672 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>Love your iPhone and your iPhone will love you back. TEDxGöteborg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocMsomdpFRA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [231] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 671 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>Aric Dromi: How to write a new story for Bulgaria - TEDxVitosha
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm99hjPqdg4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [232] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 670 [VideoName] => Bianca-Maria Klein [VideoDescription] =>Erwartungen loslassen: So führst Du ein selbstbestimmtes Leben.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYy71udcLzc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 205 [Name] => Klein [Firstname] => Bianca-Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-klein-bianca-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [233] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 669 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>Freitauchen - Erweiterung von Kompetenz und persönlichen Stärken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBcMpLwpcMo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [234] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 668 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>22 Minuten ohne zu atmen. Die mentale Stärke vom Weltmeister Tom Sietas im Apnoetauchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se9vGi6pdtI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [235] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 667 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>World Champion Freediver Tom Sietas reveals his breathing Techniques
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbH1hyaWtIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [236] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 666 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>The reality of peacekeeping in the Middle East - Fortune, the most powerful Women
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPBNZUKLK0g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [237] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 665 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>Tzipi Livni: How to fix Democracy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TzQWdiF29U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [238] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 664 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>A Conversation with Tzipi Livni
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVMRzhPPlMI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [239] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 663 [VideoName] => Holger Stromberg [VideoDescription] =>5 Leitlinien für eine gesündere Ernährung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVJ_ZtU7GqU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 202 [Name] => Stromberg [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stromberg-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [240] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 662 [VideoName] => Holger Stromberg [VideoDescription] =>Holger Stromberg: Essen ändert alles
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H_0uHEn8w0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 202 [Name] => Stromberg [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stromberg-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [241] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 661 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Alpen, Asien, Afrika - Bergauf & Bergab
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Iawjgxm1c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [242] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 660 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Die Reise durch die Welt - Vorträge Anselm Pahnke
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tcz0oLC42A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [243] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 659 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Mit dem Fahrrad durch Afrika: Von einer Reise zum Kinofilm
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8E3b9VRUCU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [244] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 658 [VideoName] => Hans-Werner Sinn [VideoDescription] =>So bekommen wir die Inflation und die Wirtschaft in den Griff.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5XArmJqIjs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 200 [Name] => Sinn [Firstname] => Hans-Werner [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sinn-hans-werner-portraitbild.jpg ) [245] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 657 [VideoName] => Hans-Werner Sinn [VideoDescription] =>Inflation und Staatsverschuldung - Was kommt auf uns zu?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i04Rtz1wQek [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 200 [Name] => Sinn [Firstname] => Hans-Werner [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sinn-hans-werner-portraitbild.jpg ) [246] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 656 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>5 ways military leadership can empower your parenting - TEDxUniBw
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_1eNj6nSHs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [247] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 655 [VideoName] => Dennis-Kenji Kipker [VideoDescription] =>Normen.Machen.Zukunft. - Die Zukunft der Cyberkriminalität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK756GJPbE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 199 [Name] => Kipker [Firstname] => Dennis-Kenji [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kipker-dennis-kenji-portraitbild.jpg ) [248] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 654 [VideoName] => Dennis-Kenji Kipker [VideoDescription] =>Hackback in Deutschland - Wer, was, wie und warum?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTV3MIn_9NA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 199 [Name] => Kipker [Firstname] => Dennis-Kenji [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kipker-dennis-kenji-portraitbild.jpg ) [249] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 653 [VideoName] => Peter Bofinger [VideoDescription] =>Warum die schwarze Null unsere Zukunft ruiniert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCMtmzSvfwI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 198 [Name] => Bofinger [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bofinger-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [250] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 652 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Wer gut führen will, muss das Herz ansteuern.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKuArzKZq8g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [251] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 651 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi - Keynotes & Workshops [VideoDescription] =>Bejamin Bargetzi zur Zukunft von Arbeit und New Work.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKhtdTfWbWg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [252] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 650 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Lanwehr - Der Coach der Bundesligatrainer. Führung eines Bundesligaclubs oder eines Unternehmens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVDl8LzeKc4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [253] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 649 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Lanwehr: New Work auf dem Prüfstand: Was funktioniert? Und was nicht?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9mN_fSckrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [254] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 648 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva meets Melati Wijsen, co-Founder of Bye Bye Plastic Bags Bali
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XjCcKYz6h4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [255] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 647 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>World Economic Forum WEF - 2020, Decade of Action
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpoeL2I9RFY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [256] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 646 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Melati Wijsen - Protecting our Oceans
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ld9S1Ao-Rs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [257] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 645 [VideoName] => Melati & Isabel Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Our campaign to ban plastic bags in Bali - Melati & Isabel Wijsen - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8GCjrDWWUM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [258] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 644 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Melati Wijsen: A roadmap for young changemakers - TED Countdown
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfROjZlyg7o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [259] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 643 [VideoName] => Suzanne Grieger-Langer [VideoDescription] =>Profiling in der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja-ck-FDtmU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 195 [Name] => Grieger-Langer [Firstname] => Suzanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grieger-langer-suzanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [260] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 642 [VideoName] => Suzanne Grieger-Langer [VideoDescription] =>Profiler Suzanne Grieger-Langer - Die Tricks der Trickser
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v47xRrQ36Sg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 195 [Name] => Grieger-Langer [Firstname] => Suzanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grieger-langer-suzanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [261] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 641 [VideoName] => Lars Thomsen [VideoDescription] =>Elektromobilität - Revolution der Automobilindustrie
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62BWCF0Z1WQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 194 [Name] => Thomsen [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thomsen-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [262] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 640 [VideoName] => Lars Thomsen [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft der Elektromobilität - Lars Thomsen Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr90V_-PIHo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 194 [Name] => Thomsen [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thomsen-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [263] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 639 [VideoName] => Sebastian Wächter - Imagefilm der Firma Barrierefrei im Kopf 2023 [VideoDescription] =>Imagefilm der Firma Barrierefrei im Kopf 2023
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5ydzY1uWP8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 193 [Name] => Wächter [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-waechter-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [264] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 638 [VideoName] => Sebastian Wächter - Vortrag Highlights: Diversity [VideoDescription] =>Experte Change-Management, Resilienz, Inklusion, Diversität & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as4kS4pJWv0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 193 [Name] => Wächter [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-waechter-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [265] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 637 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis Varoufakis
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4s5b9NL3I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [266] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 636 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Capitalism
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihVcrnFag1s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [267] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 635 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGeevtdp1WQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [268] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 634 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Technofeudalism: Explaining to Slavoj Zizek why I think capitalism has evolved into something worse
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghx0sq_gXK4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [269] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 633 [VideoName] => Paul Wilhelm von Preussen [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung & die Generation Z - Tradition trifft Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_JC7La3JcU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 191 [Name] => von Preussen [Firstname] => Paul Wilhelm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-preussen-paul-wilhelm-portraitbild.jpg ) [270] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 632 [VideoName] => Oona Horx Strathern [VideoDescription] =>Bauen und Wohnen im Wandel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPRGULMsu0Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 190 [Name] => Horx Strathern [Firstname] => Oona [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-strathern-oona-portraitbild.jpg ) [271] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 631 [VideoName] => Oona Horx Strathern [VideoDescription] =>Hoffice or not? Wie verändern sich die Ansprüche an Wohn- & Arbeitsräume?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtSM0tQ9JY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 190 [Name] => Horx Strathern [Firstname] => Oona [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-strathern-oona-portraitbild.jpg ) [272] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 630 [VideoName] => Reinhard K. Sprenger [VideoDescription] =>Interview zum Thema "Radikal Führen".
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz1eNyxHijs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 189 [Name] => Sprenger [Firstname] => Reinhard K. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sprenger-reinhard-k-portraitbild.jpg ) [273] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 629 [VideoName] => Reinhard K. Sprenger [VideoDescription] =>Mythos Motivation - Ein Unternehmen zukunftsfähig machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2dDcadAVfU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 189 [Name] => Sprenger [Firstname] => Reinhard K. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sprenger-reinhard-k-portraitbild.jpg ) [274] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 628 [VideoName] => Lisa Eckhardt [VideoDescription] =>Lisa Eckhardt Keynote High Performance Teams, Krisen-Management & Change.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkUoxxeYv8Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 188 [Name] => Eckhardt [Firstname] => Lisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-eckhardt-lisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [275] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 627 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Mit Führungskultur zu besseren Kundenerlebnissen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYlPYhPkYSk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [276] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 626 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Strategic Innovation Expert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_kXK5etK_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [277] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 625 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Leadership Strategies for the third Wave of Digitization.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d548_ISjfCw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [278] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 624 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>Brett King on Bank 4.0 at #IntellectUserMeet
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjWnL1JvKS8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [279] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 623 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>TEDxConejo - Bank 2.0: Modality Shift
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm7pIyRTFP0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [280] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 622 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>Brett King about Bank 4.0 and The Future of Financial Services
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QySt8rt2mPw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [281] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 621 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>The futurist best-selling author Brett King talks about what he thinks will end the banking industry
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCFUbPC6yHE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [282] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 620 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Grenzgänger Markus Blum - Australien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf7eFPCREhA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [283] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 619 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Grenzgänger Markus Blum - Kanada
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbxJ2YguQdQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [284] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 618 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Abenteurer Markus Blum in der SRF DOK "Auf und Davon"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIT3f0x0Ns0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [285] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 617 [VideoName] => Johanna Spirker [VideoDescription] =>TEDxLend: It's not just a game. It's a game changer.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgXf5iwgXt8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 184 [Name] => Pirker [Firstname] => Johanna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pirker-johanna-portraitbild.jpg ) [286] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 616 [VideoName] => Johanna Spirker [VideoDescription] =>Johanna Spirker about Teaching & Researching at TU Graz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROuc7xY3Ae0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 184 [Name] => Pirker [Firstname] => Johanna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pirker-johanna-portraitbild.jpg ) [287] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 615 [VideoName] => Fredrik Haren [VideoDescription] =>What is Creativity? A funny and inspiring speech at the Global Leadership Summit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqcdb8kpujI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 183 [Name] => Haren [Firstname] => Fredrik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-haren-fredrik-portraitbild.jpg ) [288] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 614 [VideoName] => Fredrik Haren [VideoDescription] =>Fredrik Haren: Organizations - What is Creativity?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe6wl0cEvmI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 183 [Name] => Haren [Firstname] => Fredrik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-haren-fredrik-portraitbild.jpg ) [289] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 613 [VideoName] => Dani Arnold [VideoDescription] =>Motivation, Führung & Risikomanagement - Dani Arnold Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAR82HGktJI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 182 [Name] => Arnold [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-arnold-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [290] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 612 [VideoName] => Dani Arnold [VideoDescription] =>The World's fastest Person to climb the Matterhorn
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA0QopkQYjY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 182 [Name] => Arnold [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-arnold-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [291] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 611 [VideoName] => Christian Bredlow [VideoDescription] =>Christian Bredlow: "Und ab heute sind wir alle agile, oder?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWF1EnFoXnQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 181 [Name] => Bredlow [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bredlow-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [292] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 610 [VideoName] => Christian Bredlow [VideoDescription] =>Christian Bredlow spricht über Agilität & digitale Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TufUwjWFPuE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 181 [Name] => Bredlow [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bredlow-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [293] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 609 [VideoName] => Manuel P. Nappo [VideoDescription] =>When IoT meets Future - Die Chancen und Herausforderungen durch IoT
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6f7-_OQ4jE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 180 [Name] => Nappo [Firstname] => Manuel P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nappo-manuel-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [294] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 608 [VideoName] => Manuel P. Nappo [VideoDescription] =>Legacy or Agility - Manuel Nappo in a Talk with Aileen Zumstein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMTfBQvnuaE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 180 [Name] => Nappo [Firstname] => Manuel P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nappo-manuel-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [295] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 607 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>A woman’s battle in a man’s world - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_52oBtKVUZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [296] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 606 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Volker Quaschning zu Elektroautos, Tesla Factory und erneuerbare Energien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwMbSpOz3nk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [297] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 605 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Klimaschutz in Deutschland - Kaum besser als Trump
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eDb55aGq20 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [298] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 604 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Die Energiewende - Eine Chance für Viele(s)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxF_86jTNxc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [299] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 603 [VideoName] => Silvia Garcia [VideoDescription] =>Is the Glass half full or half empty? The Glass is "Refillable"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkF8zM6Rr2Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 178 [Name] => Garcia [Firstname] => Silvia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-garcia-silvia-portraitbild.jpg ) [300] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 602 [VideoName] => Silvia Garcia [VideoDescription] =>Spark the journey to make people thrive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycen4bloelM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 178 [Name] => Garcia [Firstname] => Silvia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-garcia-silvia-portraitbild.jpg ) [301] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 601 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Namen und Gesichter schnell und dauerhaft merken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgjPyI7Q1GY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [302] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 600 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Markus Hofmann: Vorsprung durch Wissen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0l0zZ2THjA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [303] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 599 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>So kannst Du Dir garantiert alles merken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpsbBYAxyTg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [304] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 598 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung ist eine Megachance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phIWO9xfE6Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [305] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 597 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Keynote - Startup meets Mittelstand
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls-j4QuNgdo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [306] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 596 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Herausforderungen des Mittelstands bei der digitalen Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWnSlh1oEQA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [307] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 595 [VideoName] => Dietrich Grönemeyer [VideoDescription] =>Weltmedizin und Gesundheitstipps bei 3nach9
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4qzl1L2Kao [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 175 [Name] => Grönemeyer [Firstname] => Dietrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenemeyer-dietrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [308] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 594 [VideoName] => Dietrich Grönemeyer [VideoDescription] =>Sternstunde Philosophie: Schulmedizin oder Hausmittel?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRHtY8gPMxY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 175 [Name] => Grönemeyer [Firstname] => Dietrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenemeyer-dietrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [309] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 593 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad: Alles schaut auf Trump - Was wird aus der Nato?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=harEGABq90I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [310] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 592 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad spricht Klartext über den Zustand der Bundeswehr und den Ukraine Krieg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVyF9VQmrg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [311] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 591 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Bittere Bilanz - Was ändert sich in der deutschen Außenpolitik?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMQbb7TDPZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [312] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 590 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad: Wir wollen nicht den Dritten Weltkrieg mit Russland.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVVZVt0EMU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [313] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 589 [VideoName] => Markus Reitzig [VideoDescription] =>How will we work tomorrow? Organizations of the future | Markus Reitzig | TEDxViennaSalon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c8tKMeEK0I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 173 [Name] => Reitzig [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-reitzig-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [314] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 588 [VideoName] => Markus Reitzig [VideoDescription] =>Markus Reitzig and How hierarchies help & hamper us in creating great organizations - TEDxFHKufstein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuxd4u5P1kk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 173 [Name] => Reitzig [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-reitzig-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [315] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 586 [VideoName] => Magnus Lindkvist [VideoDescription] =>Opportunity Knocks: Business trendspotting for dummies
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ep3sJ2eI1E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 172 [Name] => Lindkvist [Firstname] => Magnus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindkvist-magnus-portraitbild.jpg ) [316] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 585 [VideoName] => Magnus Lindkvist [VideoDescription] =>Trendspotter Magnus Lindkvist - Highlight Keynote Trendship
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeXd7kNhRbU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 172 [Name] => Lindkvist [Firstname] => Magnus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindkvist-magnus-portraitbild.jpg ) [317] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 583 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>EXPLAINED - Microsoft Conference 2018
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMgk9UT5J8w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [318] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 582 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>Blockchain Disruption: How Bitcoing Technology Creates a Sharing Economy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF0iCdYkXTM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [319] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 581 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Ramge über den Kampf gegen Bullshit - TEDxBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pywkNJEZCg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [320] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 580 [VideoName] => Christian Stummeyer [VideoDescription] =>Christian Stummeyer spricht über "Der digitale Konsument der Zukunft".
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crnYZPCNATk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 169 [Name] => Stummeyer [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stummeyer-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [321] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 579 [VideoName] => Christian Stummeyer & Jens Wegmann [VideoDescription] =>Science meets Comedy: Unterhaltsamer Vortrag zur Digitalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr14EvuHY90 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 169 [Name] => Stummeyer [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stummeyer-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [322] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 578 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Wie utopisch ist das Silicon Valley? Mit Richard David Precht & Maja Göpel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcDpYiNP3qQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [323] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 577 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>So verändert Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgjHFsEUsAE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [324] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 576 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Christoph Burkhardt: How not to be a robot - TEDxDresden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrDHm-cg3cA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [325] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 575 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Christoph Burkhardt spricht über: Wie die Evolution die Welt verändert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75GX6jMnEd4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [326] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 573 [VideoName] => Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Peter Kreuz - Hidden Champions, Pioniere & Rebellen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqwPy6V_7s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 167 [Name] => Kreuz [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kreuz-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [327] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 572 [VideoName] => Henning Beck [VideoDescription] =>Henning Beck: What is a Thought? How the Brain creates new ideas
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfFMoAgbv8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 166 [Name] => Beck [Firstname] => Henning [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-beck-henning-portraitbild.jpg ) [328] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 571 [VideoName] => Henning Beck [VideoDescription] =>Henning Beck - Warum künstliche Intelligenz nicht ausreicht, um die Welt zu beherrschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6h1Qk-63vU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 166 [Name] => Beck [Firstname] => Henning [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-beck-henning-portraitbild.jpg ) [329] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 570 [VideoName] => Jacques Villeneuve [VideoDescription] =>Jacques Villeneuve - Top 10 Moments of Brilliance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NTHSz_29_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 165 [Name] => Villeneuve [Firstname] => Jacques [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-villeneuve-jacques-portraitbild.jpg ) [330] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 569 [VideoName] => Rüdiger von Fritsch [VideoDescription] =>Rüdiger von Fritsch im phoenix-Interview - Was treibt Putin an?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRSB5Hazd4Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 164 [Name] => von Fritsch [Firstname] => Rüdiger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fritsch-ruediger-portraitbild.jpg ) [331] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 568 [VideoName] => Rüdiger von Fritsch [VideoDescription] =>Rüdiger von Fritsch Redner Politik & Globalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUf45eN4M6Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 164 [Name] => von Fritsch [Firstname] => Rüdiger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fritsch-ruediger-portraitbild.jpg ) [332] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 567 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Philipp Riederle über digitale Transformation zur Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYh5IXyFZIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [333] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 566 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Harald Schmidt & Philipp Riederle über die Digital Natives
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv25bB8dpH0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [334] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 565 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Philipp Riederle Redner Digitalisierung: Kundenverhalten - Kunden gewinnen und binden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0EOVPpY728 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [335] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 563 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan on World Politics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeFOzDQDOvw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [336] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 562 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan - WPC2017 - World Policy Conference
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk2WbJq7JLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [337] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 561 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan - Prime Time
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QfVM6yd_dg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [338] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 560 [VideoName] => Christian Berg [VideoDescription] =>Christian Berg Redner Nachhaltigkeit - Gedanken zur Nachhaltigkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2trojXMbJZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 161 [Name] => Berg [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-berg-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [339] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 557 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo: Your money is the Age of Information Warfare
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_bZ-uxy4nM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [340] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 556 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo: Geopolitical is Financial with Neil Seeman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqsdwlrfnTQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [341] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 555 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo Speaker Finance & Economy - Top Trade Recommendations
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVeZSu_7As [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [342] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 554 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Disziplin ist nicht käuflich, aber sie zahlt sich aus.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPxHju6axtw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [343] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 553 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Marc Gassert: Durchhalten wird belohnt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEOoenPaEU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [344] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 552 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Marc Gassert spricht über Disziplin, Balance & Willenskraft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nf9qQFvXGg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [345] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 551 [VideoName] => Ilka Groenewold [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin Ilka Groenewold für Tagungen, Events & Gala's
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edY9Tub75k4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 157 [Name] => Groenewold [Firstname] => Ilka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenewold-ilka-portraitbild.jpg ) [346] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 550 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Der Alltag in der Stadt der Zukunft.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxqKorBLpZI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [347] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 549 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Aufbruch in die vernetzte Arbeitskultur
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcomNc7yGqI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [348] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 548 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Birgit Gebhardt & The new Office Experience. Warum das Büro sich neu erfinden muss.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f03UKt51SI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [349] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 547 [VideoName] => Christof Schmid [VideoDescription] =>Christof Schmid spricht über Story-Marketing, Fokus, Sichtbarkeit & Kommunikation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywjoWX_N0NU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 155 [Name] => Schmid [Firstname] => Christof [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schmid-christof-portraitbild.jpg ) [350] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 546 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Reset your mind: So wirst Du zum Unternehmer deines eigenen Lebens.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cfNU3n60rY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [351] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 545 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Insights zur Show "Höhle des Löwen"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLXkauTUAJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [352] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 544 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Scheitern und Erfolg. Das Leben selbst gestalten.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXppKejrcFw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [353] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 543 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Redner Jochen Schweizer: Jetzt geht's los
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLC8mO_K8Lc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [354] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 542 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>das aktuelle Sportstudio
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2LdzQLQezA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [355] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 541 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>RESPEKT - 100 Menschen - 100 Geschichten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qghx4XeD9wE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [356] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 540 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>Steffi Jones über unterschiedliche Gehälter bei Frauen und Männer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5mjmvu4vCs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [357] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 539 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Steffi Jones - Rassismus im Fussball
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=159-YlUVXXQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [358] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 538 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>Exclusive Interview Ali Aslan with Anders Fogh Rasmussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U30dTWNVils [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [359] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 537 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>A conversation with Anders Fogh Rasmussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEBHeQBh0ic [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [360] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 536 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>NATO Secretary General 2009 - 2014
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMpYXkiZaIU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [361] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 535 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Michal Kurtyka, Poland's climate and environment Minister
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSrwCGBsMdQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [362] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 534 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>Michal Kurtyka zum Energiewende-Kongress 2018
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zyKA51DPfE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [363] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 533 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>The OECD of the Future - International Diplomacy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5zTHhDHlH4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [364] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 532 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka - Interview with the Atlantic Council [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ideBJ4fqg18 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [365] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 531 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>Connecting science with economy and business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_juP4YJZIU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [366] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 530 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>AI Machines and the New Super Humans - TEDxGhent
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ3mXJqqSJ8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [367] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 529 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>Inma Martinez Keynote - I am from the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmWxK2UeNow [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [368] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 528 [VideoName] => Miriam Rickli [VideoDescription] =>top Moderatorin für Gala's, Event, Tagungen, Konferenzen und Messen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtE3v_ulpuw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 149 [Name] => Rickli [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rickli-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [369] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 527 [VideoName] => Miriam Rickli [VideoDescription] =>On the Global Stage - Global Trends Festival 2020 - Business Insider
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvHZsC8mYPI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 149 [Name] => Rickli [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rickli-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [370] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 526 [VideoName] => Ingolf Wunder [VideoDescription] =>Why the quality of Classical Music declines and how to change it - TEDxKlagenfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylHU2-HTtZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 148 [Name] => Wunder [Firstname] => Ingolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wunder-ingolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [371] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 525 [VideoName] => Ingolf Wunder [VideoDescription] =>Ingolf Wunder top Performance & Speech at the United Nations IGF Conference 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revDPPx6oWY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 148 [Name] => Wunder [Firstname] => Ingolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wunder-ingolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [372] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 524 [VideoName] => Detlef Soost [VideoDescription] =>Verantwortung übernehmen: So leicht ist positives Denken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTdN6RqjRWQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 147 [Name] => Soost [Firstname] => Detlef [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soost-detlef-portraitbild.jpg ) [373] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 523 [VideoName] => Detlef Soost [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation & Mindset - So wird Dein Leben zur Erfolgsgeschichte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyKNyLq0syw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 147 [Name] => Soost [Firstname] => Detlef [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soost-detlef-portraitbild.jpg ) [374] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 522 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Head of Talent-Management EMEA Google. Why is an EMBA in Digital Leadership important?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCZ6fVl_WiU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [375] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 521 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Wie sich mehr Frauen für MINT-Berufe begeistern lassen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDguHfxYTo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [376] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 520 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>How are tech and organisational culture connected?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6x9AwXZDjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [377] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 519 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin New Work & Talent-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ_zybajgcw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [378] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 518 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Im Rausch der Kryptowährungen - Von Bitcoin, NFT, Trading & Co
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1cZunRh_cU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [379] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 517 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Dadvan Yousuf on Swiss TV
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmLYnNdGCD4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [380] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 516 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Dadvan Yousuf im Interview.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p9Wboegnjk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [381] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 514 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Finanzielle Bildung ist Menschenrecht - Bitcoin- & Kryptowährungen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rSkcRxMSRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [382] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 512 [VideoName] => Frédéric Mathier [VideoDescription] =>Verhandeln mit Erfolg - Erfolgreich verhandeln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU7KmFsqahY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 143 [Name] => Mathier [Firstname] => Frédéric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mathier-frederic-portraitbild.jpg ) [383] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 511 [VideoName] => Frédéric Mathier [VideoDescription] =>Verhandlungstechnik im Business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDK8emC4wjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 143 [Name] => Mathier [Firstname] => Frédéric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mathier-frederic-portraitbild.jpg ) [384] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 510 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford - 19-year-old aviator sets new solo world record
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuyywL32_Rw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [385] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 509 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>19-year-old breaks record of youngest women to fly solo around the world
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZg6Bim9f7c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [386] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 508 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford: Youngest women to fly solo around the world.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AS7P35cEM8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [387] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 507 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford startete in Belgien für Flug um die Welt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr1dassJy1I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [388] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 506 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Weltreise mit dem Ultraleicht-Flugzeug
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj_BdnZ4UOQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [389] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 505 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Experte digitale Transformation - digitale Strategien für Unternehmen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vvT5JkaaaU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [390] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 504 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>International Keynote Speaker on digital Transformation & digital Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-l36efHnq0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [391] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 503 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Speaker digitale Innovation - Transformation - Change & Wandel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGFCcANnygU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [392] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 502 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Digitalisierung - So geht Online-Vortrag und virtueller Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCXPFgpghjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [393] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 501 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Frank Asmus Apple-Keynote: So blieb Steve Jobs in den Köpfen der Menschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu2QATu2Zmc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [394] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 500 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Redner Führung & strategische Kommunikation - IMPACT
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hL7DZ1oL6U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [395] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 499 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Die Inszenierung der strategischen Kommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN_KnrG7pPM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [396] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 498 [VideoName] => Tim Lebrecht [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Strategy & Business: Advantage Human - Live, Lead and Work Beautifully
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZZhhfRxPpM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [397] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 497 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>Redner Humanismus & Business - Warum wir in Zukunft romantisch arbeiten werden.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEt1DXnnBU0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [398] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 496 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>Romantics, Our Time is now - TEDxIstanbul
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLCgnM3hbAY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [399] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 495 [VideoName] => Tim Lebrecht [VideoDescription] =>4 ways to build a human company in the age of machines - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPhZGD-6kVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [400] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 494 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>3 Wege, (nutzbringend) die Kontrolle über Ihre Marke zu verlieren - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xMWqUe8FdU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [401] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 493 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Glad to be Here
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP0j1fMRJ2w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [402] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 492 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Culture of Excellence - Leadership by Pilots
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRFUzb2NkVE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [403] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 491 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Focus on Power, Focus on Team, Focus on Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYu_FreKCV0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [404] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 490 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Former Blue Angels Pilot on Teamwork
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLlZIqqXjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [405] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 489 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Leadership & Building High Performance Teams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d___nUvZuAo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [406] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 488 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>Five memorable moments from a decade as Speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn5THTi6Zbg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [407] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 487 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>John Bercow im Porträt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnarwmUVib4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [408] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 486 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>Der einzige Gewinner
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68pInc5bWO4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [409] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 485 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>John Bercow Speaker Politics & Globalization
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD2Vp5Wsryw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [410] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 484 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Renée Mauborgne - An Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SQDGBSjty4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [411] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 483 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Innovation & Strategy - Create new markets and leave competition behind
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clp-IMpuwaQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [412] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 482 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>The Blue Ocean Shift - Renée Mauborgne on lessons from Facebook, Uber and Amazon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRDafz8Xc-8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [413] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 481 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Davos 2020 The Blue Ocean perspective on the next growth cycle
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NMQD0RDMV4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [414] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 480 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Leo Martin - Vertrauen aufbauen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PfiHGHBSDo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [415] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 479 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Die Erfolgsfaktoren wirksamer Kommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHhyw7DVIuI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [416] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 478 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Ex-Geheimagent - Das Analysieren von Schriftstücken.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEMVReCIK5M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [417] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 477 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Redner Kommunikation, Vertrauen. Menschen lesen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEuvxr2vzlM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [418] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 476 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Ohne Frauen keinen Frieden - die Agenda "Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr-CLmzFWDw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [419] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 475 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Feminismus trifft Diplomatie - Warum wir eine feministische Aussenpolitik brauchen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EIrjmAZkPo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [420] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 474 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Why do we need a feminist foreign policy?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T9iSYJi_Tk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [421] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 473 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Feminism & Federalism & social Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u9c5PuY4bc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [422] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 472 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftsfähig bleiben mit Deinem Unternehmen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHJZyrD7Irw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [423] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 471 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Innovationsexperte Stephan Jung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3_ZvfPdkRQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [424] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 470 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftstrends & Frischzellenkur für die neue Zeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdK-r4RpBvI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [425] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 469 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Redner Innovation & Megatrends - Die Welt von morgen, Zukunft, Innovation, Digitales, Megatrends, Smart City
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS6hegMpfZY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [426] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 468 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Netzwerken bis an die Spitze
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghJ4xOsAlyA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [427] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 467 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>How Elite Financial Networks Rule the World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNklBtyUZwo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [428] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 466 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Das Portrait von Sandra Navidi
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlFKa1dUPL8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [429] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 465 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Finanz & Wirtschaft - Die Wall Street
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_MM5dEjx_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [430] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 464 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Sandra Navidi: Was die Tech-Elite plant und wer die Zukunft dominiert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCQpBMEgdD0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [431] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 463 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Mit Leidenschaft zur Excellence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqcHjPXoyHk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [432] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 462 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Unternehmensführung mit Wertschätzung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYofY7fZft8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [433] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 461 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Redner Unternehmensführung: Darum ist ein Unternehmen wie ein Körper eines Menschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2rvj8fIh-c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [434] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 460 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Marketing Online - Test & Target
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0pFiW9iLa0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [435] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 459 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Digital Storytelling - Julius van de Laar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpSEVaGggfw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [436] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 458 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Try and Error - Kampagnen online, soziale Medien und Daten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ukuSYR3yc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [437] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 457 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Redner Strategie & Kampagne - Unternehmenskommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8SvVbEDKLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [438] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 456 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Jimmy Wales goes after fake news with Wikitribune
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buO_lk0fHwM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [439] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 455 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Understanding failure as a route to success.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pKIi3LuUBg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [440] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 454 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Talk at Google - Jimmy Wales Wikipedia
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r01x-F4f4aw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [441] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 453 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Der digitale Visionär - Jimmy Wales
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmriEtWamIo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [442] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 452 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Technologie & Future of Internet - TED Archive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbLlo8rXcI4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [443] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 451 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Susanne Schöne Moderations-Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHiJiEPbJZA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [444] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 450 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Event-Moderatorin Susanne Schöne KI Kongress 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lxiYwmmnjU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [445] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 449 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin Susanne Schöne
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-LnQPye7dc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [446] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 448 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Frag eine Geisel - 140 Tage in den Händen von Terroristen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7uoEWXHhE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [447] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 447 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Krisen- & Resilienz-Experte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw4iqJ0R-Sk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [448] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 446 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Redner Krisenmanagement - Geiselnahme in den Phillipinen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-zJ7jGvtkg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [449] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 445 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Was er aus der Geiselhaft für das Leben gelernt hat.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qyzD0bmKTI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [450] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 444 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Redner Resilienz & Agilität - Willkommen im Dschungel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG93WTYzCO8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [451] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 443 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Arturo Bris - Winning Performance - Talent as Driver of Profit and Growth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U3dFOL354Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [452] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 442 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Financial Innovation, it impacts everyone
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2janEAeK24 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [453] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 441 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Economic and Political Overview 2020
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-KksA2528 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [454] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 440 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Arturo Bris - The Power of Blockchain
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LifcU45V6eY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [455] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 439 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Closing Speech London 2012 Olympics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3pyItoH58Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [456] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 438 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Inspiring Speech London 2012
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UxbvJwxsZs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [457] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 437 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Sebastian Coe Keynote Speaker European Athletics Convention
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8Drz3cQG8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [458] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 436 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Tracking success: Turning weaknesses into a strength
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN7-1mrbKLM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [459] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 435 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Sebastian Coe: What Business Leaders can learn from an Olympian.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWIYa8D9IFM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [460] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 434 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Redner Gregor Gysi bei Markus Lanz - 07.01.2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY-h9rE0S5I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [461] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 433 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Leadership - People make a difference.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QIJv4b_qis [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [462] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 432 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Chester Elton - Managing Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNCak7_yXGk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [463] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 431 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Virtual Speaker Erik Qualman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3plm_WtQ54 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [464] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 430 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Managing with Carots - TEDxFordhamUniversity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnY3UFhK8SU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [465] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 429 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>My Digital Stamp - TEDxNashville
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH4HOLwm0X0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [466] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 428 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Social Media Revolution by Erik Qualman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0EnhXn5boM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [467] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 427 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Digital Leader Erik Qualman - The Digital Shadow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEK6HApygaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [468] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 426 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Erik Qualman - Disruptive Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovc3Kq4jm4g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [469] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 425 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Wecke den Macher in Dir.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoVG21KQD6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [470] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 424 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Change: Du hast alles, was du brauchst, bereits in dir
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7yhhdG3KU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [471] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 423 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Mindset & Motivation - Mut lernen: So überwindest Du Deine Ängste
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKMs13cJcts [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [472] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 422 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Wie du dich deinen Ängsten stellst.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-073kNTpdk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [473] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 421 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Dirk Nowitzki Jersey Retirement Ceremony 05.01.2022 - Dallas
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jaqlg7ZVx8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [474] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 420 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Warum Humor der Geschmacksträger von Erfolg ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9edqw0Y7Lww [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [475] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 419 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Spass bei der Arbeit: So wirst Du erfolgreich
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJS3BZHOGLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [476] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 418 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Heute schon gelacht? Humor macht attraktiv.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO7nG-mZVrc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [477] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 417 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Redner Humor im Business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcX6OATbYhg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [478] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 416 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Moderator Tanya König
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o6svVev4E4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [479] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 415 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Best of CNNSwitzerland
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ESn0GhetwE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [480] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 414 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Hinter den Kulissen ZFF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtjOdh24cjc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [481] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 413 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Human Rights - Fighting Back Against Disinformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbeHbUSPliE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [482] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 412 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>The Battle for Truth - TEDxXavierSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st74hInuvXY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [483] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 411 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Journalist & CEO of Rappler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88p-EyF8Ols [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [484] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 410 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Nobel Peace Prize
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1w3rRRBoq8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [485] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 409 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Zero Gravity Thinking (engl. Vortrag)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFihAPOGNzs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [486] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 407 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Change Management & Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CML4bgQJAJ8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [487] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 405 [VideoName] => Anja Förster & Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Rebels at Work
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-bRlQ-PqK8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [488] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 404 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Innovation & Change - Rebels at Work
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jox64iSU1Gk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [489] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 403 [VideoName] => Peter Lüder [VideoDescription] =>Was Dich trägt, sind nicht die Beine allein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1zVefAK9Mo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 117 [Name] => Lüder [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lueder-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [490] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 402 [VideoName] => Peter Lüder [VideoDescription] =>Redner Persönlichkeit & Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYImENnXMS8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 117 [Name] => Lüder [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lueder-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [491] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 401 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Bob Geldof turning 70
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nVgREqOa8s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [492] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 400 [VideoName] => Sir Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Interview in Perth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRKsLsMtRWs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [493] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 399 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Bob Geldof in Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wHk35Ix9Z8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [494] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 398 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Redner Nachhaltigkeit - Live 8
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6ic-mC5THQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [495] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 397 [VideoName] => Daniel Engelbrecht [VideoDescription] =>Herzstillstand: Wie ist das zu überleben?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMeybC7DWlM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 115 [Name] => Engelbrecht [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-engelbrecht-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [496] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 396 [VideoName] => Daniel Engelbrecht [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation & Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbEo_Y0yYnk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 115 [Name] => Engelbrecht [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-engelbrecht-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [497] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 390 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Neues Denken - Innovation of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfLi4vJbY2o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [498] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 389 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Standard einer Innovationskultur
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWLpxrf7B5E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [499] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 388 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Redner Innovation - erfolgreiche Zukunft durch Kreativität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0V8E7DhIo4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [500] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 387 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Social plastic is a new currency - TEDxAcademy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnndie-ijKs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [501] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 386 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Sustainability - Founder & CEO The Plastic Bank
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtAixLk7b9w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [502] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 385 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Redner Nachhaltigkeit - The surprising solution to ocean plastic - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT4Qbp89nIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [503] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 384 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Der Zukunftsredner - Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z8obYrYQOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [504] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 383 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Sven Göth Redner Digitalisierung - Kundenwelten der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pILYkaFIrY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [505] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 382 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Grenzgang - Im Gespräch mit Peter Fässlacher
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8hTIVVgik [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [506] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 381 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Abenteuer Alpen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3TAX1QddNg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [507] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 380 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Ein Leben am Limit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPtDAOVovL8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [508] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 378 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Mister Dax - Vortrag Finanz & Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfeIdjXWHF4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [509] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 377 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Redner Finanz & Wirtschaft - Machtbeben: Die Welt vor der grössten Wirtschaftskrise aller Zeiten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZz6j_WogwA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [510] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 376 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>So wird die Corona-Krise die Welt verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLWsV_YZMrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [511] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 375 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Dirk Müller spricht über Gold, Silber und Cash
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XctpBrLm_c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [512] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 374 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Die richtige Entscheidung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNHnv-dpNY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [513] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 373 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>The Tribute Video
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRzdabvpM2M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [514] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 372 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Good Bye Dirk - Die Dallas Mavericks verabschieden ihren Star
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRRTZQ2tI1E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [515] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 371 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>The TV presenter and Moderator
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hni7hmXywOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [516] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 370 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Garry Kasparov . Taking Risks Pays Off
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk1dNYa4o-8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [517] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 369 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker: Deep Thinking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhkTHkIZJEc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [518] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 368 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote: Achieving Your Potential.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPT0vg_Jl8Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [519] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 367 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Fight for Liberty
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1BR9Y6XxQ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [520] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 366 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them. TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP8xt8o4_5Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [521] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 365 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Garry Kasparov Speaker Strategic Thinking & Motivation - I want to win
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne7zU_jsM64 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [522] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 364 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>A Chines girl and a British guy tandem ride across America
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4OVuOH0czM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [523] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 363 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Rob Lilwall Speaker Mindset & Adventures & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3dNBKglvy8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [524] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 362 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Rob Lilwall Adventurer Speaker Motivation & Resilience
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4RymcKRyZU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [525] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 361 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Two Accidental Careers - TEDxWanChai
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pirBjn4ZdKo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [526] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 360 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Learning on the Road: Rob Lilwall at TEDxHongKongED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAnGb1RoGhg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [527] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 359 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Connectivity as Strategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnjlOOEb5vs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [528] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 358 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Parag Khanna Speaker - The Future is Asian
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFSM8tdp0L4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [529] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 357 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>How megacities are changing the map of the world - TEDxVancouver
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7y4GlmwPLQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [530] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 356 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>The Post Pandemic World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMSXW8-GNGE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [531] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 355 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Why Asia is the center of the world (again) - TEDxGateway
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3715FIdHkJE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [532] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 354 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Parag Khanna - The Future of Countries - TEDx
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRWTyUVh0BQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [533] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 353 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>CEO of ADDO AI
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AduehxV0PEI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [534] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 352 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Ayesha Khanna - Smart Cities
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJEVPwFQolY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [535] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 351 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Work - TEDxUWCSEA
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0B8IwJbwVE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [536] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 350 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Ayesha Khanna - Impact of Intelligent Technology
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiV7yyck3fY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [537] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 349 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Aspekte - What does this button do?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxMQE30Gl0c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [538] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 348 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Lifestyle Bruce Dickinson
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKUqPadjJQQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [539] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 347 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Bruce Dickinson - One Evening in St. Petersburg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iukY-8cSSLE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [540] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 346 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Pilot Ed Force One
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwpvoUYaR9U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [541] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 345 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Im Morgenmagazin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPjNY-ICQRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [542] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 344 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>ChangeNow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSspYr3XnuU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [543] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 343 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Marc Hauser on BBC - Flying in the Jetstream
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDf_Ly2df4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [544] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 342 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Motivation - The power of naming your dreams - TEDxTUHH
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsh0bdMSTNk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [545] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 341 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation - Fly Your Dreams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLiVabbdcNM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [546] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 340 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Welcome to the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLbQLAx80tI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [547] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 339 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Seamless
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQEURIcxz1c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [548] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 338 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>100 Year Foresight
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgO0JXyj31Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [549] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 337 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcMFswrpgQ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [550] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 336 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Thinque Change - TEDxMacquarieUniversity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybZtPZhplaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [551] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 335 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>2nd Renaissance - Decode tomorrow Beyond the Virus
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF6c6mAHjqE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [552] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 334 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>2030. New World. New Rules. New Future.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DSUPMhW6eo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [553] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 333 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Digital Disruption
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unExiKVtt8U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [554] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 332 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>How to prepare for a live beyond tomorrow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doHlo0ZZqCM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [555] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 331 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Global Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmaQX8RnWFk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [556] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 330 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Insights into The Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhrdlIfrS18 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [557] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 329 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Self Serving Bias
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlbPKCltTfA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [558] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 328 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Four reasons you should stop watching the news - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-miTTiaqFlI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [559] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 327 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>The Art of Thinking Clearly
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNOV4nlOHtQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [560] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 326 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>The Art of the Good Life
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVPrUHNcgrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [561] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 325 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Denkfehler und die Grenzen des Wissens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV7pBss4T6A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [562] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 324 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Mit klarem Kopf ins Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd6Dnuc8iV8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [563] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 323 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Wie geht digitaler Wahlkampf
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko5nIKQPLe8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [564] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 322 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7-a_K4ICYw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [565] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 321 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Storymachine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzbRKG-OMrc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [566] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 320 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Zeit bei der Bild-Zeitung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KgAQi05iAM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [567] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 319 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Achte auf Deine Worte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAc8x1m5Cps [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [568] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 318 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Storytelling: So beginnst du fesselnde Vorträge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o10DgngXr3g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [569] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 317 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Welche Kraft eine gute Geschichte hat
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgPI5IaOFYU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [570] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 316 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Streit vermeiden: Umgehe diese Rhetorik-Fehler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9869CcKULwo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [571] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 315 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Klarheit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzwqHHaG2EQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [572] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 314 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>360° Success Days
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zAsfKk4GCU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [573] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 313 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Design Your Life.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHmTvGEh8U8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [574] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 312 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Image. Macht. Erfolg.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2h_6cAYUYg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [575] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 311 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Strategie hinter digitalen Medien.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DpYM54JlhI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [576] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 310 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Glücklich sein ist so einfach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhYp8gNiZa8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [577] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 309 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>praktische Tipps für mehr Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ssbekTDziA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [578] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 308 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Wie kann ich glücklich sein?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLi_1E1q44 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [579] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 307 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Das Geheimnis glücklicher Gesellschaften - TEDxKoeln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K-ZADcQY4k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [580] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 306 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>No Risk - No Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNpyjf7adLg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [581] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 305 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>So werden Sie Chancenfinder.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60z99N11nMw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [582] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 304 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>Mutmacher, Change Management & Mindset
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjTYWc74yXA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [583] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 303 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Slam 2019
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCryXJN7cFA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [584] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 302 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>Recover your creative confidence!
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L82q5B9hNs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [585] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 301 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>How can we heal democracy? - TEDxLausanne
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7gpxZ3FO3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [586] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 300 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>Was ist unser Sinn des Lebens?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgYrVenmwjQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [587] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 299 [VideoName] => Ulrich Tilgner [VideoDescription] =>Krieg im Orient
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke-0WLWFEnc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 92 [Name] => Tilgner [Firstname] => Ulrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tilgner-ulrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [588] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 298 [VideoName] => Ulrich Tilgner [VideoDescription] =>Nahost - Das Scheitern des Westens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76qaQXCZjOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 92 [Name] => Tilgner [Firstname] => Ulrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tilgner-ulrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [589] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 297 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>Die chinesische Raumfahrt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nym1QtVyyzY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [590] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 296 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>On China TV
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSule9K4H6c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [591] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 295 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>From main Street to Wall Street, what investors need to know
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy3DBNHI9NQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [592] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 294 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin & Top Rednerin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKydyLat1TY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [593] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 293 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Remote Everything
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnSUiAvXQVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [594] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 292 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Sustainable Finance - Purpose Banking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25TTg4QUfRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [595] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 291 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlpg1xkmPgQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [596] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 290 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Colonizing the Universe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTzfXKRlh8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [597] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 289 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunftstrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obMbXvBWD7M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [598] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 288 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Amerika's Finanzpolitik
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-fp9LcMhpE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [599] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 287 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>America first - und einsam
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbdsRB7h0Z8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [600] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 286 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Wall Street Insights
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d0gdhw9qxY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [601] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 285 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Die Wallstreet und die globale Finanzpolitik
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLHQeU2YcQ4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [602] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 284 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Raus aus der Enge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpP2cm2Myq8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [603] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 283 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Der deutsche Startup-König
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqYgPm5D0jc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [604] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 282 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Das sind meine Regeln für Erfolg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQzjqcu1ya0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [605] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 281 [VideoName] => Uli Hoeness [VideoDescription] =>Abteilung Attacke
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3XvaIPaibs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 87 [Name] => Hoeness [Firstname] => Uli [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoeness-uli-portraitbild.jpg ) [606] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 280 [VideoName] => Uli Hoeness [VideoDescription] =>Servus, Uli.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2n3lsFK2GA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 87 [Name] => Hoeness [Firstname] => Uli [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoeness-uli-portraitbild.jpg ) [607] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 279 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Vom Arbeiterkind mit ADHS zum Universitätsdozenten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yme4KrvrrQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [608] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 278 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Die 10 genialsten Lerntipps der besten Schüler der Welt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onEXvpip6Jw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [609] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 277 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Wie Studenten richtiges Lernen lernen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiISim5jj7Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [610] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 276 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Wie geht lernen? Geheimnisse für Bestnoten.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8GM_oUKHdk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [611] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 275 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Digital Ethics and the future of humans in a connected world - TEDxBrussels
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZn0IfOb61U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [612] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 274 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>The Great Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDIk5syXFDM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [613] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 273 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>What will bring the future after the crisis?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM0XR2UjDvM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [614] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 272 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Futurist - What is going to happen to Humans?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq0ci3a243k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [615] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 271 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Technology vs. Humanity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL99deFJYaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [616] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 270 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Was bedeutet Digitale Transformation wirklich?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ESeX9SFnY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [617] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 269 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>FutureMindset - Sind Sie zukunftsbereit? Die nächsten 10 Jahre.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SakKvdHlok [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [618] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 268 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>FutureMindset - What does a futurist do?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKetPa7ylk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [619] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 267 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>The Good Future: Technology and Humanity by 2030
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDeQ_3n1GTE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [620] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 266 [VideoName] => Thomas R. Köhler [VideoDescription] =>Wie wir in Zukunft arbeiten, leben und kommunizieren werden.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqVrkjV9Tuc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 84 [Name] => Köhler [Firstname] => Thomas R. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koehler-thomas-r-portraitbild.jpg ) [621] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 265 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>Zukunft ist eine Frage der Perspektive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7NRJxd_GJU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [622] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 264 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>2050: Eine Reise in die Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_l7z2XXYjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [623] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 263 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>Hype Künstliche Intelligenz: Trifft KI bessere Entscheidungen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrFfWOq8ux4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [624] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 262 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Hybrid-Events, Online-Events, Live-Events
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vl5oH3UYQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [625] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 261 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Events - Top Moderatorin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv64osKeJGc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [626] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 260 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Moderation 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9WnyBG-cWA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [627] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 259 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi [VideoDescription] =>Challenges Digitalization & Neuroscience - Digital transformation process
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IidiKuEdd6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [628] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 258 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, New Work, Cyberrisks, Robots
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxNWpYz8zus [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [629] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 257 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Cyberrisks
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL5SzAMvI64 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [630] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 256 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Future of Reinsurance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRf60DOpoM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [631] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 255 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Cybersecurity - Cyberkriminalität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3YXHRk4zvE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [632] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 254 [VideoName] => Erich Artner [VideoDescription] =>Redner Resilienz, Willenskraft & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-8rH_UmnLs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 79 [Name] => Artner [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-artner-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [633] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 253 [VideoName] => Erich Artner [VideoDescription] =>Interview - Mental in Form
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjbOSGUSZSg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 79 [Name] => Artner [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-artner-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [634] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 252 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>Top Moderator for your event
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D__xuXUMyo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [635] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 251 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>Adventures as an anchor in Los Angeles
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLT6yijj4gM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [636] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 250 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>My front row seat to the green wave - TEDxSUMAS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFm5qfqS5j4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [637] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 249 [VideoName] => Kirstine Fratz [VideoDescription] =>Zeitgeist: Ein ewiges Rad an Mangel und Begehren
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ALoVXAVeE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 77 [Name] => Fratz [Firstname] => Kirstine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratz-kirstine-portraitbild.jpg ) [638] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 248 [VideoName] => Kirstine Fratz [VideoDescription] =>How to play with the spirit of time. TEDxDresden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYJVcNEpQ6g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 77 [Name] => Fratz [Firstname] => Kirstine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratz-kirstine-portraitbild.jpg ) [639] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 247 [VideoName] => Christian Gansch [VideoDescription] =>Wie man aus Solisten ein Orchester bildet. Teamwork.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zayyh8z_jw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 76 [Name] => Gansch [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gansch-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [640] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 246 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>At Google - A special way to the top
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FivGAVyT95w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [641] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 245 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Making it Happen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHZFVs50Hcs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [642] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 244 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Olympic Champion Sochi Downhill Gold
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFgK955WNSE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [643] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 243 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Die Dokumentation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s8vFhjb5Ek [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [644] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 242 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>New York Stock Exchange: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xw0t1ntBHM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [645] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 241 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Cracking the Mindcode
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx63T5wSEVo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [646] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 240 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Künstliche Intelligenz buchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YeB-cIWRiQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [647] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 239 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Symbiose von Mensch und Maschine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNm4XsPngdI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [648] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 238 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Warum in Deutschland kein reiches Land ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bACcCreIGco [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [649] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 237 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Das Märchen vom reichen Land: Wie die Politik uns ruiniert.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Et7SudXb0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [650] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 236 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Bei Markus Lanz - Der Kurs der Regierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH9aVwIpvT8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [651] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 235 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft Deutschlands
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7jYLueB5hY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [652] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 234 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Ein Traum von einem Land - Deutschland 2040
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76f-bnrHPJA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [653] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 233 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Myths about Inequality | TEDxHUBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIbLq6IBHzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [654] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 232 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Finanzfragen - Stoppschild für die Ampel?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiAVq3J8QbM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [655] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 231 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Wie weiter in Europa?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF0COgvNJzs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [656] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 230 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Die ökonomische Zukunft nach der Krise
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Qqx2hpfvM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [657] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 229 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Steht Ihre Karriereleiter an der richtigen Wand?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMFDynszxo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [658] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 228 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Was haben Veränderungen mit Pinguinen zu tun?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYU9QOivvRs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [659] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 227 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Scheitern gehört dazu - Wie Sie die Perspektive wechseln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLtoNBOEJfY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [660] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 226 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>HR goes Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkQv9UAc_fo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [661] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 225 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Umgang mit Widerstand
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afOXeABegT8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [662] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 224 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Wie wir weniger negativ denken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_oFsqbT5XU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [663] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 223 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Auf einen Tee mit....
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoDoDNPPVfU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [664] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 222 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Gehirn-Tipps bei 3nach9
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx_GYPcp2EI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [665] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 221 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Willkommen in einer neuen Welt - Innovation & Kreativität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MobvsTL8JQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [666] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 220 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>KOPF FREI - Kopfpflege ist wichtig
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgz9ok6q5Lw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [667] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 219 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz im Alltag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISGtd4A3ALg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [668] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 218 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz, Innovation und Digitalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0yvB84ntzE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [669] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 217 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Swiss Economic Forum Talk
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PKgXLFPX3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [670] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 216 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Expertin digitale Transformation, Künstliche Intelligenz und Big Data
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqA4E8XUI70 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [671] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 215 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Warum Sie dringend Digital-Strategien benötigen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-6iM_JGcY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [672] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 214 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Digitalisierung - Mittelstand vs. Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOUHvtMSBJs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [673] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 213 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Digital Denken: Warum es wichtig ist, online gefunden zu werden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxeZYZ6GZI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [674] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 212 [VideoName] => Sebastian Decker [VideoDescription] =>Neukundengewinnung mit Google
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuqTkNVX9c4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 67 [Name] => Decker [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-decker-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [675] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 211 [VideoName] => Sebastian Decker [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung des Mittelstandes
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIz6bDT-E_A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 67 [Name] => Decker [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-decker-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [676] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 210 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>War of Talents
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxestqiT_b0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [677] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 209 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>Ansprüche an die Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duq0OgrRDo0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [678] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 208 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>So ticken Digital Natives und die Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO5zfDbJJtg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [679] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 207 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>MILLENIALS - Die knappe Ressource auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOwscQX1hWw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [680] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 206 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>Gebrauchsanweisung für die Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ZRFiR9Lp8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [681] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 205 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Verkaufsexzellenz durch Beziehungsintelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op5ixzoKCNU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [682] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 203 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Client experience through relationship intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjXbqjZ5c20 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [683] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 202 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Brand Ambassadors by L'Oreal
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xScU32_S6B0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [684] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 201 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>European Food Summit 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17q3eaAnZo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [685] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 200 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Die Lage Europas und Rolle Deutschlands
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSTxz_a_JMU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [686] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 199 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Vom Taxifahrer und Strassenkämpfer zum Aussenminister und Diplomaten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f70OnxmasQs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [687] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 198 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Was kann die EU von der Schweiz lernen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3K8MCqADlc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [688] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 197 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>Executive Presence Series: Mind-set
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzdrexmquOY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [689] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 196 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>Building powerful Alliances between Leadership Teams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh9uEterLGs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [690] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 195 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>I Gamified My Life - Here is what I learned
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKB5rR7QUac [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [691] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 194 [VideoName] => Nicole Heimann [VideoDescription] =>Leadership Alliance - Work in Practice
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y7g8220czs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 62 [Name] => Heimann [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heimann-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [692] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 193 [VideoName] => Nicole Heimann [VideoDescription] =>Working Together to Build Authentic Leadership Alliances
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFDwtywIVfc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 62 [Name] => Heimann [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heimann-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [693] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 192 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Markworts Stammtisch: Trifft Nena Schink
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSQp-pdHx10 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [694] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 191 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Kanzler Kurz ist unseriös und zu populistisch
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_16ayUTiCk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [695] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 190 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Unfollow. Wie Instagram unser Leben zerstört.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufXIGutswK0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [696] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 189 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Talk kontrovers: Was haben Sie eigentlich gegen die Grünen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgrmJYqJI8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [697] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 188 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Wenn Du Instagram Fame willst, zieh Dich aus.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e-d7eL25Eg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [698] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 187 [VideoName] => Felix Brych [VideoDescription] =>Die Rolle des Schiedsrichter im Fussball
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IouGjCeaYg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 60 [Name] => Brych [Firstname] => Felix [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brych-felix-portraitbild.jpg ) [699] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 186 [VideoName] => Felix Brych [VideoDescription] =>Schiedsrichter-Portrait
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCGa5lbRSWk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 60 [Name] => Brych [Firstname] => Felix [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brych-felix-portraitbild.jpg ) [700] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 185 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Hohe Vorbildfunktion der Bundesliga
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-B2M9KJhmM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [701] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 184 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Gute Entscheidungen treffen: Sei der Schiedsrichter deines Lebens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnp_3JGbWi8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [702] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 183 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Schiedsrichter-Protrait
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPlHPeKkw8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [703] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 182 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Taten sprechen lauter als Worte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECakDhr2KBk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [704] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 181 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Vetrauen, die neue Schlüsselkompetenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqZmO--h7g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [705] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 180 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Die Kraft Deiner Geschichte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af7Iq1Fql7o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [706] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 179 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Erfolgsfaktor Vertrauen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC-3dMX9N2s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [707] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 178 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Vertrauen kann jeder.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHHmXOQcRBY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [708] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 176 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Vom Bundesliga-Coach zum Supermarkt-Chef
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwfaRvSx5_k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [709] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 175 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Vom Fussballtrainer zum REWE-Kaufmann
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n53VmoDIFvY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [710] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 174 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Best of...
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_umaZjgpAjU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [711] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 169 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Medicine of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2c3DzTKzI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [712] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 168 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Wird Medizin durch Digitalisierung menschlicher?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4RBkKjyDMg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [713] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 167 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Der Naturwissenschaftler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6iU4KrDb5o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [714] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 166 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Medizin - Macht uns digitale Medizin gesünder?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9qOezum2Wk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [715] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 162 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Radikale Ehrlichkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSqd42dKcxg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [716] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 161 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft nach Corona
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym9bsDqCBpk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [717] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 160 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Unsere fucking Zukunft - die Macht der Megatrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfjmDRgcKNw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [718] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 159 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftstrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeeTbQ9GHv4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [719] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 158 [VideoName] => Kati Wilhelm [VideoDescription] =>Kati Wilhelm on Stage
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEsGnQpu2Co [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 51 [Name] => Wilhelm [Firstname] => Kati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wilhelm-kati-portraitbild.jpg ) [720] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 157 [VideoName] => Kati Wilhelm [VideoDescription] =>Die Sporthilfe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsaINWKb-_c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 51 [Name] => Wilhelm [Firstname] => Kati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wilhelm-kati-portraitbild.jpg ) [721] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 156 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Digital Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzGtQVVgxzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [722] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 155 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Veit Etzold Film
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHo-r63bH2Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [723] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 154 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Aufmerksamkeit durch Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxEZfbpByjM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [724] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 153 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Die Kunst des Storytelling - TEDxMünchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOTZfGyVh1I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [725] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 152 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Verschlafen Firmen die Computer-Sicherheit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1sz3Ln90cA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [726] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 151 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Megatrends by My Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulscjGt5sMc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [727] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 150 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Mobilität der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxG4UDFKmEw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [728] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 149 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Das Spitzengespräch
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oM2es5enE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [729] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 148 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Vereidigung der Ampel-Koalition
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thffjUOsnuk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [730] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 147 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Redner im Bundestag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kRHXWOrjgc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [731] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 146 [VideoName] => Gerhard Conrad [VideoDescription] =>Hacks and (Fake) Facts: Warfare in the information Space
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUYIWmQb6a0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 47 [Name] => Conrad [Firstname] => Gerhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-conrad-gerhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [732] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 145 [VideoName] => Gerhard Conrad [VideoDescription] =>Wie arbeitet der Bundesnachrichtendienst?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWe7HVxTqmU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 47 [Name] => Conrad [Firstname] => Gerhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-conrad-gerhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [733] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 144 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>Die neue Seidenstrasse verbindet die Stadt der Städte mit China
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ8SdUCOxfo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [734] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 143 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>Wie China die Weltwirtschaft jetzt anschiebt und was wir davon lernen können
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dFiqUdMPHA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [735] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 142 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>So leitet die neue Supermacht China den Abstieg des Westens ein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUgLxy70viU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [736] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 141 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>China's Tech Metropole Shenzhen lässt jeden erstarren
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA8JOZd31e0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [737] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 140 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>Der Niedergang von Evergrande
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYwGH0mm_88 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [738] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 138 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>Sustainable Change.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utCB6qQawXE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [739] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 137 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>CeBIT - Disruption
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZPm0Lm-iRs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [740] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 136 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>didacta DIGITAL
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZjbhObWaJQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [741] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 135 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>Here's How to Successfully Navigate Disruption
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4pFYrukG4Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [742] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 134 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>Der tägliche Kampf um die perfekte Inszenierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8OvBAtWgfU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [743] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 133 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>O wie Offline
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLtbxkz3vU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [744] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 132 [VideoName] => Wolfgang Bosbach [VideoDescription] =>Bei Markus Lanz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVQ6EyeXKYs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 43 [Name] => Bosbach [Firstname] => Wolfgang [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosbach-wolfgang-portraitbild.jpg ) [745] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 131 [VideoName] => Wolfgang Bosbach [VideoDescription] =>Bei Frank Elstner
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDtiD7SyLVM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 43 [Name] => Bosbach [Firstname] => Wolfgang [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosbach-wolfgang-portraitbild.jpg ) [746] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 130 [VideoName] => Wolfgang Bosbach [VideoDescription] =>Der Abschied aus dem Bundestag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_LGGSL37sE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 43 [Name] => Bosbach [Firstname] => Wolfgang [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosbach-wolfgang-portraitbild.jpg ) [747] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 129 [VideoName] => Wolfgang Bosbach [VideoDescription] =>Persönlich mit Wolfgang Bosbach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3N6MpoN2uI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 43 [Name] => Bosbach [Firstname] => Wolfgang [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosbach-wolfgang-portraitbild.jpg ) [748] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 128 [VideoName] => [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 42 [Name] => Stöttner [Firstname] => Carina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stoettner-carina-portraitbild.jpg ) [749] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 127 [VideoName] => Bernhard Heusler [VideoDescription] =>Motivation & Führung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaRlJfTCPaY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 41 [Name] => Heusler [Firstname] => Bernhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heusler-bernhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [750] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 126 [VideoName] => Bernhard Heusler [VideoDescription] =>Leadership the Swiss Way
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuosWt_g-oU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 41 [Name] => Heusler [Firstname] => Bernhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heusler-bernhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [751] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 125 [VideoName] => Bernhard Heusler [VideoDescription] =>High Performance Teams & Führung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znyZrQaIzvg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 41 [Name] => Heusler [Firstname] => Bernhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heusler-bernhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [752] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 124 [VideoName] => Norbert Hillinger [VideoDescription] =>The Media Evolution
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDk5PH-U7s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 40 [Name] => Hillinger [Firstname] => Norbert [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hillinger-norbert-portraitbild.jpg ) [753] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 123 [VideoName] => Nicole Brandes [VideoDescription] =>Das neue Leadership im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AQCdWN9PoQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 39 [Name] => Brandes [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brandes-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [754] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 122 [VideoName] => Nicole Brandes [VideoDescription] =>New Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRcqAohRH0Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 39 [Name] => Brandes [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brandes-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [755] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 121 [VideoName] => Nicole Brandes [VideoDescription] =>Der Mensch als Brückenbauer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDGZXBt3RSE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 39 [Name] => Brandes [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brandes-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [756] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 120 [VideoName] => Nicole Brandes [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft in Führung & Self-Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kpJL3iwXhI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 39 [Name] => Brandes [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brandes-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [757] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 119 [VideoName] => Nicole Brandes [VideoDescription] =>Innere Stärke im äusseren Chaos
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuG96KWemEg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 39 [Name] => Brandes [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brandes-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [758] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 118 [VideoName] => David Bosshart [VideoDescription] =>Megatrends in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqaNQut6U9g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 38 [Name] => Bosshart [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosshart-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [759] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 117 [VideoName] => David Bosshart [VideoDescription] =>Wer Convenience richtig definiert, kann Menschen gewinnen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POkVw3dhShw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 38 [Name] => Bosshart [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosshart-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [760] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 116 [VideoName] => David Bosshart [VideoDescription] =>Das neue Zeitalter des Handels
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6cXm4iyYxE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 38 [Name] => Bosshart [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosshart-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [761] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 115 [VideoName] => David Bosshart [VideoDescription] =>Housing and Living
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIFcVvX7-L4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 38 [Name] => Bosshart [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bosshart-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [762] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 114 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Ermüdung und die neue Achtsamkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii6E1uBuRAw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [763] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 113 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>Unsere Welt in Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXo9YbT4_48 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [764] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 112 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft der Liebe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IWGp_ST4K4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [765] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 111 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>TEDxMediUniGraz - How to build a Holistic Health System
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=257-vi7M6Wo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [766] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 110 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>Corona - Die Krise als Wiege der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1bEgP5RGkg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [767] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 109 [VideoName] => Matthias Horx [VideoDescription] =>Zukunft wird auf dem Land gemacht
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X077rSH0fSQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 37 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [768] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 108 [VideoName] => Sascha Lobo [VideoDescription] =>Precht & Lobo
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI3h6SlaSbs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 36 [Name] => Lobo [Firstname] => Sascha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lobo-sascha-portraitbild.jpg ) [769] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 107 [VideoName] => Sascha Lobo [VideoDescription] =>Lobo und Brinkhaus über Masken-Affären und Staatsversagen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLDVTS90n9w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 36 [Name] => Lobo [Firstname] => Sascha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lobo-sascha-portraitbild.jpg ) [770] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 106 [VideoName] => Sascha Lobo [VideoDescription] =>Pop und Anti-Pop - Wie das Internet uns lehrte zu kämpfen. Und wofür.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VMBaSeCoVY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 36 [Name] => Lobo [Firstname] => Sascha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lobo-sascha-portraitbild.jpg ) [771] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 105 [VideoName] => Sascha Lobo [VideoDescription] =>Realitätsschock
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-XvptA1XWc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 36 [Name] => Lobo [Firstname] => Sascha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lobo-sascha-portraitbild.jpg ) [772] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 104 [VideoName] => Sascha Lobo [VideoDescription] =>Sascha Lobo zur digitalen Lage der Nation: Die fünf Digitallehren aus Corona
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=950X27xLcsM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 36 [Name] => Lobo [Firstname] => Sascha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lobo-sascha-portraitbild.jpg ) [773] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 99 [VideoName] => Evelyne Binsack [VideoDescription] =>Grenzgängerin, Berufsbergführerin & Managementcoach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6YELpwI2YU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 34 [Name] => Binsack [Firstname] => Evelyne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-binsack-evelyne-portraitbild.jpg ) [774] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 98 [VideoName] => Evelyne Binsack [VideoDescription] =>Höhenflüge und Abstürze
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62EkVg2hZuE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 34 [Name] => Binsack [Firstname] => Evelyne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-binsack-evelyne-portraitbild.jpg ) [775] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 96 [VideoName] => Evelyne Binsack [VideoDescription] =>Willpower
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u-Br9av0ow [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 34 [Name] => Binsack [Firstname] => Evelyne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-binsack-evelyne-portraitbild.jpg ) [776] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 95 [VideoName] => Jan Berger [VideoDescription] =>Society and economics of the metaverse
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh6X8d_PHd4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 33 [Name] => Berger [Firstname] => Jan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-berger-jan-portraitbild.jpg ) [777] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 94 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Das Portrait
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfZpGE0XhOY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [778] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 93 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Extrembergsteiger bei Markus Lanz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYT7_aU__X0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [779] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 92 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>XING trifft - Der Speedbergsteiger
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmBPMDc0_Ds [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [780] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 91 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Aus der Todeszone in den Boardroom
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMGsUoLUuxA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [781] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 90 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Live intensively - TEDxMünchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVcO18IRIRo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [782] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 88 [VideoName] => Anja Blacha [VideoDescription] =>1400 Kilometer. Ein grosses Ziel. NOT BAD FOR A GIRL
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aneCUZFPrqI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 31 [Name] => Blacha [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blacha-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [783] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 87 [VideoName] => Anja Blacha [VideoDescription] =>Die Südpol-Expedition
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z73ZXqXafA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 31 [Name] => Blacha [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blacha-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [784] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 86 [VideoName] => Anders Indset [VideoDescription] =>The Q Economy meets Art
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gMtsCcZXuo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 30 [Name] => Indset [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-indset-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [785] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 85 [VideoName] => Anders Indset [VideoDescription] =>Goodbye Bla-Bla-Land
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJSpgXBsNJQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 30 [Name] => Indset [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-indset-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [786] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 84 [VideoName] => Anders Indset [VideoDescription] =>Die Q Economy - Quantenwirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1yj-PAjYT0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 30 [Name] => Indset [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-indset-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [787] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 83 [VideoName] => Anders Indset [VideoDescription] =>Quantenwirtschaft - Was kommt nach der Digitalisierung?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDrQ0fr-YZk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 30 [Name] => Indset [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-indset-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [788] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 82 [VideoName] => Christian Lindemann [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Face to Face is the new Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTAAnwsksAM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 29 [Name] => Lindemann [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindemann-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [789] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 81 [VideoName] => Christian Lindemann [VideoDescription] =>Dozent für Performance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2bXm3vQs20 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 29 [Name] => Lindemann [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindemann-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [790] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 80 [VideoName] => Christian Lindemann [VideoDescription] =>Showtime auf der Bühne des Lebens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQalWmsDCzs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 29 [Name] => Lindemann [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindemann-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [791] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 79 [VideoName] => Philip Keil [VideoDescription] =>Triff Entscheidungen: So gelingt es Dir in nur wenigen Sekunden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWSL6W4zYE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 28 [Name] => Keil [Firstname] => Philip [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-keil-philip-portraitbild.jpg ) [792] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 78 [VideoName] => Philip Keil [VideoDescription] =>Crash oder Punktlandung?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyuqDnX1poI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 28 [Name] => Keil [Firstname] => Philip [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-keil-philip-portraitbild.jpg ) [793] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 77 [VideoName] => Philip Keil [VideoDescription] =>Decision Points - Die Herausforderungen des Lebens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGvwdcwda8o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 28 [Name] => Keil [Firstname] => Philip [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-keil-philip-portraitbild.jpg ) [794] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 76 [VideoName] => Lars P. Feld [VideoDescription] =>Generating Resilience and Growth in Germany and the EU
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w76muAAo7ng [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 27 [Name] => Feld [Firstname] => Lars P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-feld-lars-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [795] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 75 [VideoName] => Lars P. Feld [VideoDescription] =>Die Wirtschaft von morgen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jk0Di8oSAo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 27 [Name] => Feld [Firstname] => Lars P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-feld-lars-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [796] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 74 [VideoName] => Lars P. Feld [VideoDescription] =>Corona und die Wirtschaft - Mit dem Sachverständigen Lars P. Feld durch die Krise
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4MD2wWuWJA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 27 [Name] => Feld [Firstname] => Lars P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-feld-lars-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [797] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 73 [VideoName] => Lars P. Feld [VideoDescription] =>Geld- & Wirtschaftspolitik und die internationalen Rahmenbedingungen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaz_UpuslwM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 27 [Name] => Feld [Firstname] => Lars P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-feld-lars-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [798] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 72 [VideoName] => Dalith Steiger [VideoDescription] =>The Future of AI in the daily life.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxbZ7E8Cfqo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 26 [Name] => Steiger [Firstname] => Dalith [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiger-dalith-portraitbild.jpg ) [799] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 71 [VideoName] => Dalith Steiger [VideoDescription] =>The Potential of the Digital Economy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU8Ilkr0GbA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 26 [Name] => Steiger [Firstname] => Dalith [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiger-dalith-portraitbild.jpg ) [800] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 70 [VideoName] => Dalith Steiger [VideoDescription] =>Im Gespräch mit Ranga Yogeshwar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFimw3dqYQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 26 [Name] => Steiger [Firstname] => Dalith [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiger-dalith-portraitbild.jpg ) [801] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 69 [VideoName] => Dalith Steiger [VideoDescription] =>Cognitive Technology and AI - Where are the Boundaries?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjm2w2mWqs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 26 [Name] => Steiger [Firstname] => Dalith [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiger-dalith-portraitbild.jpg ) [802] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 68 [VideoName] => Andy Fitze [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Corporate world
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDCphUYFTMY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 25 [Name] => Fitze [Firstname] => Andy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fitze-andy-portraitbild.jpg ) [803] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 67 [VideoName] => Andy Fitze [VideoDescription] =>Step out of the traditional education processes
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkGUmNSbKaM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 25 [Name] => Fitze [Firstname] => Andy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fitze-andy-portraitbild.jpg ) [804] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 66 [VideoName] => Andy Fitze [VideoDescription] =>Die AI for Marketing
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnxMPZIGdcM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 25 [Name] => Fitze [Firstname] => Andy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fitze-andy-portraitbild.jpg ) [805] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 65 [VideoName] => Sigmar Gabriel [VideoDescription] =>"Im Gespräch"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20ygcbvEULo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 24 [Name] => Gabriel [Firstname] => Sigmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gabriel-sigmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [806] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 64 [VideoName] => Sigmar Gabriel [VideoDescription] =>Europa und die neue Weltordnung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV0rqK9hdz0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 24 [Name] => Gabriel [Firstname] => Sigmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gabriel-sigmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [807] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 63 [VideoName] => Sigmar Gabriel [VideoDescription] =>Mit Tipps für Regierende
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vo96bhAItM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 24 [Name] => Gabriel [Firstname] => Sigmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gabriel-sigmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [808] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 62 [VideoName] => Sigmar Gabriel [VideoDescription] =>Über US-Präsident Biden & die transatlantischen Beziehungen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RamTmt63a4o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 24 [Name] => Gabriel [Firstname] => Sigmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gabriel-sigmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [809] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 61 [VideoName] => Sven Jungmann [VideoDescription] =>When to change your career.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVDtkqAASvA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 23 [Name] => Jungmann [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jungmann-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [810] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 60 [VideoName] => Sven Jungmann [VideoDescription] =>"On the Go with Sven Jungmann"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m4CmyzZfZg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 23 [Name] => Jungmann [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jungmann-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [811] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 59 [VideoName] => Natalie Amiri [VideoDescription] =>Im Gespräch mit Christian Lindner
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj8-ofzINas [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 22 [Name] => Amiri [Firstname] => Natalie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-amiri-natalie-portraitbild.jpg ) [812] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 58 [VideoName] => Natalie Amiri [VideoDescription] =>Über Berichte aus den Kriegsgebieten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRldjpUhBw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 22 [Name] => Amiri [Firstname] => Natalie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-amiri-natalie-portraitbild.jpg ) [813] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 57 [VideoName] => Natalie Amiri [VideoDescription] =>Ihre Beziehung zum Iran und Nahen Osten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgwPEaVfjL0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 22 [Name] => Amiri [Firstname] => Natalie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-amiri-natalie-portraitbild.jpg ) [814] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 56 [VideoName] => Natalie Amiri [VideoDescription] =>Top Rednerin & Moderatorin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZJezSHDxN4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 22 [Name] => Amiri [Firstname] => Natalie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-amiri-natalie-portraitbild.jpg ) [815] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 51 [VideoName] => Florence Schelling [VideoDescription] =>Big Shots
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgRqxWipfkU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 20 [Name] => Schelling [Firstname] => Florence [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schelling-florence-portraitbild.jpg ) [816] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 50 [VideoName] => Florence Schelling [VideoDescription] =>Hallo of Fame Class of 2020
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQqvuWZEFNM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 20 [Name] => Schelling [Firstname] => Florence [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schelling-florence-portraitbild.jpg ) [817] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 49 [VideoName] => Urs Meier [VideoDescription] =>Vision with action can change the world.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Ah08u3_7M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 19 [Name] => Meier [Firstname] => Urs [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meier-urs-portraitbild.jpg ) [818] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 48 [VideoName] => Urs Meier [VideoDescription] =>Mein Leben auf Ballhöhe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22jglGGCshs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 19 [Name] => Meier [Firstname] => Urs [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meier-urs-portraitbild.jpg ) [819] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 47 [VideoName] => Urs Meier [VideoDescription] =>Zwischen den Fronten.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ahqccLQ_7Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 19 [Name] => Meier [Firstname] => Urs [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meier-urs-portraitbild.jpg ) [820] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 43 [VideoName] => Ranga Yogeshwar [VideoDescription] =>Der grosse Umbruch - Wie Künstliche Intelligenz unseren Alltag verändert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltF3kKY073A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 17 [Name] => Yogeshwar [Firstname] => Ranga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yogeshwar-ranga-portraitbild.jpg ) [821] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 42 [VideoName] => Ranga Yogeshwar [VideoDescription] =>Was wir aus der Pandemie lernen können.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTAatmFTc90 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 17 [Name] => Yogeshwar [Firstname] => Ranga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yogeshwar-ranga-portraitbild.jpg ) [822] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 41 [VideoName] => Ranga Yogeshwar [VideoDescription] =>Mensch und Maschine - wer programmiert wen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtnMBv_GR98 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 17 [Name] => Yogeshwar [Firstname] => Ranga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yogeshwar-ranga-portraitbild.jpg ) [823] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 40 [VideoName] => Ranga Yogeshwar [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz - Was bringt die Zukunft?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHdkH9yaqEM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 17 [Name] => Yogeshwar [Firstname] => Ranga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yogeshwar-ranga-portraitbild.jpg ) [824] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 39 [VideoName] => Bertrand Piccard [VideoDescription] =>Around the World and Beyond
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBLB7I_vqYA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 16 [Name] => Piccard [Firstname] => Bertrand [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-piccard-bertrand-portraitbild.jpg ) [825] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 38 [VideoName] => Bertrand Piccard [VideoDescription] =>A Life of a Pioneer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YszVms9r1XA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 16 [Name] => Piccard [Firstname] => Bertrand [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-piccard-bertrand-portraitbild.jpg ) [826] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 37 [VideoName] => Bertrand Piccard [VideoDescription] =>Die Mission Solar Impulse - Die Überquerung des Pazifiks
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr5PHSMWMbs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 16 [Name] => Piccard [Firstname] => Bertrand [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-piccard-bertrand-portraitbild.jpg ) [827] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 36 [VideoName] => Bertrand Piccard [VideoDescription] =>TEDx: Das SolarImpulse-Abenteuer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxYFURQ7Ehw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 16 [Name] => Piccard [Firstname] => Bertrand [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-piccard-bertrand-portraitbild.jpg ) [828] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 35 [VideoName] => Bertrand Piccard [VideoDescription] =>Shifting Paradigms to solve climate change.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hXM95VUezY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 16 [Name] => Piccard [Firstname] => Bertrand [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-piccard-bertrand-portraitbild.jpg ) [829] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 30 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Coffeebreak with Kristina Vogel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF4nG4oA4ns [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [830] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 29 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Steh Auf!
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0vPuxPJfTM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [831] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 28 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Inspirational Interview with Chris Hoy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5tS_FPoMp0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [832] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 27 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Noch immer ich. Nur anders.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q8NAcaW2gU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [833] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 26 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>"Der Weg ist das Ziel"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y2TeQSi5pM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [834] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 25 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>"Man muss die Situation nehmen, wie sie ist."
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbMFb5sCw6I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [835] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 24 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>US State Department awards Zarifa Ghafari Intl Woman of Courage Award
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QGU_jf6Lvo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [836] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 23 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>A Female Mayor in Afghanistan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj_pBeSfKEE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [837] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 22 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>The Next Generation Leaders
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vppRlLH1WiU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [838] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 21 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>Die Flucht aus Kabul
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDczpRLwp2s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [839] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 20 [VideoName] => Rafael Fuchsgruber bei Markus Lanz [VideoDescription] =>Rafael Fuchsgruber bei Markus Lanz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yncPb-09-w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 1 [Name] => Fuchsgruber [Firstname] => Rafael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchsgruber-rafael-portraitbild.jpg ) [840] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 19 [VideoName] => Rafael Fuchsgruber - The Track [VideoDescription] =>The Track - 520 Kilometer Outback
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_afhxcIc7Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 1 [Name] => Fuchsgruber [Firstname] => Rafael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchsgruber-rafael-portraitbild.jpg ) [841] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 14 [VideoName] => Keynote Speaker Adrian Gostick [VideoDescription] =>Keynote about Leadership (5:50 min.)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKysVZtQBPI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 10 [Name] => Gostick [Firstname] => Adrian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gostick-adrian-portraitbild.jpg ) [842] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 13 [VideoName] => Keynote Speaker Adrian Gostick [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Reel (9:06 min.)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P65bnAqDy6Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 10 [Name] => Gostick [Firstname] => Adrian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gostick-adrian-portraitbild.jpg ) [843] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 2 [VideoName] => Rafael Fuchsgruber - Der Redner [VideoDescription] =>Vom Partykönig zum Ultramarathonläufer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcEMyFMgR8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 1 [Name] => Fuchsgruber [Firstname] => Rafael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchsgruber-rafael-portraitbild.jpg ) [844] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 1 [VideoName] => Extremläufer Rafael Fuchsgruber [VideoDescription] =>Rafael Fuchsgruber & Tanja Schönenborn zum Wüstenlauf
[YoutubeId] => 9-_OaAtIGL0 [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmksROONVu8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 1 [Name] => Fuchsgruber [Firstname] => Rafael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchsgruber-rafael-portraitbild.jpg ) ) [en] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 917 [VideoName] => Beate van Loo-Born [VideoDescription] =>Beate van Loo-Born - Leaning into the Future. What's next?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlY4FvU4Lno [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 302 [Name] => van Loo-Born [Firstname] => Beate [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-loo-born-beate-portraitbild.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 916 [VideoName] => Beate van Loo-Born [VideoDescription] =>Beate van Loo-Born - Tarzan Economics: Principles for pivoting through Disruption
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjZsni2GVwM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 302 [Name] => van Loo-Born [Firstname] => Beate [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-loo-born-beate-portraitbild.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 915 [VideoName] => Deniz Kayadelen [VideoDescription] =>Ängste sind unsere Freunde! Von der Angstzone in die Wachstumszone, in die Lernzone.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfawLpS-w8I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 236 [Name] => Kayadelen [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kayadelen-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 914 [VideoName] => Theresa Schleicher [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag New Retaility - Die Konsumentenanforderungen an den LEH der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2TVRvVQrZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 235 [Name] => Schleicher [Firstname] => Theresa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schleicher-theresa-portraitbild.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 913 [VideoName] => Theresa Schleicher [VideoDescription] =>Expertentalk an der spogagafa - Garden & BBQ trade fair
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo10wptjlhM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 235 [Name] => Schleicher [Firstname] => Theresa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schleicher-theresa-portraitbild.jpg ) [5] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 911 [VideoName] => Mentale Gesundheit: Prävention am Arbeitsplatz [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppcHMUciWGk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 213 [Name] => Schneider [Firstname] => Eva Elisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schneider-eva-elisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [6] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 912 [VideoName] => Podcast - Leistungsdruck: Was hilft? [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fJ6GoYTXhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 213 [Name] => Schneider [Firstname] => Eva Elisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schneider-eva-elisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [7] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 910 [VideoName] => Christian Wehner [VideoDescription] =>TEDxHHL - Become a KIDULT - Rediscover The Magic of Childhood Wonder
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8WBaniSQAU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 259 [Name] => Wehner [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wehner-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [8] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 909 [VideoName] => Gordon Herbert [VideoDescription] =>Gordon Herbert on Leadership, Teamwork & taking ownership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr-ngiQBBc4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 301 [Name] => Herbert [Firstname] => Gordon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-herbert-gordon-portraitbild.jpg ) [9] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 908 [VideoName] => Gordon Herbert [VideoDescription] =>Gordon Herbert im Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFmF50uY9CA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 301 [Name] => Herbert [Firstname] => Gordon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-herbert-gordon-portraitbild.jpg ) [10] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 907 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt Speaker Reel [VideoDescription] =>Innovation Speaker & Future Optimist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLvpZ-kkJ4w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [11] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 906 [VideoName] => German Ramirez Speaker Reel [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez - Redner Digitalisierung, Transformation & Technologien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb-tyVQN1sc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [12] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 905 [VideoName] => Sophie Hundertmark [VideoDescription] =>Sophie Hundertmark - Intelligent Chatbots - TEDxHochschuleLuzern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjnjDUbxS7k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 300 [Name] => Hundertmark [Firstname] => Sophie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hundertmark-sophie-portraitbild.jpg ) [13] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 904 [VideoName] => Sophie Hundertmark [VideoDescription] =>Sophie Hundertmark zu ChatGPT - 10vor10
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUq77rIkduo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 300 [Name] => Hundertmark [Firstname] => Sophie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hundertmark-sophie-portraitbild.jpg ) [14] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 903 [VideoName] => Dominic von Proeck [VideoDescription] =>Dominic von Proeck - Hacking your brain through your sense of smell
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnRbAW_Tadw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 299 [Name] => von Proeck [Firstname] => Dominic [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-proeck-dominic-portraitbild.jpg ) [15] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 902 [VideoName] => Dominic von Proeck [VideoDescription] =>Dominic von Proeck - Künstliche Intelligenz wird alle Branchen verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBrM1gaf8ug [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 299 [Name] => von Proeck [Firstname] => Dominic [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-proeck-dominic-portraitbild.jpg ) [16] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 900 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft gestalten: Wie unsere Entscheidungen heute die Welt von morgen beeinflussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXcOvdDkAJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [17] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 901 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Die Weiterentwicklung des E-Commerce: Neue Technologien, neue Möglichkeiten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7du47IMQjOs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [18] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 899 [VideoName] => Léa Steinacker & Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel & Léa Steinacker: Wie KI unsere Welt verändert und was wir dabei gewinnen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke3EEAniP3I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 298 [Name] => Steinacker [Firstname] => Léa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steinacker-lea-portraitbild.jpg ) [19] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 898 [VideoName] => Léa Steinacker & Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel & Léa Steinacker: Gefahren und Chancen durch Künstliche Intelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n789JY6z33I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 298 [Name] => Steinacker [Firstname] => Léa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steinacker-lea-portraitbild.jpg ) [20] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 897 [VideoName] => [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin für Event, Gala, Award, Messe, Kongress, Podium, Hybrid-Event, TV - Ilka Groenewold 2025
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrw73ja7cBM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 157 [Name] => Groenewold [Firstname] => Ilka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenewold-ilka-portraitbild.jpg ) [21] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 896 [VideoName] => [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 297 [Name] => Suter [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-suter-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [22] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 895 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - Business Storytelling - The Premium Speakers Agency
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq_yDfCFUgU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [23] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 894 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher: "I never really liked my teammates, except this one..." - Ralf on his F1 career
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiiWv7nr9MQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [24] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 893 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher interview before driving the BMW Williams FW25 in Spielberg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiiWv7nr9MQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [25] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 892 [VideoName] => Ralf Schumacher [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Schumacher on why he left Jordan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Arttho6CyE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 296 [Name] => Schumacher [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schumacher-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [26] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 890 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez "Branding in the digital age" Live auf der StartupCon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIy2AARmy_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [27] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 889 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez: The third and final digital revolution - TEDxLugano
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBIqQ_Owd7s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [28] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 888 [VideoName] => German Ramirez [VideoDescription] =>German Ramirez für Vortrag Digitalisierung, Branding, Marketing, Disruption & Führung buchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU5BkdpBmc0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 295 [Name] => Ramirez [Firstname] => German [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramirez-german-portraitbild.jpg ) [29] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 887 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: No Bullshit Innovation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LWxQQasvU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [30] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 886 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: Was ist die Lösung für Mobilität?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dE9E2mfS8U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [31] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 885 [VideoName] => Lars Behrendt [VideoDescription] =>Lars Behrendt: Get real Innovation. Wie man wirklich innovativ wird. TEDxOldenbourg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndbZAEyhmps [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 294 [Name] => Behrendt [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-behrendt-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [32] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 884 [VideoName] => Angela Oguntala [VideoDescription] =>Angela Oguntala - Re-Imagine the Future | TEDxCopenhagen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB-BGlAqeDc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 293 [Name] => Oguntala [Firstname] => Angela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oguntala-angela-portraitbild.jpg ) [33] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 883 [VideoName] => Angela Oguntala [VideoDescription] =>Angela Oguntala - Designing futures
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFVOAf-f1Pg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 293 [Name] => Oguntala [Firstname] => Angela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oguntala-angela-portraitbild.jpg ) [34] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 882 [VideoName] => Selma Kuyas [VideoDescription] =>Selma Kuyas - The future of Employee Benefits
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSHVH8tSwMI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 292 [Name] => Kuyas [Firstname] => Selma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuyas-selma-portraitbild.jpg ) [35] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 881 [VideoName] => Selma Kuyas [VideoDescription] =>Selma Kuyas - Authentizität - Mythos oder Gamechanger?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1OmDWvY0M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 292 [Name] => Kuyas [Firstname] => Selma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuyas-selma-portraitbild.jpg ) [36] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 880 [VideoName] => Chris Heemskerk [VideoDescription] =>Chris Heemskerk - The Innovation Scorecard by the Innovation Alliance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N49t6nr5tIM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 291 [Name] => Heemskerk [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heemskerk-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [37] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 879 [VideoName] => Chris Heemskerk [VideoDescription] =>Chris Heemskerk on Innovation & Future Trends - The Importance of Adopting an Innovation Strategy in your Business.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHZFQI2xcIY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 291 [Name] => Heemskerk [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heemskerk-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [38] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 878 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elazari Virtual Keynote Speaker - Cyber Security in Times of Crisis
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD9VITXjynA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [39] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 877 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elzarai - Hacking: Das Immunsystem des Internets | TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erCAp_Bd0AQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [40] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 876 [VideoName] => Keren Elazari [VideoDescription] =>Keren Elazari - A Short introduction to The Friendly Hacker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxSOiRnu9ok [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 290 [Name] => Elazari [Firstname] => Keren [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elazari-keren-portraitbild.jpg ) [41] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 875 [VideoName] => Sabina Kocherhans [VideoDescription] =>Sabina Kocherhans - Diversität, Inklusion und wie Du Kunden verblüffst
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNNAIEpcQXk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 289 [Name] => Kocherhans [Firstname] => Sabina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kocherhans-sabina-portraitbild.jpg ) [42] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 874 [VideoName] => Sarah Lewandowski [VideoDescription] =>Sarah Lewandowski - Bayer's Innovation Journey
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaKFI0RRSEg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 288 [Name] => Lewandowski [Firstname] => Sarah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lewandowski-sarah-portraitbild.jpg ) [43] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 873 [VideoName] => Sarah Lewandowski [VideoDescription] =>Sarah Lewandowski - Labs on Edge – Innovation im Pflanzenschutz mit einer hybriden Machine Learning Pipeline | HCS22
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWApjSJnWxw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 288 [Name] => Lewandowski [Firstname] => Sarah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lewandowski-sarah-portraitbild.jpg ) [44] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 872 [VideoName] => Bernd Hufnagl [VideoDescription] =>Bernd Hufnagl - Besser fix als fertig. Hirngerecht arbeiten?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csP6yyKjdtQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 287 [Name] => Hufnagl [Firstname] => Bernd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hufnagl-bernd-portraitbild.jpg ) [45] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 871 [VideoName] => Bernd Hufnagl [VideoDescription] =>Bernd Hufnagl: Future Brain - Wie meistert unser Gehirn die Zukunft?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=178sd1FGYqw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 287 [Name] => Hufnagl [Firstname] => Bernd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hufnagl-bernd-portraitbild.jpg ) [46] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 868 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>The Future Unveiled
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=095wZDztJNE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [47] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 869 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Digitalization and Sustainability
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBLOaZhnsz8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [48] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 867 [VideoName] => Nikki Greenberg [VideoDescription] =>Nikki Greenberg - Keynote Speaker - The Future of High Performance Teams - Millenials and Gen Z: Our Future Customers
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkpGTR6lyIY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 285 [Name] => Greenberg [Firstname] => Nikki [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-greenberg-nikki-portraitbild.jpg ) [49] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 866 [VideoName] => Niki Greenberg [VideoDescription] =>Nikki Greenberg - The Future is now. Create our Future today.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLP-nSI1yuA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 285 [Name] => Greenberg [Firstname] => Nikki [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-greenberg-nikki-portraitbild.jpg ) [50] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 865 [VideoName] => Jeremy Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>The Zero Marginal Cost Society | Jeremy Rifkin | Talks at Google
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-iDUcETjvo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [51] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 864 [VideoName] => Jereny Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>V.O. Complete. Resilience, the key to our future. Jeremy Rifkin, sociologist and economist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jA58f2d8yQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [52] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 863 [VideoName] => Jeremy Rifkin [VideoDescription] =>Jeremy Rifkin - A history of the future – the world in 2025
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUVeg-x9Za4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 284 [Name] => Rifkin [Firstname] => Jeremy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rifkin-jeremy-portraitbild.jpg ) [53] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 862 [VideoName] => Anna Kopp, CIO Microsoft Germany [VideoDescription] =>Leadership in a Transforming World & The Future Workplace mit Anna Kopp von Microsoft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1PRiub7tXA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 283 [Name] => Kopp [Firstname] => Anna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kopp-anna-portraitbild.jpg ) [54] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 861 [VideoName] => Anna Kopp, CIO Microsoft Germany [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Transformation mit dem Menschen im Fokus - Anna Kopp, CIO, Microsoft Deutschland
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5Kxat1b818 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 283 [Name] => Kopp [Firstname] => Anna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kopp-anna-portraitbild.jpg ) [55] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 859 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Skincareroutine 101 Skincare Beginners Guide by Dermdoc Dr Liv Kraemer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24VId3aF3uI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [56] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 860 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Liv Kraemer - Alpensymposium 2024
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9El6MBim_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [57] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 858 [VideoName] => Liv Kraemer [VideoDescription] =>Liv Kraemer - Longevity: Ein gesundes langes Leben
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5xvcVgq-CQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 282 [Name] => Kraemer [Firstname] => Liv [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kraemer-liv-portraitbild.jpg ) [58] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 857 [VideoName] => Gerlinde Manz-Christ [VideoDescription] =>Gerlinde Manz-Christ: Vertrauen ist die Basis und das Ziel zugleich von Diplomatie und erfolgreicher Kommunikation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZBMcODodHg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 281 [Name] => Manz-Christ [Firstname] => Gerlinde [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-manz-christ-gerlinde-portraitbild.jpg ) [59] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 856 [VideoName] => Gerlinde Manz-Christ [VideoDescription] =>Gerlinde Manz-Christ: Diplomatische Kommunikation - Die Kunst des sanften Siegens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOJrnnGiQ1w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 281 [Name] => Manz-Christ [Firstname] => Gerlinde [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-manz-christ-gerlinde-portraitbild.jpg ) [60] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 855 [VideoName] => Anja Blacha [VideoDescription] =>Anja Blacha Referentin & Abenteuerin & Bergsteigerin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYjGnH1cqdw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 31 [Name] => Blacha [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blacha-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [61] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 854 [VideoName] => Holger Bröer [VideoDescription] =>Holger Bröer: Wie Du in 8 Minuten neue Kunden gewinnst. Redner Kundenzentrierung und Verkauf
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ve3ND13W8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 280 [Name] => Bröer [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-broeer-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [62] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 853 [VideoName] => Holger Bröer [VideoDescription] =>Holger Bröer - Ich hasse Kaltakquise. Der Verkaufstrainer.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJqFPCVPyKU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 280 [Name] => Bröer [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-broeer-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [63] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 852 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>AFCP Soirèe Prestige
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrEYj6bbu58 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [64] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 851 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner | watching and reflecting on his olympic victory with his family
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg4C5_yecQI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [65] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 850 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner wins an emotional gold at Beijing 2008 | Epic Olympic Moments
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPwDWMfy7Z4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [66] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 849 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner Shares his Emotional Beijing 2008 Weightlifting Gold
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssO92BNsJc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [67] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 848 [VideoName] => Matthias Steiner [VideoDescription] =>Matthias Steiner Olympiasieg 2008 in Peking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9LJ3ihufeI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 279 [Name] => Steiner [Firstname] => Matthias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steiner-matthias-portraitbild.jpg ) [68] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 847 [VideoName] => Tim Cortinovis [VideoDescription] =>Tim Cortinovis - Global keynote speaker on Artificial Intelligence and Automation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_tTQl5PsPY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 278 [Name] => Cortinovis [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cortinovis-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [69] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 846 [VideoName] => Tim Cortinovis [VideoDescription] =>Tim Cortinovis Speaker Artificial Intelligence, Sales & Business mindset
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFLwhoZ_E8c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 278 [Name] => Cortinovis [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cortinovis-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [70] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 845 [VideoName] => Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel: Gefahren und Chancen durch Künstliche Intelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n789JY6z33I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 277 [Name] => Meckel [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meckel-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [71] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 844 [VideoName] => Miriam Meckel [VideoDescription] =>Miriam Meckel: Zukunft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz | Wohnung 17 | WDR
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvIqPznYnw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 277 [Name] => Meckel [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-meckel-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [72] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 843 [VideoName] => Edgar Itt [VideoDescription] =>Edgar Itt - Inspiration aus Leidenschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sizsUlK00l4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 276 [Name] => Itt [Firstname] => Edgar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-itt-edgar-portraitbild.jpg ) [73] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 842 [VideoName] => Edgar Itt [VideoDescription] =>Edgar Itt: Olympia steckt in Jedem - Über Hürden zum Erfolg.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxSPkJjKQyI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 276 [Name] => Itt [Firstname] => Edgar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-itt-edgar-portraitbild.jpg ) [74] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 841 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag "The Magic of Attention" - TEDxBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY1xiQvoBhw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [75] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 840 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton - Removing Friction unleashes innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKmEOZ_ZIB0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [76] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 839 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton - Achieving the impossible
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6qjqG9Ux0s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [77] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 838 [VideoName] => Chris Barton [VideoDescription] =>Chris Barton, Founder of Shazam, innovation & technology keynote speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ251lS0Jf8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 275 [Name] => Barton [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-barton-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [78] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 837 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara: Is Purpose good for Business? Ranjay Gulati with Jyoti Guptara at 2022 Global Peter Drucker Forum
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHUbDq4Qw3g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [79] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 836 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - How Stories HACK the Brain: Business Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2K3fQ0Jfww [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [80] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 835 [VideoName] => Jyoti Guptara [VideoDescription] =>Jyoti Guptara - They only remember the Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTrBjxq1b8M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 274 [Name] => Guptara [Firstname] => Jyoti [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-guptara-jyoti-portraitbild.jpg ) [81] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 832 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>War die Abschaffung der Wehrpflicht ein Fehler? Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg im Gespräch | maischberger
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvJDlmFILBo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [82] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 831 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg über die Sorge um die USA und seine Karriere
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHWF6hIYj6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [83] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 830 [VideoName] => Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Germany must not hide behind bureaucratic answers in Ukraine war response
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOc1T3P4mRA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 271 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Karl-Theodor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-karl-theodor-portraitbild.jpg ) [84] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 829 [VideoName] => Guido H. Baltes [VideoDescription] =>Guido H. Baltes Speaker digital Transformation, innovation & disruption. Strategic Management Perspectives.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfIuGAWW0g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 270 [Name] => Baltes [Firstname] => Guido H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baltes-guido-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [85] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 828 [VideoName] => Guido H. Baltes [VideoDescription] =>Guido H. Baltes Opening Keynote 24th ICE/IEEE Conference
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuwWo4eNLEA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 270 [Name] => Baltes [Firstname] => Guido H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baltes-guido-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [86] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 827 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker at Oxford Union
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofhulQPMZio [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [87] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 826 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker bei der OMR - "Ich brauche die internationale Öffentlichkeit."
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0YmB_aP2R4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [88] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 825 [VideoName] => Boris Becker [VideoDescription] =>Boris Becker: First UK TV Interview since leaving prison
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Ui-yWKzhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 269 [Name] => Becker [Firstname] => Boris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-becker-boris-portraitbild.jpg ) [89] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 824 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Bargetzi: The World of Tomorrow. Big Tech meets Neuroscience - TEDxSHMS 2023
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sA5uuQTJXU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [90] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 823 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>Alpensymposium 2024 - Zarifa Ghafari: The future of Afghanistan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScfTTUVxWl8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [91] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 822 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Alpensymposium 2024 - Wie man aus Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partner Markenbotschafter macht.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hry-ErOhfY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [92] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 821 [VideoName] => Oliver Zeidler [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Zeidler - Einer für den Einer. Die Doku.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1jZL5A5gg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 268 [Name] => Zeidler [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zeidler-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [93] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 820 [VideoName] => Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8FeDv1rmpU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 249 [Name] => Corneliussen [Firstname] => Arne Elias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-corneliussen-arne-elias-portraitbild.jpg ) [94] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 819 [VideoName] => Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Arne Elias Corneliussen on the future of Africa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VIUWwMoO3U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 249 [Name] => Corneliussen [Firstname] => Arne Elias [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-corneliussen-arne-elias-portraitbild.jpg ) [95] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 818 [VideoName] => Isabell Werth [VideoDescription] =>Isabell Werth im Gespräch über Erfolg, die Besonderheiten und was sie antreibt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek9zSNkpi_M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 267 [Name] => Werth [Firstname] => Isabell [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-werth-isabell-portraitbild.jpg ) [96] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 817 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Michaela Merk - TEDxBelfort: A la rencontre de la Confiance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTTmT7VrWIs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [97] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 816 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>Expert on Leadership and Crisis-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59O15HijFm4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [98] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 815 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>Nicola Winter - Expertin für Führung & Krisen-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkRhbjFMeEE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [99] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 814 [VideoName] => Kevin Lötscher [VideoDescription] =>Kevin Lötscher - Die Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEquEdk3qKY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 266 [Name] => Lötscher [Firstname] => Kevin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-loetscher-kevin-portraitbild.jpg ) [100] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 813 [VideoName] => Kevin Lötscher [VideoDescription] =>Kevin Lötscher - The Playmyker is You - TEDxHWZ Zurich
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qaax-pP0NY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 266 [Name] => Lötscher [Firstname] => Kevin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-loetscher-kevin-portraitbild.jpg ) [101] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 812 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Showreel Julia Bauer - ready for 2024
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VrgBwSqXpg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [102] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 811 [VideoName] => Torsten Kleint [VideoDescription] =>Torsten Kleint - Mindset. Was es braucht, Ziele zu erreichen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeQrqUO5bEE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 265 [Name] => Kleint [Firstname] => Torsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kleint-torsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [103] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 810 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Zurbuchen: NASA-Forschungsdirektor will auf den Mars
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wUWB1Nyg-4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [104] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 809 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Aus der Freikirche ins All – Die steile Karriere des NASA-Direktors Thomas Zurbuchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pov_bBZbxc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [105] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 808 [VideoName] => Thomas H. Zurbuchen [VideoDescription] =>Understanding our Universe through the lens of NASA with former Head of Science Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UPPEnOYbdA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 264 [Name] => Zurbuchen [Firstname] => Thomas H. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zurbuchen-thomas-h-portraitbild.jpg ) [106] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 807 [VideoName] => Dietmar Dahmen [VideoDescription] =>Dietmar Dahmen on Strategies, Disruption & Digital Trust
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCJpn6pyd0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 44 [Name] => Dahmen [Firstname] => Dietmar [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dahmen-dietmar-portraitbild.jpg ) [107] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 806 [VideoName] => Victoria Riess [VideoDescription] =>Victoria Riess' Site Growth Strategy – How to grow your global tech hub by 150% #growthstrategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X32XnrbLICI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 263 [Name] => Riess [Firstname] => Victoria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riess-victoria-portraitbild.jpg ) [108] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 805 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Anticipating the Future Normal | FHS 2023 - GRIF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1SYm6z5tPQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [109] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 804 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Henry Coutinho-Mason: Future Thinker, Idea Generator. Strategic Storyteller.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxQgoD2IcRI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [110] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 803 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>Henry Coutinho-Mason - Anticipating the Future Normal
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyXM_NbujgM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [111] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 802 [VideoName] => Henry Coutinho-Mason [VideoDescription] =>The future normal with Henry Coutinho Mason - Thrive Live '23
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZC2kERPF54 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 262 [Name] => Coutinho-Mason [Firstname] => Henry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coutinho-mason-henry-portraitbild.jpg ) [112] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 801 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Chinese E-commerce: Latest trends and Pro Tips from Sharon Gai - Alibaba Group
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFyzGJ8T0Fo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [113] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 800 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Sharon Gai - The Future of E-Commerce and digital Marketing | Alibaba
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG60biCBk5g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [114] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 799 [VideoName] => Sharon Gai [VideoDescription] =>Sharon Gai - Culture Fluid: How to be the bridge in a divided world | TEDxMcGill
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O41VBjyxM2k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 261 [Name] => Gai [Firstname] => Sharon [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gai-sharon-portraitbild.jpg ) [115] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 797 [VideoName] => Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Peter Kreuz - So schnell lernen, wie die Welt sich verändert.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibA0OO_HzV0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 167 [Name] => Kreuz [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kreuz-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [116] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 795 [VideoName] => Christian Wehner [VideoDescription] =>Christian Wehner - Think New. Transform Now.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk0_fUWpmcc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 259 [Name] => Wehner [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wehner-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [117] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 794 [VideoName] => Benjamin Talin [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Talin beim Digital-Gipfel 2022 Berlin zu Digitalen Zukunft und neuen Technologien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a60vDVYbCNg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 258 [Name] => Talin [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-talin-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [118] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 793 [VideoName] => Benjamin Talin [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Talin, Founder morethandigital.info, Digital-Experte & Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_gtaHrKJlo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 258 [Name] => Talin [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-talin-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [119] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 791 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Technology & Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oBwcxu1b5U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [120] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 790 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Management, Innovation & Cultural Game
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc8uckDXEd4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [121] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 789 [VideoName] => Robin Weninger [VideoDescription] =>Robin Weninger on Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Entrepreneurship
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH5uk5izcrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 257 [Name] => Weninger [Firstname] => Robin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weninger-robin-portraitbild.jpg ) [122] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 788 [VideoName] => Luzia Tschirky [VideoDescription] =>Luzia Tschirky: Krieg in der Ukraine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agf-u2IsFGo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 256 [Name] => Tschirky [Firstname] => Luzia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tschirky-luzia-portraitbild.jpg ) [123] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 787 [VideoName] => Luzia Tschirky [VideoDescription] =>Ukraine-Krieg: Total Vernichtung. Wenn der Krieg einem alles nimmt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZH14l8hQiI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 256 [Name] => Tschirky [Firstname] => Luzia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tschirky-luzia-portraitbild.jpg ) [124] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 786 [VideoName] => Dominik Neidhart [VideoDescription] =>Dominik Neidhart - Working together wins. Teamwork & Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cJi_28-FDE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 57 [Name] => Neidhart [Firstname] => Dominik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-neidhart-dominik-portraitbild.jpg ) [125] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 785 [VideoName] => Cristián Gálvez [VideoDescription] =>Cristián Gálvez - So entsteht gutes Selbstbewusstsein. Persönlichkeit schafft Wirkung.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJf5iqxERY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 255 [Name] => Gálvez [Firstname] => Cristián [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-galvez-cristian-portraitbild.jpg ) [126] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 784 [VideoName] => Cristián Gálvez [VideoDescription] =>Cristián Gálvez - Menschen begeistern: So bekommst du die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQifzLjlF-k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 255 [Name] => Gálvez [Firstname] => Cristián [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-galvez-cristian-portraitbild.jpg ) [127] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 783 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Benedikt Böhm: Shaping future leaders - One of the best mountaineer worldwide
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN4e7Ylu5R4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [128] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 782 [VideoName] => Benedikt Böhm [VideoDescription] =>Benedikt Böhm: Einer der besten Bergsteiger der Welt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAqf_zpFhR4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 32 [Name] => Böhm [Firstname] => Benedikt [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-boehm-benedikt-portraitbild.jpg ) [129] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 781 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Diversity and Inclusion
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GQ-UGDLqK0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [130] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 780 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Silence, the forgotten human skill | TEDxWassenaar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDr_GW4JnJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [131] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 779 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Organizations as Purpose driven Tribes
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_bxJG_aXIM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [132] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 778 [VideoName] => Jitske Kramer [VideoDescription] =>Jitske Kramer: Building a Future-proof Corporate Culture
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rHQC5gObY0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 254 [Name] => Kramer [Firstname] => Jitske [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kramer-jitske-portraitbild.jpg ) [133] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 777 [VideoName] => Maks Giordano [VideoDescription] =>Maks Giordano - TEDxHongkong - Some thoughts on lifestyle of mobility
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeFA6bG2IAk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 253 [Name] => Giordano [Firstname] => Maks [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-giordano-maks-portraitbild.jpg ) [134] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 776 [VideoName] => Maks Giordano [VideoDescription] =>Maks Giordano: The Future of Retail
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Es1uXIjWA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 253 [Name] => Giordano [Firstname] => Maks [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-giordano-maks-portraitbild.jpg ) [135] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 775 [VideoName] => Michal Ziso [VideoDescription] =>Michal Ziso: The surprising things I learnt on my journey to become a Space Architect - TEDxISU
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mclRpweCu3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 252 [Name] => Ziso [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ziso-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [136] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 774 [VideoName] => Michal Ziso [VideoDescription] =>Michal Ziso: Equality Lessons from mars - TEDxJaffaWomen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XvPGBXHYU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 252 [Name] => Ziso [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ziso-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [137] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 773 [VideoName] => Lucas Sauberschwarz [VideoDescription] =>Lucas Sauberschwarz on Corporate Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LnxQgRHMiI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 251 [Name] => Sauberschwarz [Firstname] => Lucas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sauberschwarz-lucas-portraitbild.jpg ) [138] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 772 [VideoName] => Lucas Sauberschwarz [VideoDescription] =>Lucas Sauberschwarz zum Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft & schönen neuen Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3GWKWiLAA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 251 [Name] => Sauberschwarz [Firstname] => Lucas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sauberschwarz-lucas-portraitbild.jpg ) [139] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 771 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Ein Tag mit Olympiasiegerin Deborah Levi
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJqSIgo35Gs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [140] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 770 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Deborah Levi aus Dillenburg rauscht zu Olympia-Gold im Zweierbob
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EjDcpPwdWo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [141] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 769 [VideoName] => Deborah Levi [VideoDescription] =>Olympiasiegerin Zweierbob 2022 - Sport-Stipendiat des Jahres 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3krbE4kGFoY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 250 [Name] => Levi [Firstname] => Deborah [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-levi-deborah-portraitbild.jpg ) [142] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 767 [VideoName] => Sarik Weber [VideoDescription] =>Sarik Weber on digital Transformation and Industry 4.0
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgL6Rlc2EEY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 248 [Name] => Weber [Firstname] => Sarik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weber-sarik-portraitbild.jpg ) [143] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 766 [VideoName] => Sarik Weber [VideoDescription] =>Sarik Weber über Fokus Zukunft: Unser Leben in 2050.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxsKQnbR78I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 248 [Name] => Weber [Firstname] => Sarik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-weber-sarik-portraitbild.jpg ) [144] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 765 [VideoName] => Marco Tempest [VideoDescription] =>Cyber Illusionist Marco Tempest - Magic Experiences & Creativity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe3N8xQHP-o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 247 [Name] => Tempest [Firstname] => Marco [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tempest-marco-portraitbild.jpg ) [145] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 764 [VideoName] => Marco Tempest [VideoDescription] =>Marco Tempest: The world's most popular live keynote presenter
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5y4KjdvLtM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 247 [Name] => Tempest [Firstname] => Marco [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tempest-marco-portraitbild.jpg ) [146] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 763 [VideoName] => Georges T. Roos [VideoDescription] =>Futurist Georges T. Roos - Leben in einer Smart World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Sid5nrlAA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 246 [Name] => Roos [Firstname] => Georges T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-roos-georges-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [147] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 762 [VideoName] => Georges T. Roos [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftsforscher Georges T. Roos - Lifestyle 202X
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zON-N1gA03A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 246 [Name] => Roos [Firstname] => Georges T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-roos-georges-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [148] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 761 [VideoName] => Missy Lee & Rahel Kindermann [VideoDescription] =>Missy Lee & Rahel Kindermann - Focus on your Horizon. The True North Star Story
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxe8N7Jhu1w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 245 [Name] => Lee [Firstname] => Missy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lee-missy-portraitbild.jpg ) [149] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 760 [VideoName] => Anthony Taylor [VideoDescription] =>Anthony Taylor - Dealing with mistakes, VAR and Christian Eriksen collapse
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ime2E9sYdkw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 244 [Name] => Taylor [Firstname] => Anthony [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-taylor-anthony-portraitbild.jpg ) [150] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 758 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: What to trust in a "post-truth" world - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpJx5VLQMxk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [151] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 757 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: The social responsibility of Business - TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5KZhm19EO0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [152] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 756 [VideoName] => Alex Edmans [VideoDescription] =>Alex Edmans: The Pie-Growing Mindset - TEDxManchester
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM67YJtYo6k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 243 [Name] => Edmans [Firstname] => Alex [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-edmans-alex-portraitbild.jpg ) [153] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 755 [VideoName] => Florian Kehl [VideoDescription] =>Auf der Suche nach ausserirdischem Leben
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0GHcFeB2QQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 242 [Name] => Kehl [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kehl-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [154] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 754 [VideoName] => Florian Kehl [VideoDescription] =>NASA- & ESA-Weltraumforscher
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKOYNbDBbPw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 242 [Name] => Kehl [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kehl-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [155] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 753 [VideoName] => Thilo Stadelmann [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz - Chance oder Gefahr?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P89cDOqlATw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 241 [Name] => Stadelmann [Firstname] => Thilo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stadelmann-thilo-portraitbild.jpg ) [156] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 752 [VideoName] => Thilo Stadelmann [VideoDescription] =>Welche MACHT hat Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie können wir sie nutzen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sk_mX0dSCQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 241 [Name] => Stadelmann [Firstname] => Thilo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stadelmann-thilo-portraitbild.jpg ) [157] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 751 [VideoName] => Thomas Druyen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Druyen: Was Zukunft mit unserer Psyche macht.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iovA75lo-Zg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 240 [Name] => Druyen [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-druyen-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [158] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 750 [VideoName] => Thomas Druyen [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Druyen: Verantwortung beim Umgang mit Vermögen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaRwyEJ2qg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 240 [Name] => Druyen [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-druyen-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [159] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 749 [VideoName] => Tina Teucher [VideoDescription] =>Innovation ist langweilig - Wenn sie die Welt nicht besser macht
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_2nDsxjHyk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 239 [Name] => Teucher [Firstname] => Tina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-teucher-tina-portraitbild.jpg ) [160] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 748 [VideoName] => Tina Teucher [VideoDescription] =>Tina Teucher: Wie Sie den Megatrends Nachhaltigkeit zu Ihrem Wettbewerbsvorteil machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMaUhFZnpbI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 239 [Name] => Teucher [Firstname] => Tina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-teucher-tina-portraitbild.jpg ) [161] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 747 [VideoName] => Béla Réthy [VideoDescription] =>Béla Réthy - EINBLICKE: Menschen mit Geschichte und Geschichten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKRJRViseUM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 238 [Name] => Réthy [Firstname] => Béla [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rethy-bela-portraitbild.jpg ) [162] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 746 [VideoName] => Béla Réthy [VideoDescription] =>Béla Réthy - Die besten Momente und Abschlussworte bei ZDF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYSveWqrgrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 238 [Name] => Réthy [Firstname] => Béla [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rethy-bela-portraitbild.jpg ) [163] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 745 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>Scariest Goalkeeper in Football History - The Titan
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-y8fg1bDNc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [164] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 744 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>FIFA World Cup
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwb4aNkcofI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [165] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 743 [VideoName] => Oliver Kahn [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Kahn und die 10 besten Paraden für den FC Bayern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMAjDtr1GoI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 237 [Name] => Kahn [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kahn-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [166] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 742 [VideoName] => Deniz Kayadelen [VideoDescription] =>Deniz Kayadelen - Out of Comfort Zone at TEDxBodrum
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0DOJF3XdFg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 236 [Name] => Kayadelen [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kayadelen-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [167] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 739 [VideoName] => Matthew Mockridge [VideoDescription] =>Worauf es ankommt....Jungunternehmertag mit Matthew Mockridge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKdThr4Wf5g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 234 [Name] => Mockridge [Firstname] => Matthew [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mockridge-matthew-portraitbild.jpg ) [168] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 738 [VideoName] => Matthew Mockridge [VideoDescription] =>The Power of Today - TEDxDHBWMannheim
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mggSiT89OA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 234 [Name] => Mockridge [Firstname] => Matthew [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mockridge-matthew-portraitbild.jpg ) [169] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 737 [VideoName] => Elly Oldenbourg [VideoDescription] =>Elly Oldenbourg: Re-Inventing Work - TEDxFS Frankfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MpaLA2QnRU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 233 [Name] => Oldenbourg [Firstname] => Elly [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oldenbourg-elly-portraitbild.jpg ) [170] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 736 [VideoName] => Elly Oldenbourg [VideoDescription] =>Der Morgen-Salon: Neue Handlungsimpulse in einer neuen Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY-DDa9nTtc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 233 [Name] => Oldenbourg [Firstname] => Elly [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-oldenbourg-elly-portraitbild.jpg ) [171] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 735 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Harte Zeiten bringen uns zum Wachsen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSMwHQ3AquQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [172] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 734 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Unbreakable
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv1VUl7eQiM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [173] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 733 [VideoName] => Patricia Kelly [VideoDescription] =>Patricia Kelly im Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbJr0LFURBo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 232 [Name] => Kelly [Firstname] => Patricia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kelly-patricia-portraitbild.jpg ) [174] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 732 [VideoName] => Michael Schulz [VideoDescription] =>Michael Schulz: Emotionen sind die wahren Entscheider
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKeVlt_XYYw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 231 [Name] => Schulz [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulz-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [175] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 731 [VideoName] => Michael Schulz [VideoDescription] =>Verkaufs-Experte Michael Schulz über Sales, Direktvertrieb und Führung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVM0TEVemuk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 231 [Name] => Schulz [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulz-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [176] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 730 [VideoName] => Sven Plöger [VideoDescription] =>Wo unser Wetter entsteht: Wie die Alpen unser Wetter machen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti8gl-keW_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 230 [Name] => Plöger [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ploeger-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [177] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 729 [VideoName] => Sven Plöger [VideoDescription] =>Sven Plöger: Zieht Euch warm an. Denn es wird heiss.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztPK4gKLNt4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 230 [Name] => Plöger [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ploeger-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [178] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 728 [VideoName] => Aileen Moeck [VideoDescription] =>Aileen Moeck über die Arbeit als Zukunftsforscherin und zukünftige Berufsbilder
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbqNfvukYr8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 229 [Name] => Moeck [Firstname] => Aileen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-moeck-aileen-portraitbild.jpg ) [179] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 727 [VideoName] => Aileen Moeck [VideoDescription] =>Aileen Moeck über das Lernen in einer digitalen Welt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBDKs6EEOFE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 229 [Name] => Moeck [Firstname] => Aileen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-moeck-aileen-portraitbild.jpg ) [180] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 726 [VideoName] => Benjamin Grewe [VideoDescription] =>Benjamin Grewe ETH Podcast Artificial Intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oiEpqasMYk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 228 [Name] => Grewe [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grewe-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [181] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 725 [VideoName] => Bianca-Maria Klein [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbalHPqix4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 205 [Name] => Klein [Firstname] => Bianca-Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-klein-bianca-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [182] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 724 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Warum ein Schwimmstar Unternehmer geworden ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-0vwiaEYU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [183] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 723 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Unverhofft kommt oft - wie Sie das Unerwartete für sich nutzbar machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RklLYsCiMzw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [184] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 722 [VideoName] => Michael Gross [VideoDescription] =>Lerne vom dreifachen Olympia-Sieger - Michael Gross im Performance Talk
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI8x8N5QiJI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 227 [Name] => Gross [Firstname] => Michael [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gross-michael-portraitbild.jpg ) [185] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 721 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Psychologie von Hackern und Scammern - Cybercrime & Cybersecurity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSCwT0xrPmw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [186] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 720 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Profiling: Erkenne Psychopathen in der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icCqgx2FbUI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [187] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 719 [VideoName] => Mark T. Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Profiling-Tricks: Was wir vom FBI über Menschenkenntnis lernen können.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsLEAsdn6xg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 226 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Mark T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-mark-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [188] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 718 [VideoName] => Rainer Petek [VideoDescription] =>Rainer Petek: Das Nordwand-Prinzip - Extrembergsteiger & Experte für Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLMlxQlnO5Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 225 [Name] => Petek [Firstname] => Rainer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-petek-rainer-portraitbild.jpg ) [189] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 717 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Massage zur geistigen Beweglichkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRQTuGOIpzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [190] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 716 [VideoName] => Stephanie zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Bildung, Chancen und Gerechtigkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OsmB5TVrPE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 224 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Stephanie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-stephanie-portraitbild.jpg ) [191] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 715 [VideoName] => Stephanie zu Guttenberg [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Bildung & Ausbildung für den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qn1vhNAbKU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 224 [Name] => zu Guttenberg [Firstname] => Stephanie [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-zu-guttenberg-stephanie-portraitbild.jpg ) [192] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 714 [VideoName] => Sabine Hübner [VideoDescription] =>Was macht exzellenten Service aus?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2MC6XRq7_Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 223 [Name] => Hübner [Firstname] => Sabine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-huebner-sabine-portraitbild.jpg ) [193] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 713 [VideoName] => Sabine Hübner [VideoDescription] =>Veränderungen in der Servicekultur - Was in Zukunft wichtig sein wird.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obSZQHQMM6I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 223 [Name] => Hübner [Firstname] => Sabine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-huebner-sabine-portraitbild.jpg ) [194] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 712 [VideoName] => Thomas Rau [VideoDescription] =>Material Matters - Die Architektur eines neuen Wirtschaftssystems
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFt5kWIcpW4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 222 [Name] => Rau [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rau-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [195] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 711 [VideoName] => Thomas Rau [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Rau on Circular Economy at TEDxZwolle
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrb2v_f0ZYY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 222 [Name] => Rau [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rau-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [196] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 710 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvQ_18p714Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [197] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 709 [VideoName] => Oliver Heer [VideoDescription] =>Oliver Heer Redner Resilienz, Mut, Teamwork und Risiko-Management.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EROkLpjZGjw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 221 [Name] => Heer [Firstname] => Oliver [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heer-oliver-portraitbild.jpg ) [198] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 708 [VideoName] => Marga Hoek [VideoDescription] =>Leading Business to a sustainable and prosperous Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDJPRLmSvI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 220 [Name] => Hoek [Firstname] => Marga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoek-marga-portraitbild.jpg ) [199] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 707 [VideoName] => Marga Hoek [VideoDescription] =>Marga Hoek: The SDGS, a compass for everyone, anywhere - TEDxAlkmaar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxHGY63rJU8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 220 [Name] => Hoek [Firstname] => Marga [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoek-marga-portraitbild.jpg ) [200] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 706 [VideoName] => Richard van Hooijdonk [VideoDescription] =>The World of Logistics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCzdpCrTung [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 219 [Name] => van Hooijdonk [Firstname] => Richard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-hooijdonk-richard-portraitbild.jpg ) [201] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 705 [VideoName] => Richard van Hooijdonk [VideoDescription] =>At the World Police Summit 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZtXTPZ7EnA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 219 [Name] => van Hooijdonk [Firstname] => Richard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-hooijdonk-richard-portraitbild.jpg ) [202] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 704 [VideoName] => Rahel Kindermann [VideoDescription] =>Make a Flight Plan: Keynote Change-Management, Willpower & Leadership. Reaching Goals.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d7UFV0__rw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 218 [Name] => Kindermann [Firstname] => Rahel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kindermann-rahel-portraitbild.jpg ) [203] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 703 [VideoName] => Monika Schnitzer [VideoDescription] =>Inflation & Krieg - Die Zukunft der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2EcEb3jvKs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 217 [Name] => Schnitzer [Firstname] => Monika [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schnitzer-monika-portraitbild.jpg ) [204] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 702 [VideoName] => Monika Schnitzer [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft der Globalisierung im neuen geopolitischen Umfeld
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hsrh10qfZY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 217 [Name] => Schnitzer [Firstname] => Monika [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schnitzer-monika-portraitbild.jpg ) [205] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 699 [VideoName] => Andreas Kuffner [VideoDescription] =>Entscheidungen treffen: So erreichst Du Deine Ziele trotz Rückschlägen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot6PDwtR7WU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 216 [Name] => Kuffner [Firstname] => Andreas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuffner-andreas-portraitbild.jpg ) [206] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 698 [VideoName] => Andreas Kuffner [VideoDescription] =>Teamentwickler & Olympiasieger im Deutschlandachter
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MqHCYD6ZbE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 216 [Name] => Kuffner [Firstname] => Andreas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kuffner-andreas-portraitbild.jpg ) [207] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 697 [VideoName] => Paul Niel [VideoDescription] =>Escaping my hamsterwheel - TEDxElsaHighSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0uNcT-krxo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 215 [Name] => Niel [Firstname] => Paul [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-niel-paul-portraitbild.jpg ) [208] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 696 [VideoName] => Paul Niel [VideoDescription] =>Paul Niel - Reaching Goals and keep focused
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48GWjPJ07xU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 215 [Name] => Niel [Firstname] => Paul [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-niel-paul-portraitbild.jpg ) [209] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 695 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>The new Era of Jobs and Pay - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOHLLXAcNhc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [210] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 694 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>How Inclusive Leadership drives Cultural Change - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SQaGdmAG8o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [211] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 693 [VideoName] => Kristina Vogel [VideoDescription] =>Stand-up - TEDxFS Frankfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNKf3a0nYa0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 14 [Name] => Vogel [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vogel-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [212] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 692 [VideoName] => Pero Mićić [VideoDescription] =>The five questions you must answer about your future | Pero Mićić | TEDxHochschuleLuzern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-iHN8jO6eE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 214 [Name] => Mićić [Firstname] => Pero [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-micic-pero-portraitbild.jpg ) [213] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 691 [VideoName] => Pero Mićić [VideoDescription] =>Pero Mićić - Wovon leben Sie morgen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-8lbj2wcjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 214 [Name] => Mićić [Firstname] => Pero [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-micic-pero-portraitbild.jpg ) [214] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 689 [VideoName] => Frank Busemann [VideoDescription] =>Who is Busman?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwCKwCSouFA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 212 [Name] => Busemann [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busemann-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [215] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 688 [VideoName] => Frank Busemann [VideoDescription] =>Mach's doch einfach - Wie Sie die Erfolgsprinzipien des Sports für Beruf und Alltag nutzen können.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=174L0vCjKVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 212 [Name] => Busemann [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busemann-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [216] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 687 [VideoName] => Bob Hanning [VideoDescription] =>Im aktuellen Sportstudio
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp7PqRaWkbg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 211 [Name] => Hanning [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hanning-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [217] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 686 [VideoName] => Bob Hanning [VideoDescription] =>Sportmanager & Headcoach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hyve28q0BE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 211 [Name] => Hanning [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hanning-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [218] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 685 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>10xDNA - The Mindset of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yIbkVLw6sw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [219] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 684 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Moderne Technologien: So sieht unser Leben in der Zukunft aus
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lP2hqjf3cI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [220] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 683 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Trends & Alltag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZw4XIzZOfA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [221] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 682 [VideoName] => Frank Thelen [VideoDescription] =>Unternehmer Frank Thelen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7izgB08qw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 210 [Name] => Thelen [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thelen-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [222] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 681 [VideoName] => Norbert Hillinger [VideoDescription] =>Creative AI Session mit Tolga Buz und Norbert Hillinger
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmm9cpo52gM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 40 [Name] => Hillinger [Firstname] => Norbert [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hillinger-norbert-portraitbild.jpg ) [223] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 679 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>The 5 secrets of Communication That all Leaders should know
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfOhF3GMfU8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [224] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 678 [VideoName] => Antoni Lacinai [VideoDescription] =>6 communication truths that everyone should know - TEDxVasa
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvcbn6WtJvQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 209 [Name] => Lacinai [Firstname] => Antoni [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lacinai-antoni-portraitbild.jpg ) [225] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 677 [VideoName] => Stefan Carsten [VideoDescription] =>Stefan Carsten - Welche 3 Trends die Zukunft der Mobilität verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh-oprWTmZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 208 [Name] => Carsten [Firstname] => Stefan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-carsten-stefan-portraitbild.jpg ) [226] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 676 [VideoName] => Stefan Carsten [VideoDescription] =>How do spaces shape the future of urban mobility? TEDxKassel - Stefan Carsten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7rFxg0HT7U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 208 [Name] => Carsten [Firstname] => Stefan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-carsten-stefan-portraitbild.jpg ) [227] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 675 [VideoName] => Dani Nieth [VideoDescription] =>Danie Nieth spricht über positive Kommunikation & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DztGoWhcFDc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 207 [Name] => Nieth [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nieth-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [228] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 674 [VideoName] => Dani Nieth [VideoDescription] =>Impulsreferat Arbeit ist Spiel von Dani Nieth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFsQMLWz2Lg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 207 [Name] => Nieth [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nieth-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [229] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 673 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>The Business of the Future - Re-Think the box.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7R_VJyxleM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [230] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 672 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>Love your iPhone and your iPhone will love you back. TEDxGöteborg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocMsomdpFRA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [231] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 671 [VideoName] => Aric Dromi [VideoDescription] =>Aric Dromi: How to write a new story for Bulgaria - TEDxVitosha
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm99hjPqdg4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 206 [Name] => Dromi [Firstname] => Aric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dromi-aric-portraitbild.jpg ) [232] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 670 [VideoName] => Bianca-Maria Klein [VideoDescription] =>Erwartungen loslassen: So führst Du ein selbstbestimmtes Leben.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYy71udcLzc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 205 [Name] => Klein [Firstname] => Bianca-Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-klein-bianca-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [233] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 669 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>Freitauchen - Erweiterung von Kompetenz und persönlichen Stärken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBcMpLwpcMo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [234] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 668 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>22 Minuten ohne zu atmen. Die mentale Stärke vom Weltmeister Tom Sietas im Apnoetauchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se9vGi6pdtI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [235] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 667 [VideoName] => Tom Sietas [VideoDescription] =>World Champion Freediver Tom Sietas reveals his breathing Techniques
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbH1hyaWtIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 204 [Name] => Sietas [Firstname] => Tom [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sietas-tom-portraitbild.jpg ) [236] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 666 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>The reality of peacekeeping in the Middle East - Fortune, the most powerful Women
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPBNZUKLK0g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [237] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 665 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>Tzipi Livni: How to fix Democracy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TzQWdiF29U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [238] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 664 [VideoName] => Tzipi Livni [VideoDescription] =>A Conversation with Tzipi Livni
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVMRzhPPlMI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 203 [Name] => Livni [Firstname] => Tzipi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-livni-tzipi-portraitbild.jpg ) [239] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 663 [VideoName] => Holger Stromberg [VideoDescription] =>5 Leitlinien für eine gesündere Ernährung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVJ_ZtU7GqU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 202 [Name] => Stromberg [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stromberg-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [240] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 662 [VideoName] => Holger Stromberg [VideoDescription] =>Holger Stromberg: Essen ändert alles
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H_0uHEn8w0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 202 [Name] => Stromberg [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stromberg-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [241] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 661 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Alpen, Asien, Afrika - Bergauf & Bergab
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Iawjgxm1c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [242] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 660 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Die Reise durch die Welt - Vorträge Anselm Pahnke
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tcz0oLC42A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [243] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 659 [VideoName] => Anselm Pahnke [VideoDescription] =>Mit dem Fahrrad durch Afrika: Von einer Reise zum Kinofilm
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8E3b9VRUCU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 201 [Name] => Pahnke [Firstname] => Anselm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pahnke-anselm-portraitbild.jpg ) [244] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 658 [VideoName] => Hans-Werner Sinn [VideoDescription] =>So bekommen wir die Inflation und die Wirtschaft in den Griff.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5XArmJqIjs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 200 [Name] => Sinn [Firstname] => Hans-Werner [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sinn-hans-werner-portraitbild.jpg ) [245] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 657 [VideoName] => Hans-Werner Sinn [VideoDescription] =>Inflation und Staatsverschuldung - Was kommt auf uns zu?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i04Rtz1wQek [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 200 [Name] => Sinn [Firstname] => Hans-Werner [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sinn-hans-werner-portraitbild.jpg ) [246] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 656 [VideoName] => Nicola Winter [VideoDescription] =>5 ways military leadership can empower your parenting - TEDxUniBw
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_1eNj6nSHs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 18 [Name] => Winter [Firstname] => Nicola [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-winter-nicola-portraitbild.jpg ) [247] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 655 [VideoName] => Dennis-Kenji Kipker [VideoDescription] =>Normen.Machen.Zukunft. - Die Zukunft der Cyberkriminalität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK756GJPbE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 199 [Name] => Kipker [Firstname] => Dennis-Kenji [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kipker-dennis-kenji-portraitbild.jpg ) [248] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 654 [VideoName] => Dennis-Kenji Kipker [VideoDescription] =>Hackback in Deutschland - Wer, was, wie und warum?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTV3MIn_9NA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 199 [Name] => Kipker [Firstname] => Dennis-Kenji [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kipker-dennis-kenji-portraitbild.jpg ) [249] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 653 [VideoName] => Peter Bofinger [VideoDescription] =>Warum die schwarze Null unsere Zukunft ruiniert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCMtmzSvfwI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 198 [Name] => Bofinger [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bofinger-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [250] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 652 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Wer gut führen will, muss das Herz ansteuern.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKuArzKZq8g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [251] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 651 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi - Keynotes & Workshops [VideoDescription] =>Bejamin Bargetzi zur Zukunft von Arbeit und New Work.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKhtdTfWbWg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [252] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 650 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Lanwehr - Der Coach der Bundesligatrainer. Führung eines Bundesligaclubs oder eines Unternehmens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVDl8LzeKc4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [253] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 649 [VideoName] => Ralf Lanwehr [VideoDescription] =>Ralf Lanwehr: New Work auf dem Prüfstand: Was funktioniert? Und was nicht?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9mN_fSckrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 197 [Name] => Lanwehr [Firstname] => Ralf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lanwehr-ralf-portraitbild.jpg ) [254] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 648 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva meets Melati Wijsen, co-Founder of Bye Bye Plastic Bags Bali
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XjCcKYz6h4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [255] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 647 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>World Economic Forum WEF - 2020, Decade of Action
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpoeL2I9RFY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [256] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 646 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Melati Wijsen - Protecting our Oceans
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ld9S1Ao-Rs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [257] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 645 [VideoName] => Melati & Isabel Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Our campaign to ban plastic bags in Bali - Melati & Isabel Wijsen - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8GCjrDWWUM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [258] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 644 [VideoName] => Melati Wijsen [VideoDescription] =>Melati Wijsen: A roadmap for young changemakers - TED Countdown
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfROjZlyg7o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 196 [Name] => Wijsen [Firstname] => Melati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wijsen-melati-portraitbild.jpg ) [259] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 643 [VideoName] => Suzanne Grieger-Langer [VideoDescription] =>Profiling in der Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja-ck-FDtmU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 195 [Name] => Grieger-Langer [Firstname] => Suzanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grieger-langer-suzanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [260] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 642 [VideoName] => Suzanne Grieger-Langer [VideoDescription] =>Profiler Suzanne Grieger-Langer - Die Tricks der Trickser
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v47xRrQ36Sg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 195 [Name] => Grieger-Langer [Firstname] => Suzanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-grieger-langer-suzanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [261] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 641 [VideoName] => Lars Thomsen [VideoDescription] =>Elektromobilität - Revolution der Automobilindustrie
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62BWCF0Z1WQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 194 [Name] => Thomsen [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thomsen-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [262] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 640 [VideoName] => Lars Thomsen [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft der Elektromobilität - Lars Thomsen Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr90V_-PIHo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 194 [Name] => Thomsen [Firstname] => Lars [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-thomsen-lars-portraitbild.jpg ) [263] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 639 [VideoName] => Sebastian Wächter - Imagefilm der Firma Barrierefrei im Kopf 2023 [VideoDescription] =>Imagefilm der Firma Barrierefrei im Kopf 2023
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5ydzY1uWP8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 193 [Name] => Wächter [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-waechter-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [264] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 638 [VideoName] => Sebastian Wächter - Vortrag Highlights: Diversity [VideoDescription] =>Experte Change-Management, Resilienz, Inklusion, Diversität & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as4kS4pJWv0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 193 [Name] => Wächter [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-waechter-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [265] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 637 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis Varoufakis
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4s5b9NL3I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [266] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 636 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Capitalism
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihVcrnFag1s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [267] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 635 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGeevtdp1WQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [268] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 634 [VideoName] => Yanis Varoufakis [VideoDescription] =>Technofeudalism: Explaining to Slavoj Zizek why I think capitalism has evolved into something worse
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghx0sq_gXK4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 192 [Name] => Varoufakis [Firstname] => Yanis [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-varoufakis-yanis-portraitbild.jpg ) [269] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 633 [VideoName] => Paul Wilhelm von Preussen [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung & die Generation Z - Tradition trifft Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_JC7La3JcU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 191 [Name] => von Preussen [Firstname] => Paul Wilhelm [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-preussen-paul-wilhelm-portraitbild.jpg ) [270] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 632 [VideoName] => Oona Horx Strathern [VideoDescription] =>Bauen und Wohnen im Wandel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPRGULMsu0Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 190 [Name] => Horx Strathern [Firstname] => Oona [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-strathern-oona-portraitbild.jpg ) [271] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 631 [VideoName] => Oona Horx Strathern [VideoDescription] =>Hoffice or not? Wie verändern sich die Ansprüche an Wohn- & Arbeitsräume?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtSM0tQ9JY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 190 [Name] => Horx Strathern [Firstname] => Oona [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-strathern-oona-portraitbild.jpg ) [272] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 630 [VideoName] => Reinhard K. Sprenger [VideoDescription] =>Interview zum Thema "Radikal Führen".
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz1eNyxHijs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 189 [Name] => Sprenger [Firstname] => Reinhard K. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sprenger-reinhard-k-portraitbild.jpg ) [273] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 629 [VideoName] => Reinhard K. Sprenger [VideoDescription] =>Mythos Motivation - Ein Unternehmen zukunftsfähig machen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2dDcadAVfU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 189 [Name] => Sprenger [Firstname] => Reinhard K. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sprenger-reinhard-k-portraitbild.jpg ) [274] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 628 [VideoName] => Lisa Eckhardt [VideoDescription] =>Lisa Eckhardt Keynote High Performance Teams, Krisen-Management & Change.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkUoxxeYv8Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 188 [Name] => Eckhardt [Firstname] => Lisa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-eckhardt-lisa-portraitbild.jpg ) [275] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 627 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Mit Führungskultur zu besseren Kundenerlebnissen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYlPYhPkYSk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [276] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 626 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Strategic Innovation Expert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_kXK5etK_E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [277] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 625 [VideoName] => Alex T. Steffen [VideoDescription] =>Leadership Strategies for the third Wave of Digitization.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d548_ISjfCw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 187 [Name] => Steffen [Firstname] => Alex T. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-steffen-alex-t-portraitbild.jpg ) [278] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 624 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>Brett King on Bank 4.0 at #IntellectUserMeet
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjWnL1JvKS8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [279] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 623 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>TEDxConejo - Bank 2.0: Modality Shift
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm7pIyRTFP0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [280] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 622 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>Brett King about Bank 4.0 and The Future of Financial Services
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QySt8rt2mPw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [281] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 621 [VideoName] => Brett King [VideoDescription] =>The futurist best-selling author Brett King talks about what he thinks will end the banking industry
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCFUbPC6yHE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 186 [Name] => King [Firstname] => Brett [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-king-brett-portraitbild.jpg ) [282] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 620 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Grenzgänger Markus Blum - Australien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf7eFPCREhA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [283] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 619 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Grenzgänger Markus Blum - Kanada
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbxJ2YguQdQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [284] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 618 [VideoName] => Markus Blum [VideoDescription] =>Abenteurer Markus Blum in der SRF DOK "Auf und Davon"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIT3f0x0Ns0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 185 [Name] => Blum [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-blum-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [285] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 617 [VideoName] => Johanna Spirker [VideoDescription] =>TEDxLend: It's not just a game. It's a game changer.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgXf5iwgXt8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 184 [Name] => Pirker [Firstname] => Johanna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pirker-johanna-portraitbild.jpg ) [286] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 616 [VideoName] => Johanna Spirker [VideoDescription] =>Johanna Spirker about Teaching & Researching at TU Graz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROuc7xY3Ae0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 184 [Name] => Pirker [Firstname] => Johanna [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pirker-johanna-portraitbild.jpg ) [287] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 615 [VideoName] => Fredrik Haren [VideoDescription] =>What is Creativity? A funny and inspiring speech at the Global Leadership Summit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqcdb8kpujI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 183 [Name] => Haren [Firstname] => Fredrik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-haren-fredrik-portraitbild.jpg ) [288] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 614 [VideoName] => Fredrik Haren [VideoDescription] =>Fredrik Haren: Organizations - What is Creativity?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe6wl0cEvmI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 183 [Name] => Haren [Firstname] => Fredrik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-haren-fredrik-portraitbild.jpg ) [289] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 613 [VideoName] => Dani Arnold [VideoDescription] =>Motivation, Führung & Risikomanagement - Dani Arnold Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAR82HGktJI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 182 [Name] => Arnold [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-arnold-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [290] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 612 [VideoName] => Dani Arnold [VideoDescription] =>The World's fastest Person to climb the Matterhorn
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA0QopkQYjY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 182 [Name] => Arnold [Firstname] => Dani [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-arnold-dani-portraitbild.jpg ) [291] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 611 [VideoName] => Christian Bredlow [VideoDescription] =>Christian Bredlow: "Und ab heute sind wir alle agile, oder?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWF1EnFoXnQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 181 [Name] => Bredlow [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bredlow-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [292] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 610 [VideoName] => Christian Bredlow [VideoDescription] =>Christian Bredlow spricht über Agilität & digitale Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TufUwjWFPuE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 181 [Name] => Bredlow [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bredlow-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [293] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 609 [VideoName] => Manuel P. Nappo [VideoDescription] =>When IoT meets Future - Die Chancen und Herausforderungen durch IoT
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6f7-_OQ4jE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 180 [Name] => Nappo [Firstname] => Manuel P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nappo-manuel-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [294] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 608 [VideoName] => Manuel P. Nappo [VideoDescription] =>Legacy or Agility - Manuel Nappo in a Talk with Aileen Zumstein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMTfBQvnuaE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 180 [Name] => Nappo [Firstname] => Manuel P. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nappo-manuel-p-portraitbild.jpg ) [295] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 607 [VideoName] => Zarifa Ghafari [VideoDescription] =>A woman’s battle in a man’s world - TEDxSHMS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_52oBtKVUZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 13 [Name] => Ghafari [Firstname] => Zarifa [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ghafari-zarifa-portraitbild.jpg ) [296] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 606 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Volker Quaschning zu Elektroautos, Tesla Factory und erneuerbare Energien
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwMbSpOz3nk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [297] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 605 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Klimaschutz in Deutschland - Kaum besser als Trump
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eDb55aGq20 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [298] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 604 [VideoName] => Volker Quaschning [VideoDescription] =>Die Energiewende - Eine Chance für Viele(s)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxF_86jTNxc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 179 [Name] => Quaschning [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-quaschning-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [299] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 603 [VideoName] => Silvia Garcia [VideoDescription] =>Is the Glass half full or half empty? The Glass is "Refillable"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkF8zM6Rr2Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 178 [Name] => Garcia [Firstname] => Silvia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-garcia-silvia-portraitbild.jpg ) [300] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 602 [VideoName] => Silvia Garcia [VideoDescription] =>Spark the journey to make people thrive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycen4bloelM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 178 [Name] => Garcia [Firstname] => Silvia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-garcia-silvia-portraitbild.jpg ) [301] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 601 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Namen und Gesichter schnell und dauerhaft merken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgjPyI7Q1GY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [302] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 600 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>Markus Hofmann: Vorsprung durch Wissen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0l0zZ2THjA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [303] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 599 [VideoName] => Markus Hofmann [VideoDescription] =>So kannst Du Dir garantiert alles merken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpsbBYAxyTg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 177 [Name] => Hofmann [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hofmann-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [304] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 598 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung ist eine Megachance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phIWO9xfE6Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [305] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 597 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Keynote - Startup meets Mittelstand
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls-j4QuNgdo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [306] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 596 [VideoName] => Florian Bernschneider [VideoDescription] =>Herausforderungen des Mittelstands bei der digitalen Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWnSlh1oEQA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 176 [Name] => Bernschneider [Firstname] => Florian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bernschneider-florian-portraitbild.jpg ) [307] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 595 [VideoName] => Dietrich Grönemeyer [VideoDescription] =>Weltmedizin und Gesundheitstipps bei 3nach9
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4qzl1L2Kao [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 175 [Name] => Grönemeyer [Firstname] => Dietrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenemeyer-dietrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [308] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 594 [VideoName] => Dietrich Grönemeyer [VideoDescription] =>Sternstunde Philosophie: Schulmedizin oder Hausmittel?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRHtY8gPMxY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 175 [Name] => Grönemeyer [Firstname] => Dietrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenemeyer-dietrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [309] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 593 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad: Alles schaut auf Trump - Was wird aus der Nato?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=harEGABq90I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [310] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 592 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad spricht Klartext über den Zustand der Bundeswehr und den Ukraine Krieg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVyF9VQmrg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [311] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 591 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Bittere Bilanz - Was ändert sich in der deutschen Außenpolitik?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMQbb7TDPZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [312] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 590 [VideoName] => Erich Vad [VideoDescription] =>Erich Vad: Wir wollen nicht den Dritten Weltkrieg mit Russland.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVVZVt0EMU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 174 [Name] => Vad [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-vad-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [313] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 589 [VideoName] => Markus Reitzig [VideoDescription] =>How will we work tomorrow? Organizations of the future | Markus Reitzig | TEDxViennaSalon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c8tKMeEK0I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 173 [Name] => Reitzig [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-reitzig-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [314] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 588 [VideoName] => Markus Reitzig [VideoDescription] =>Markus Reitzig and How hierarchies help & hamper us in creating great organizations - TEDxFHKufstein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuxd4u5P1kk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 173 [Name] => Reitzig [Firstname] => Markus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-reitzig-markus-portraitbild.jpg ) [315] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 586 [VideoName] => Magnus Lindkvist [VideoDescription] =>Opportunity Knocks: Business trendspotting for dummies
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ep3sJ2eI1E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 172 [Name] => Lindkvist [Firstname] => Magnus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindkvist-magnus-portraitbild.jpg ) [316] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 585 [VideoName] => Magnus Lindkvist [VideoDescription] =>Trendspotter Magnus Lindkvist - Highlight Keynote Trendship
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeXd7kNhRbU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 172 [Name] => Lindkvist [Firstname] => Magnus [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lindkvist-magnus-portraitbild.jpg ) [317] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 583 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>EXPLAINED - Microsoft Conference 2018
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMgk9UT5J8w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [318] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 582 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>Blockchain Disruption: How Bitcoing Technology Creates a Sharing Economy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF0iCdYkXTM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [319] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 581 [VideoName] => Thomas Ramge [VideoDescription] =>Thomas Ramge über den Kampf gegen Bullshit - TEDxBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pywkNJEZCg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 170 [Name] => Ramge [Firstname] => Thomas [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ramge-thomas-portraitbild.jpg ) [320] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 580 [VideoName] => Christian Stummeyer [VideoDescription] =>Christian Stummeyer spricht über "Der digitale Konsument der Zukunft".
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crnYZPCNATk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 169 [Name] => Stummeyer [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stummeyer-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [321] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 579 [VideoName] => Christian Stummeyer & Jens Wegmann [VideoDescription] =>Science meets Comedy: Unterhaltsamer Vortrag zur Digitalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr14EvuHY90 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 169 [Name] => Stummeyer [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stummeyer-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [322] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 578 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Wie utopisch ist das Silicon Valley? Mit Richard David Precht & Maja Göpel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcDpYiNP3qQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [323] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 577 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>So verändert Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgjHFsEUsAE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [324] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 576 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Christoph Burkhardt: How not to be a robot - TEDxDresden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrDHm-cg3cA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [325] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 575 [VideoName] => Christoph Burkhardt [VideoDescription] =>Christoph Burkhardt spricht über: Wie die Evolution die Welt verändert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75GX6jMnEd4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 168 [Name] => Burkhardt [Firstname] => Christoph [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhardt-christoph-portraitbild.jpg ) [326] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 573 [VideoName] => Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Peter Kreuz - Hidden Champions, Pioniere & Rebellen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShqwPy6V_7s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 167 [Name] => Kreuz [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kreuz-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [327] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 572 [VideoName] => Henning Beck [VideoDescription] =>Henning Beck: What is a Thought? How the Brain creates new ideas
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfFMoAgbv8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 166 [Name] => Beck [Firstname] => Henning [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-beck-henning-portraitbild.jpg ) [328] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 571 [VideoName] => Henning Beck [VideoDescription] =>Henning Beck - Warum künstliche Intelligenz nicht ausreicht, um die Welt zu beherrschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6h1Qk-63vU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 166 [Name] => Beck [Firstname] => Henning [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-beck-henning-portraitbild.jpg ) [329] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 570 [VideoName] => Jacques Villeneuve [VideoDescription] =>Jacques Villeneuve - Top 10 Moments of Brilliance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NTHSz_29_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 165 [Name] => Villeneuve [Firstname] => Jacques [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-villeneuve-jacques-portraitbild.jpg ) [330] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 569 [VideoName] => Rüdiger von Fritsch [VideoDescription] =>Rüdiger von Fritsch im phoenix-Interview - Was treibt Putin an?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRSB5Hazd4Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 164 [Name] => von Fritsch [Firstname] => Rüdiger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fritsch-ruediger-portraitbild.jpg ) [331] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 568 [VideoName] => Rüdiger von Fritsch [VideoDescription] =>Rüdiger von Fritsch Redner Politik & Globalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUf45eN4M6Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 164 [Name] => von Fritsch [Firstname] => Rüdiger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fritsch-ruediger-portraitbild.jpg ) [332] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 567 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Philipp Riederle über digitale Transformation zur Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYh5IXyFZIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [333] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 566 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Harald Schmidt & Philipp Riederle über die Digital Natives
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv25bB8dpH0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [334] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 565 [VideoName] => Philipp Riederle [VideoDescription] =>Philipp Riederle Redner Digitalisierung: Kundenverhalten - Kunden gewinnen und binden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0EOVPpY728 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 163 [Name] => Riederle [Firstname] => Philipp [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riederle-philipp-portraitbild.jpg ) [335] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 563 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan on World Politics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeFOzDQDOvw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [336] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 562 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan - WPC2017 - World Policy Conference
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk2WbJq7JLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [337] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 561 [VideoName] => Ali Aslan [VideoDescription] =>Ali Aslan - Prime Time
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QfVM6yd_dg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 162 [Name] => Aslan [Firstname] => Ali [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aslan-ali-portraitbild.jpg ) [338] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 560 [VideoName] => Christian Berg [VideoDescription] =>Christian Berg Redner Nachhaltigkeit - Gedanken zur Nachhaltigkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2trojXMbJZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 161 [Name] => Berg [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-berg-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [339] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 557 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo: Your money is the Age of Information Warfare
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_bZ-uxy4nM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [340] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 556 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo: Geopolitical is Financial with Neil Seeman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqsdwlrfnTQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [341] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 555 [VideoName] => David Woo [VideoDescription] =>David Woo Speaker Finance & Economy - Top Trade Recommendations
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVeZSu_7As [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 159 [Name] => Woo [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-woo-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [342] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 554 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Disziplin ist nicht käuflich, aber sie zahlt sich aus.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPxHju6axtw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [343] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 553 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Marc Gassert: Durchhalten wird belohnt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEOoenPaEU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [344] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 552 [VideoName] => Marc Gassert [VideoDescription] =>Marc Gassert spricht über Disziplin, Balance & Willenskraft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nf9qQFvXGg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 158 [Name] => Gassert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gassert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [345] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 551 [VideoName] => Ilka Groenewold [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin Ilka Groenewold für Tagungen, Events & Gala's
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edY9Tub75k4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 157 [Name] => Groenewold [Firstname] => Ilka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-groenewold-ilka-portraitbild.jpg ) [346] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 550 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Der Alltag in der Stadt der Zukunft.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxqKorBLpZI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [347] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 549 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Aufbruch in die vernetzte Arbeitskultur
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcomNc7yGqI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [348] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 548 [VideoName] => Birgit Gebhardt [VideoDescription] =>Birgit Gebhardt & The new Office Experience. Warum das Büro sich neu erfinden muss.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f03UKt51SI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 156 [Name] => Gebhardt [Firstname] => Birgit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gebhardt-birgit-portraitbild.jpg ) [349] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 547 [VideoName] => Christof Schmid [VideoDescription] =>Christof Schmid spricht über Story-Marketing, Fokus, Sichtbarkeit & Kommunikation.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywjoWX_N0NU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 155 [Name] => Schmid [Firstname] => Christof [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schmid-christof-portraitbild.jpg ) [350] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 546 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Reset your mind: So wirst Du zum Unternehmer deines eigenen Lebens.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cfNU3n60rY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [351] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 545 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Insights zur Show "Höhle des Löwen"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLXkauTUAJ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [352] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 544 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Scheitern und Erfolg. Das Leben selbst gestalten.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXppKejrcFw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [353] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 543 [VideoName] => Jochen Schweizer [VideoDescription] =>Redner Jochen Schweizer: Jetzt geht's los
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLC8mO_K8Lc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 154 [Name] => Schweizer [Firstname] => Jochen [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schweizer-jochen-portraitbild.jpg ) [354] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 542 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>das aktuelle Sportstudio
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2LdzQLQezA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [355] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 541 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>RESPEKT - 100 Menschen - 100 Geschichten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qghx4XeD9wE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [356] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 540 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>Steffi Jones über unterschiedliche Gehälter bei Frauen und Männer
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5mjmvu4vCs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [357] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 539 [VideoName] => Steffi Jones [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Steffi Jones - Rassismus im Fussball
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=159-YlUVXXQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 153 [Name] => Jones [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jones-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [358] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 538 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>Exclusive Interview Ali Aslan with Anders Fogh Rasmussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U30dTWNVils [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [359] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 537 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>A conversation with Anders Fogh Rasmussen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEBHeQBh0ic [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [360] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 536 [VideoName] => Anders Fogh Rasmussen [VideoDescription] =>NATO Secretary General 2009 - 2014
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMpYXkiZaIU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 152 [Name] => Fogh Rasmussen [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fogh-rasmussen-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [361] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 535 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>Interview with Michal Kurtyka, Poland's climate and environment Minister
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSrwCGBsMdQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [362] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 534 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>Michal Kurtyka zum Energiewende-Kongress 2018
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zyKA51DPfE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [363] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 533 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka [VideoDescription] =>The OECD of the Future - International Diplomacy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5zTHhDHlH4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [364] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 532 [VideoName] => Michal Kurtyka - Interview with the Atlantic Council [VideoDescription] => [YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ideBJ4fqg18 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 151 [Name] => Kurtyka [Firstname] => Michal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kurtyka-michal-portraitbild.jpg ) [365] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 531 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>Connecting science with economy and business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_juP4YJZIU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [366] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 530 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>AI Machines and the New Super Humans - TEDxGhent
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ3mXJqqSJ8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [367] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 529 [VideoName] => Inma Martinez [VideoDescription] =>Inma Martinez Keynote - I am from the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmWxK2UeNow [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 150 [Name] => Martinez [Firstname] => Inma [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martinez-inma-portraitbild.jpg ) [368] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 528 [VideoName] => Miriam Rickli [VideoDescription] =>top Moderatorin für Gala's, Event, Tagungen, Konferenzen und Messen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtE3v_ulpuw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 149 [Name] => Rickli [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rickli-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [369] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 527 [VideoName] => Miriam Rickli [VideoDescription] =>On the Global Stage - Global Trends Festival 2020 - Business Insider
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvHZsC8mYPI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 149 [Name] => Rickli [Firstname] => Miriam [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rickli-miriam-portraitbild.jpg ) [370] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 526 [VideoName] => Ingolf Wunder [VideoDescription] =>Why the quality of Classical Music declines and how to change it - TEDxKlagenfurt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylHU2-HTtZM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 148 [Name] => Wunder [Firstname] => Ingolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wunder-ingolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [371] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 525 [VideoName] => Ingolf Wunder [VideoDescription] =>Ingolf Wunder top Performance & Speech at the United Nations IGF Conference 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revDPPx6oWY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 148 [Name] => Wunder [Firstname] => Ingolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wunder-ingolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [372] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 524 [VideoName] => Detlef Soost [VideoDescription] =>Verantwortung übernehmen: So leicht ist positives Denken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTdN6RqjRWQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 147 [Name] => Soost [Firstname] => Detlef [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soost-detlef-portraitbild.jpg ) [373] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 523 [VideoName] => Detlef Soost [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation & Mindset - So wird Dein Leben zur Erfolgsgeschichte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyKNyLq0syw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 147 [Name] => Soost [Firstname] => Detlef [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soost-detlef-portraitbild.jpg ) [374] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 522 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Head of Talent-Management EMEA Google. Why is an EMBA in Digital Leadership important?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCZ6fVl_WiU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [375] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 521 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Wie sich mehr Frauen für MINT-Berufe begeistern lassen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDguHfxYTo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [376] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 520 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>How are tech and organisational culture connected?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6x9AwXZDjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [377] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 519 [VideoName] => Daniela Landherr [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin New Work & Talent-Management
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ_zybajgcw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 146 [Name] => Landherr [Firstname] => Daniela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-landherr-daniela-portraitbild.jpg ) [378] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 518 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Im Rausch der Kryptowährungen - Von Bitcoin, NFT, Trading & Co
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1cZunRh_cU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [379] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 517 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Dadvan Yousuf on Swiss TV
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmLYnNdGCD4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [380] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 516 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Dadvan Yousuf im Interview.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p9Wboegnjk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [381] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 514 [VideoName] => Dadvan Yousuf [VideoDescription] =>Finanzielle Bildung ist Menschenrecht - Bitcoin- & Kryptowährungen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rSkcRxMSRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 145 [Name] => Yousuf [Firstname] => Dadvan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-yousuf-dadvan-portraitbild.jpg ) [382] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 512 [VideoName] => Frédéric Mathier [VideoDescription] =>Verhandeln mit Erfolg - Erfolgreich verhandeln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU7KmFsqahY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 143 [Name] => Mathier [Firstname] => Frédéric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mathier-frederic-portraitbild.jpg ) [383] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 511 [VideoName] => Frédéric Mathier [VideoDescription] =>Verhandlungstechnik im Business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDK8emC4wjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 143 [Name] => Mathier [Firstname] => Frédéric [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mathier-frederic-portraitbild.jpg ) [384] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 510 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford - 19-year-old aviator sets new solo world record
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuyywL32_Rw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [385] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 509 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>19-year-old breaks record of youngest women to fly solo around the world
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZg6Bim9f7c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [386] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 508 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford: Youngest women to fly solo around the world.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AS7P35cEM8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [387] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 507 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Zara Rutherford startete in Belgien für Flug um die Welt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr1dassJy1I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [388] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 506 [VideoName] => Zara Rutherford [VideoDescription] =>Weltreise mit dem Ultraleicht-Flugzeug
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj_BdnZ4UOQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 142 [Name] => Rutherford [Firstname] => Zara [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-rutherford-zara-portraitbild.jpg ) [389] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 505 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Experte digitale Transformation - digitale Strategien für Unternehmen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vvT5JkaaaU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [390] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 504 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>International Keynote Speaker on digital Transformation & digital Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-l36efHnq0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [391] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 503 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Speaker digitale Innovation - Transformation - Change & Wandel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGFCcANnygU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [392] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 502 [VideoName] => Ömer Atiker [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Digitalisierung - So geht Online-Vortrag und virtueller Vortrag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCXPFgpghjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 141 [Name] => Atiker [Firstname] => Ömer [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-atiker-oemer-portraitbild.jpg ) [393] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 501 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Frank Asmus Apple-Keynote: So blieb Steve Jobs in den Köpfen der Menschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu2QATu2Zmc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [394] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 500 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Redner Führung & strategische Kommunikation - IMPACT
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hL7DZ1oL6U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [395] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 499 [VideoName] => Frank Asmus [VideoDescription] =>Die Inszenierung der strategischen Kommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN_KnrG7pPM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 140 [Name] => Asmus [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-asmus-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [396] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 498 [VideoName] => Tim Lebrecht [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Strategy & Business: Advantage Human - Live, Lead and Work Beautifully
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZZhhfRxPpM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [397] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 497 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>Redner Humanismus & Business - Warum wir in Zukunft romantisch arbeiten werden.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEt1DXnnBU0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [398] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 496 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>Romantics, Our Time is now - TEDxIstanbul
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLCgnM3hbAY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [399] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 495 [VideoName] => Tim Lebrecht [VideoDescription] =>4 ways to build a human company in the age of machines - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPhZGD-6kVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [400] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 494 [VideoName] => Tim Leberecht [VideoDescription] =>3 Wege, (nutzbringend) die Kontrolle über Ihre Marke zu verlieren - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xMWqUe8FdU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 139 [Name] => Leberecht [Firstname] => Tim [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leberecht-tim-portraitbild.jpg ) [401] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 493 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Glad to be Here
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP0j1fMRJ2w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [402] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 492 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Culture of Excellence - Leadership by Pilots
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRFUzb2NkVE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [403] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 491 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Focus on Power, Focus on Team, Focus on Leadership
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYu_FreKCV0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [404] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 490 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Former Blue Angels Pilot on Teamwork
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLlZIqqXjE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [405] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 489 [VideoName] => John Foley [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Leadership & Building High Performance Teams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d___nUvZuAo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 138 [Name] => Foley [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foley-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [406] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 488 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>Five memorable moments from a decade as Speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn5THTi6Zbg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [407] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 487 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>John Bercow im Porträt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnarwmUVib4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [408] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 486 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>Der einzige Gewinner
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68pInc5bWO4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [409] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 485 [VideoName] => John Bercow [VideoDescription] =>John Bercow Speaker Politics & Globalization
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD2Vp5Wsryw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 137 [Name] => Bercow [Firstname] => John [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bercow-john-portraitbild.jpg ) [410] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 484 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Renée Mauborgne - An Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SQDGBSjty4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [411] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 483 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Innovation & Strategy - Create new markets and leave competition behind
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clp-IMpuwaQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [412] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 482 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>The Blue Ocean Shift - Renée Mauborgne on lessons from Facebook, Uber and Amazon
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRDafz8Xc-8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [413] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 481 [VideoName] => Renée Mauborgne [VideoDescription] =>Davos 2020 The Blue Ocean perspective on the next growth cycle
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NMQD0RDMV4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 136 [Name] => Mauborgne [Firstname] => Renée [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mauborgne-renee-portraitbild.jpg ) [414] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 480 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Leo Martin - Vertrauen aufbauen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PfiHGHBSDo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [415] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 479 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Die Erfolgsfaktoren wirksamer Kommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHhyw7DVIuI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [416] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 478 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Ex-Geheimagent - Das Analysieren von Schriftstücken.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEMVReCIK5M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [417] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 477 [VideoName] => Leo Martin [VideoDescription] =>Redner Kommunikation, Vertrauen. Menschen lesen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEuvxr2vzlM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 135 [Name] => Martin [Firstname] => Leo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-martin-leo-portraitbild.jpg ) [418] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 476 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Ohne Frauen keinen Frieden - die Agenda "Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit"
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr-CLmzFWDw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [419] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 475 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Feminismus trifft Diplomatie - Warum wir eine feministische Aussenpolitik brauchen.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EIrjmAZkPo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [420] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 474 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Why do we need a feminist foreign policy?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T9iSYJi_Tk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [421] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 473 [VideoName] => Kristina Lunz [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Feminism & Federalism & social Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u9c5PuY4bc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 134 [Name] => Lunz [Firstname] => Kristina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lunz-kristina-portraitbild.jpg ) [422] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 472 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftsfähig bleiben mit Deinem Unternehmen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHJZyrD7Irw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [423] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 471 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Innovationsexperte Stephan Jung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3_ZvfPdkRQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [424] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 470 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftstrends & Frischzellenkur für die neue Zeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdK-r4RpBvI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [425] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 469 [VideoName] => Stephan Jung [VideoDescription] =>Redner Innovation & Megatrends - Die Welt von morgen, Zukunft, Innovation, Digitales, Megatrends, Smart City
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS6hegMpfZY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 133 [Name] => Jung [Firstname] => Stephan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-jung-stephan-portraitbild.jpg ) [426] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 468 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Netzwerken bis an die Spitze
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghJ4xOsAlyA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [427] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 467 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>How Elite Financial Networks Rule the World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNklBtyUZwo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [428] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 466 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Das Portrait von Sandra Navidi
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlFKa1dUPL8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [429] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 465 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Finanz & Wirtschaft - Die Wall Street
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_MM5dEjx_I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [430] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 464 [VideoName] => Sandra Navidi [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Sandra Navidi: Was die Tech-Elite plant und wer die Zukunft dominiert
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCQpBMEgdD0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 132 [Name] => Navidi [Firstname] => Sandra [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-navidi-sandra-portraitbild.jpg ) [431] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 463 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Mit Leidenschaft zur Excellence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqcHjPXoyHk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [432] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 462 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Unternehmensführung mit Wertschätzung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYofY7fZft8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [433] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 461 [VideoName] => Cay von Fournier [VideoDescription] =>Redner Unternehmensführung: Darum ist ein Unternehmen wie ein Körper eines Menschen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2rvj8fIh-c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 131 [Name] => von Fournier [Firstname] => Cay [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-von-fournier-cay-portraitbild.jpg ) [434] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 460 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Marketing Online - Test & Target
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0pFiW9iLa0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [435] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 459 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Digital Storytelling - Julius van de Laar
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpSEVaGggfw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [436] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 458 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Try and Error - Kampagnen online, soziale Medien und Daten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ukuSYR3yc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [437] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 457 [VideoName] => Julius van de Laar [VideoDescription] =>Redner Strategie & Kampagne - Unternehmenskommunikation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8SvVbEDKLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 130 [Name] => van de Laar [Firstname] => Julius [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-de-laar-julius-portraitbild.jpg ) [438] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 456 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Jimmy Wales goes after fake news with Wikitribune
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buO_lk0fHwM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [439] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 455 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Understanding failure as a route to success.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pKIi3LuUBg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [440] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 454 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Talk at Google - Jimmy Wales Wikipedia
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r01x-F4f4aw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [441] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 453 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Der digitale Visionär - Jimmy Wales
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmriEtWamIo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [442] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 452 [VideoName] => Jimmy Wales [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Technologie & Future of Internet - TED Archive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbLlo8rXcI4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 129 [Name] => Wales [Firstname] => Jimmy [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wales-jimmy-portraitbild.jpg ) [443] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 451 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Susanne Schöne Moderations-Reel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHiJiEPbJZA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [444] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 450 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Event-Moderatorin Susanne Schöne KI Kongress 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lxiYwmmnjU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [445] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 449 [VideoName] => Susanne Schöne [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin Susanne Schöne
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-LnQPye7dc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 128 [Name] => Schöne [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schoene-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [446] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 448 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Frag eine Geisel - 140 Tage in den Händen von Terroristen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7uoEWXHhE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [447] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 447 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Krisen- & Resilienz-Experte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw4iqJ0R-Sk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [448] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 446 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Redner Krisenmanagement - Geiselnahme in den Phillipinen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-zJ7jGvtkg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [449] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 445 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Was er aus der Geiselhaft für das Leben gelernt hat.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qyzD0bmKTI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [450] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 444 [VideoName] => Marc Wallert [VideoDescription] =>Redner Resilienz & Agilität - Willkommen im Dschungel
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG93WTYzCO8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 127 [Name] => Wallert [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wallert-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [451] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 443 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Arturo Bris - Winning Performance - Talent as Driver of Profit and Growth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U3dFOL354Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [452] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 442 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Financial Innovation, it impacts everyone
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2janEAeK24 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [453] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 441 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Economic and Political Overview 2020
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-KksA2528 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [454] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 440 [VideoName] => Arturo Bris [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Arturo Bris - The Power of Blockchain
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LifcU45V6eY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 126 [Name] => Bris [Firstname] => Arturo [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bris-arturo-portraitbild.jpg ) [455] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 439 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Closing Speech London 2012 Olympics
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3pyItoH58Y [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [456] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 438 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Inspiring Speech London 2012
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UxbvJwxsZs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [457] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 437 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Sebastian Coe Keynote Speaker European Athletics Convention
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8Drz3cQG8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [458] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 436 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Tracking success: Turning weaknesses into a strength
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN7-1mrbKLM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [459] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 435 [VideoName] => Sebastian Coe [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Sebastian Coe: What Business Leaders can learn from an Olympian.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWIYa8D9IFM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 125 [Name] => Coe [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-coe-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [460] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 434 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Redner Gregor Gysi bei Markus Lanz - 07.01.2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY-h9rE0S5I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [461] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 433 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Leadership - People make a difference.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QIJv4b_qis [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [462] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 432 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Chester Elton - Managing Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNCak7_yXGk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [463] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 431 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Virtual Speaker Erik Qualman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3plm_WtQ54 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [464] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 430 [VideoName] => Chester Elton [VideoDescription] =>Managing with Carots - TEDxFordhamUniversity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnY3UFhK8SU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 124 [Name] => Elton [Firstname] => Chester [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-elton-chester-portraitbild.jpg ) [465] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 429 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>My Digital Stamp - TEDxNashville
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH4HOLwm0X0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [466] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 428 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Social Media Revolution by Erik Qualman
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0EnhXn5boM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [467] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 427 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Digital Leader Erik Qualman - The Digital Shadow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEK6HApygaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [468] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 426 [VideoName] => Erik Qualman [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Erik Qualman - Disruptive Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovc3Kq4jm4g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 123 [Name] => Qualman [Firstname] => Erik [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-qualman-erik-portraitbild.jpg ) [469] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 425 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Wecke den Macher in Dir.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoVG21KQD6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [470] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 424 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Change: Du hast alles, was du brauchst, bereits in dir
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7yhhdG3KU4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [471] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 423 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Mindset & Motivation - Mut lernen: So überwindest Du Deine Ängste
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKMs13cJcts [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [472] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 422 [VideoName] => Katja Porsch [VideoDescription] =>Wie du dich deinen Ängsten stellst.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-073kNTpdk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 122 [Name] => Porsch [Firstname] => Katja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-porsch-katja-portraitbild.jpg ) [473] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 421 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Dirk Nowitzki Jersey Retirement Ceremony 05.01.2022 - Dallas
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jaqlg7ZVx8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [474] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 420 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Warum Humor der Geschmacksträger von Erfolg ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9edqw0Y7Lww [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [475] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 419 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Spass bei der Arbeit: So wirst Du erfolgreich
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJS3BZHOGLY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [476] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 418 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Heute schon gelacht? Humor macht attraktiv.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO7nG-mZVrc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [477] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 417 [VideoName] => Roman F. Szeliga [VideoDescription] =>Redner Humor im Business
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcX6OATbYhg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 121 [Name] => Szeliga [Firstname] => Roman F. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-szeliga-roman-f-portraitbild.jpg ) [478] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 416 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Moderator Tanya König
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o6svVev4E4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [479] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 415 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Best of CNNSwitzerland
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ESn0GhetwE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [480] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 414 [VideoName] => Tanya König [VideoDescription] =>Hinter den Kulissen ZFF
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtjOdh24cjc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 120 [Name] => König [Firstname] => Tanya [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koenig-tanya-portraitbild.jpg ) [481] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 413 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Human Rights - Fighting Back Against Disinformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbeHbUSPliE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [482] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 412 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>The Battle for Truth - TEDxXavierSchool
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st74hInuvXY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [483] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 411 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Journalist & CEO of Rappler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88p-EyF8Ols [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [484] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 410 [VideoName] => Maria Ressa [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Nobel Peace Prize
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1w3rRRBoq8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 119 [Name] => Ressa [Firstname] => Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-ressa-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [485] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 409 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Zero Gravity Thinking (engl. Vortrag)
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFihAPOGNzs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [486] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 407 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Change Management & Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CML4bgQJAJ8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [487] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 405 [VideoName] => Anja Förster & Peter Kreuz [VideoDescription] =>Rebels at Work
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-bRlQ-PqK8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [488] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 404 [VideoName] => Anja Förster [VideoDescription] =>Rednerin Innovation & Change - Rebels at Work
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jox64iSU1Gk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 118 [Name] => Förster [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-foerster-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [489] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 403 [VideoName] => Peter Lüder [VideoDescription] =>Was Dich trägt, sind nicht die Beine allein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1zVefAK9Mo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 117 [Name] => Lüder [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lueder-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [490] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 402 [VideoName] => Peter Lüder [VideoDescription] =>Redner Persönlichkeit & Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYImENnXMS8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 117 [Name] => Lüder [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lueder-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [491] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 401 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Bob Geldof turning 70
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nVgREqOa8s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [492] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 400 [VideoName] => Sir Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Interview in Perth
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRKsLsMtRWs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [493] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 399 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Bob Geldof in Interview
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wHk35Ix9Z8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [494] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 398 [VideoName] => Bob Geldof [VideoDescription] =>Redner Nachhaltigkeit - Live 8
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6ic-mC5THQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 116 [Name] => Geldof [Firstname] => Bob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-geldof-bob-portraitbild.jpg ) [495] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 397 [VideoName] => Daniel Engelbrecht [VideoDescription] =>Herzstillstand: Wie ist das zu überleben?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMeybC7DWlM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 115 [Name] => Engelbrecht [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-engelbrecht-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [496] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 396 [VideoName] => Daniel Engelbrecht [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation & Change
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbEo_Y0yYnk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 115 [Name] => Engelbrecht [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-engelbrecht-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [497] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 390 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Neues Denken - Innovation of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfLi4vJbY2o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [498] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 389 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Standard einer Innovationskultur
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWLpxrf7B5E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [499] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 388 [VideoName] => Frederik G. Pferdt [VideoDescription] =>Redner Innovation - erfolgreiche Zukunft durch Kreativität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0V8E7DhIo4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 113 [Name] => Pferdt [Firstname] => Frederik G. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-pferdt-frederik-g-portraitbild.jpg ) [500] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 387 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Social plastic is a new currency - TEDxAcademy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnndie-ijKs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [501] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 386 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Sustainability - Founder & CEO The Plastic Bank
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtAixLk7b9w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [502] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 385 [VideoName] => David Katz [VideoDescription] =>Redner Nachhaltigkeit - The surprising solution to ocean plastic - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT4Qbp89nIQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 112 [Name] => Katz [Firstname] => David [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-katz-david-portraitbild.jpg ) [503] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 384 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Der Zukunftsredner - Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z8obYrYQOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [504] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 383 [VideoName] => Sven Göth [VideoDescription] =>Sven Göth Redner Digitalisierung - Kundenwelten der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pILYkaFIrY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 111 [Name] => Göth [Firstname] => Sven [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-goeth-sven-portraitbild.jpg ) [505] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 382 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Grenzgang - Im Gespräch mit Peter Fässlacher
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8hTIVVgik [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [506] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 381 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Abenteuer Alpen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3TAX1QddNg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [507] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 380 [VideoName] => Reinhold Messner [VideoDescription] =>Ein Leben am Limit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPtDAOVovL8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 110 [Name] => Messner [Firstname] => Reinhold [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-messner-reinhold-portraitbild.jpg ) [508] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 378 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Mister Dax - Vortrag Finanz & Wirtschaft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfeIdjXWHF4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [509] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 377 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Redner Finanz & Wirtschaft - Machtbeben: Die Welt vor der grössten Wirtschaftskrise aller Zeiten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZz6j_WogwA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [510] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 376 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>So wird die Corona-Krise die Welt verändern
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLWsV_YZMrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [511] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 375 [VideoName] => Dirk Müller [VideoDescription] =>Dirk Müller spricht über Gold, Silber und Cash
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XctpBrLm_c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 109 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [512] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 374 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Die richtige Entscheidung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNHnv-dpNY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [513] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 373 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>The Tribute Video
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRzdabvpM2M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [514] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 372 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>Good Bye Dirk - Die Dallas Mavericks verabschieden ihren Star
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRRTZQ2tI1E [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [515] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 371 [VideoName] => Dirk Nowitzki [VideoDescription] =>The TV presenter and Moderator
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hni7hmXywOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 108 [Name] => Nowitzki [Firstname] => Dirk [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nowitzki-dirk-portraitbild.jpg ) [516] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 370 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker Garry Kasparov . Taking Risks Pays Off
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk1dNYa4o-8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [517] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 369 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker: Deep Thinking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhkTHkIZJEc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [518] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 368 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Keynote: Achieving Your Potential.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPT0vg_Jl8Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [519] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 367 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Fight for Liberty
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1BR9Y6XxQ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [520] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 366 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them. TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP8xt8o4_5Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [521] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 365 [VideoName] => Garry Kasparov [VideoDescription] =>Garry Kasparov Speaker Strategic Thinking & Motivation - I want to win
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne7zU_jsM64 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 107 [Name] => Kasparov [Firstname] => Garry [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kasparov-garry-portraitbild.jpg ) [522] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 364 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>A Chines girl and a British guy tandem ride across America
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4OVuOH0czM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [523] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 363 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Rob Lilwall Speaker Mindset & Adventures & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3dNBKglvy8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [524] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 362 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Rob Lilwall Adventurer Speaker Motivation & Resilience
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4RymcKRyZU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [525] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 361 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Two Accidental Careers - TEDxWanChai
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pirBjn4ZdKo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [526] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 360 [VideoName] => Rob Lilwall [VideoDescription] =>Learning on the Road: Rob Lilwall at TEDxHongKongED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAnGb1RoGhg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 106 [Name] => Lilwall [Firstname] => Rob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lilwall-rob-portraitbild.jpg ) [527] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 359 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Connectivity as Strategy
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnjlOOEb5vs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [528] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 358 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Parag Khanna Speaker - The Future is Asian
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFSM8tdp0L4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [529] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 357 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>How megacities are changing the map of the world - TEDxVancouver
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7y4GlmwPLQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [530] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 356 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>The Post Pandemic World
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMSXW8-GNGE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [531] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 355 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Why Asia is the center of the world (again) - TEDxGateway
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3715FIdHkJE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [532] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 354 [VideoName] => Parag Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Parag Khanna - The Future of Countries - TEDx
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRWTyUVh0BQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 105 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Parag [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-parag-portraitbild.jpg ) [533] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 353 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>CEO of ADDO AI
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AduehxV0PEI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [534] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 352 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Ayesha Khanna - Smart Cities
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJEVPwFQolY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [535] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 351 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Work - TEDxUWCSEA
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0B8IwJbwVE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [536] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 350 [VideoName] => Ayesha Khanna [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Ayesha Khanna - Impact of Intelligent Technology
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiV7yyck3fY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 104 [Name] => Khanna [Firstname] => Ayesha [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-khanna-ayesha-portraitbild.jpg ) [537] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 349 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Aspekte - What does this button do?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxMQE30Gl0c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [538] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 348 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Lifestyle Bruce Dickinson
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKUqPadjJQQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [539] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 347 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Bruce Dickinson - One Evening in St. Petersburg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iukY-8cSSLE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [540] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 346 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Pilot Ed Force One
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwpvoUYaR9U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [541] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 345 [VideoName] => Bruce Dickinson [VideoDescription] =>Im Morgenmagazin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPjNY-ICQRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 103 [Name] => Dickinson [Firstname] => Bruce [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dickinson-bruce-portraitbild.jpg ) [542] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 344 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>ChangeNow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSspYr3XnuU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [543] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 343 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Marc Hauser on BBC - Flying in the Jetstream
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDf_Ly2df4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [544] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 342 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Motivation - The power of naming your dreams - TEDxTUHH
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsh0bdMSTNk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [545] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 341 [VideoName] => Marc Hauser [VideoDescription] =>Redner Motivation - Fly Your Dreams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLiVabbdcNM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 102 [Name] => Hauser [Firstname] => Marc [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hauser-marc-portraitbild.jpg ) [546] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 340 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Welcome to the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLbQLAx80tI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [547] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 339 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Seamless
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQEURIcxz1c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [548] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 338 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>100 Year Foresight
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgO0JXyj31Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [549] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 337 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcMFswrpgQ0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [550] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 336 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>Thinque Change - TEDxMacquarieUniversity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybZtPZhplaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [551] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 335 [VideoName] => Anders Sörman-Nilsson [VideoDescription] =>2nd Renaissance - Decode tomorrow Beyond the Virus
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF6c6mAHjqE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 101 [Name] => Sörman-Nilsson [Firstname] => Anders [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-soerman-nilsson-anders-portraitbild.jpg ) [552] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 334 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>2030. New World. New Rules. New Future.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DSUPMhW6eo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [553] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 333 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Digital Disruption
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unExiKVtt8U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [554] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 332 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>How to prepare for a live beyond tomorrow
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doHlo0ZZqCM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [555] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 331 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Global Futurist
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmaQX8RnWFk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [556] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 330 [VideoName] => Chris Riddell [VideoDescription] =>Insights into The Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhrdlIfrS18 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 100 [Name] => Riddell [Firstname] => Chris [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-riddell-chris-portraitbild.jpg ) [557] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 329 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Self Serving Bias
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlbPKCltTfA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [558] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 328 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Four reasons you should stop watching the news - TED
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-miTTiaqFlI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [559] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 327 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>The Art of Thinking Clearly
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNOV4nlOHtQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [560] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 326 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>The Art of the Good Life
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVPrUHNcgrA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [561] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 325 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Denkfehler und die Grenzen des Wissens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV7pBss4T6A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [562] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 324 [VideoName] => Rolf Dobelli [VideoDescription] =>Mit klarem Kopf ins Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd6Dnuc8iV8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 99 [Name] => Dobelli [Firstname] => Rolf [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dobelli-rolf-portraitbild.jpg ) [563] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 323 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Wie geht digitaler Wahlkampf
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko5nIKQPLe8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [564] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 322 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Keynote Speaker
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7-a_K4ICYw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [565] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 321 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Storymachine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzbRKG-OMrc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [566] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 320 [VideoName] => Kai Diekmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Zeit bei der Bild-Zeitung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KgAQi05iAM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 98 [Name] => Diekmann [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-diekmann-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [567] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 319 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Achte auf Deine Worte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAc8x1m5Cps [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [568] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 318 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Storytelling: So beginnst du fesselnde Vorträge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o10DgngXr3g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [569] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 317 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Welche Kraft eine gute Geschichte hat
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgPI5IaOFYU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [570] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 316 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Streit vermeiden: Umgehe diese Rhetorik-Fehler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9869CcKULwo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [571] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 315 [VideoName] => René Borbonus [VideoDescription] =>Klarheit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzwqHHaG2EQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 97 [Name] => Borbonus [Firstname] => René [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-borbonus-rene-portraitbild.jpg ) [572] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 314 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>360° Success Days
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zAsfKk4GCU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [573] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 313 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Design Your Life.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHmTvGEh8U8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [574] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 312 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Image. Macht. Erfolg.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2h_6cAYUYg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [575] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 311 [VideoName] => Nadine Dlouhy [VideoDescription] =>Strategie hinter digitalen Medien.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DpYM54JlhI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 96 [Name] => Dlouhy [Firstname] => Nadine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-dlouhy-nadine-portraitbild.jpg ) [576] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 310 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Glücklich sein ist so einfach
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhYp8gNiZa8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [577] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 309 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>praktische Tipps für mehr Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ssbekTDziA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [578] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 308 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Wie kann ich glücklich sein?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLi_1E1q44 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [579] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 307 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>Das Geheimnis glücklicher Gesellschaften - TEDxKoeln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K-ZADcQY4k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [580] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 306 [VideoName] => Maike van den Boom [VideoDescription] =>No Risk - No Glück
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNpyjf7adLg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 95 [Name] => van den Boom [Firstname] => Maike [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-van-den-boom-maike-portraitbild.jpg ) [581] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 305 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>So werden Sie Chancenfinder.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60z99N11nMw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [582] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 304 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>Mutmacher, Change Management & Mindset
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjTYWc74yXA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [583] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 303 [VideoName] => Jakob Lipp [VideoDescription] =>Speaker Slam 2019
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCryXJN7cFA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 94 [Name] => Lipp [Firstname] => Jakob [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-lipp-jakob-portraitbild.jpg ) [584] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 302 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>Recover your creative confidence!
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L82q5B9hNs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [585] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 301 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>How can we heal democracy? - TEDxLausanne
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7gpxZ3FO3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [586] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 300 [VideoName] => Anja Wyden Guelpa [VideoDescription] =>Was ist unser Sinn des Lebens?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgYrVenmwjQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 93 [Name] => Wyden Guelpa [Firstname] => Anja [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wyden-guelpa-anja-portraitbild.jpg ) [587] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 299 [VideoName] => Ulrich Tilgner [VideoDescription] =>Krieg im Orient
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke-0WLWFEnc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 92 [Name] => Tilgner [Firstname] => Ulrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tilgner-ulrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [588] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 298 [VideoName] => Ulrich Tilgner [VideoDescription] =>Nahost - Das Scheitern des Westens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76qaQXCZjOA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 92 [Name] => Tilgner [Firstname] => Ulrich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-tilgner-ulrich-portraitbild.jpg ) [589] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 297 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>Die chinesische Raumfahrt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nym1QtVyyzY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [590] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 296 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>On China TV
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSule9K4H6c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [591] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 295 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>From main Street to Wall Street, what investors need to know
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy3DBNHI9NQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [592] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 294 [VideoName] => Martina Fuchs [VideoDescription] =>Moderatorin & Top Rednerin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKydyLat1TY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 91 [Name] => Fuchs [Firstname] => Martina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fuchs-martina-portraitbild.jpg ) [593] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 293 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Remote Everything
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnSUiAvXQVQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [594] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 292 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Sustainable Finance - Purpose Banking
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25TTg4QUfRc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [595] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 291 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>The Future of Innovation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlpg1xkmPgQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [596] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 290 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Colonizing the Universe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTzfXKRlh8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [597] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 289 [VideoName] => Nils Müller [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunftstrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obMbXvBWD7M [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 90 [Name] => Müller [Firstname] => Nils [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mueller-nils-portraitbild.jpg ) [598] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 288 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Amerika's Finanzpolitik
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-fp9LcMhpE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [599] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 287 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>America first - und einsam
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbdsRB7h0Z8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [600] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 286 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Wall Street Insights
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d0gdhw9qxY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [601] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 285 [VideoName] => Jens Korte [VideoDescription] =>Die Wallstreet und die globale Finanzpolitik
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLHQeU2YcQ4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 89 [Name] => Korte [Firstname] => Jens [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-korte-jens-portraitbild.jpg ) [602] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 284 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Raus aus der Enge
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpP2cm2Myq8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [603] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 283 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Der deutsche Startup-König
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqYgPm5D0jc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [604] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 282 [VideoName] => Carsten Maschmeyer [VideoDescription] =>Das sind meine Regeln für Erfolg
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQzjqcu1ya0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 88 [Name] => Maschmeyer [Firstname] => Carsten [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-maschmeyer-carsten-portraitbild.jpg ) [605] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 281 [VideoName] => Uli Hoeness [VideoDescription] =>Abteilung Attacke
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3XvaIPaibs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 87 [Name] => Hoeness [Firstname] => Uli [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoeness-uli-portraitbild.jpg ) [606] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 280 [VideoName] => Uli Hoeness [VideoDescription] =>Servus, Uli.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2n3lsFK2GA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 87 [Name] => Hoeness [Firstname] => Uli [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hoeness-uli-portraitbild.jpg ) [607] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 279 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Vom Arbeiterkind mit ADHS zum Universitätsdozenten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yme4KrvrrQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [608] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 278 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Die 10 genialsten Lerntipps der besten Schüler der Welt.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onEXvpip6Jw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [609] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 277 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Wie Studenten richtiges Lernen lernen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiISim5jj7Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [610] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 276 [VideoName] => Daniel Hunold [VideoDescription] =>Wie geht lernen? Geheimnisse für Bestnoten.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8GM_oUKHdk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 86 [Name] => Hunold [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hunold-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [611] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 275 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Digital Ethics and the future of humans in a connected world - TEDxBrussels
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZn0IfOb61U [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [612] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 274 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>The Great Transformation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDIk5syXFDM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [613] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 273 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>What will bring the future after the crisis?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM0XR2UjDvM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [614] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 272 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Futurist - What is going to happen to Humans?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq0ci3a243k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [615] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 271 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Technology vs. Humanity
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL99deFJYaI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [616] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 270 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>Was bedeutet Digitale Transformation wirklich?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ESeX9SFnY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [617] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 269 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>FutureMindset - Sind Sie zukunftsbereit? Die nächsten 10 Jahre.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SakKvdHlok [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [618] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 268 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>FutureMindset - What does a futurist do?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKetPa7ylk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [619] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 267 [VideoName] => Gerd Leonhard [VideoDescription] =>The Good Future: Technology and Humanity by 2030
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDeQ_3n1GTE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 85 [Name] => Leonhard [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-leonhard-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [620] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 266 [VideoName] => Thomas R. Köhler [VideoDescription] =>Wie wir in Zukunft arbeiten, leben und kommunizieren werden.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqVrkjV9Tuc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 84 [Name] => Köhler [Firstname] => Thomas R. [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-koehler-thomas-r-portraitbild.jpg ) [621] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 265 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>Zukunft ist eine Frage der Perspektive
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7NRJxd_GJU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [622] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 264 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>2050: Eine Reise in die Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_l7z2XXYjg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [623] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 263 [VideoName] => Kai Gondlach [VideoDescription] =>Hype Künstliche Intelligenz: Trifft KI bessere Entscheidungen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrFfWOq8ux4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 83 [Name] => Gondlach [Firstname] => Kai [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gondlach-kai-portraitbild.jpg ) [624] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 262 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Hybrid-Events, Online-Events, Live-Events
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vl5oH3UYQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [625] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 261 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Events - Top Moderatorin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv64osKeJGc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [626] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 260 [VideoName] => Julia Bauer [VideoDescription] =>Moderation 2022
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9WnyBG-cWA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 82 [Name] => Bauer [Firstname] => Julia [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bauer-julia-portraitbild.jpg ) [627] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 259 [VideoName] => Benjamin Bargetzi [VideoDescription] =>Challenges Digitalization & Neuroscience - Digital transformation process
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IidiKuEdd6w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 81 [Name] => Bargetzi [Firstname] => Benjamin [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-bargetzi-benjamin-portraitbild.jpg ) [628] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 258 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, New Work, Cyberrisks, Robots
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxNWpYz8zus [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [629] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 257 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Cyberrisks
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL5SzAMvI64 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [630] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 256 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Future of Reinsurance
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRf60DOpoM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [631] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 255 [VideoName] => Peter Hacker [VideoDescription] =>Cybersecurity - Cyberkriminalität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3YXHRk4zvE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 80 [Name] => Hacker [Firstname] => Peter [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-hacker-peter-portraitbild.jpg ) [632] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 254 [VideoName] => Erich Artner [VideoDescription] =>Redner Resilienz, Willenskraft & Motivation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-8rH_UmnLs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 79 [Name] => Artner [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-artner-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [633] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 253 [VideoName] => Erich Artner [VideoDescription] =>Interview - Mental in Form
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjbOSGUSZSg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 79 [Name] => Artner [Firstname] => Erich [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-artner-erich-portraitbild.jpg ) [634] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 252 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>Top Moderator for your event
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D__xuXUMyo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [635] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 251 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>Adventures as an anchor in Los Angeles
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLT6yijj4gM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [636] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 250 [VideoName] => Ana Maria Montero [VideoDescription] =>My front row seat to the green wave - TEDxSUMAS
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFm5qfqS5j4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 78 [Name] => Montero [Firstname] => Ana Maria [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-montero-ana-maria-portraitbild.jpg ) [637] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 249 [VideoName] => Kirstine Fratz [VideoDescription] =>Zeitgeist: Ein ewiges Rad an Mangel und Begehren
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ALoVXAVeE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 77 [Name] => Fratz [Firstname] => Kirstine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratz-kirstine-portraitbild.jpg ) [638] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 248 [VideoName] => Kirstine Fratz [VideoDescription] =>How to play with the spirit of time. TEDxDresden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYJVcNEpQ6g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 77 [Name] => Fratz [Firstname] => Kirstine [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratz-kirstine-portraitbild.jpg ) [639] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 247 [VideoName] => Christian Gansch [VideoDescription] =>Wie man aus Solisten ein Orchester bildet. Teamwork.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zayyh8z_jw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 76 [Name] => Gansch [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gansch-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [640] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 246 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>At Google - A special way to the top
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FivGAVyT95w [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [641] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 245 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Making it Happen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHZFVs50Hcs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [642] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 244 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Olympic Champion Sochi Downhill Gold
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFgK955WNSE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [643] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 243 [VideoName] => Dominique Gisin [VideoDescription] =>Die Dokumentation
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s8vFhjb5Ek [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 75 [Name] => Gisin [Firstname] => Dominique [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gisin-dominique-portraitbild.jpg ) [644] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 242 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>New York Stock Exchange: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xw0t1ntBHM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [645] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 241 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Cracking the Mindcode
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx63T5wSEVo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [646] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 240 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Künstliche Intelligenz buchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YeB-cIWRiQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [647] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 239 [VideoName] => Pascal Kaufmann [VideoDescription] =>Die Symbiose von Mensch und Maschine
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNm4XsPngdI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 74 [Name] => Kaufmann [Firstname] => Pascal [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-kaufmann-pascal-portraitbild.jpg ) [648] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 238 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Warum in Deutschland kein reiches Land ist.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bACcCreIGco [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [649] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 237 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Das Märchen vom reichen Land: Wie die Politik uns ruiniert.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Et7SudXb0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [650] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 236 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Bei Markus Lanz - Der Kurs der Regierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH9aVwIpvT8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [651] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 235 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft Deutschlands
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7jYLueB5hY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [652] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 234 [VideoName] => Daniel Stelter [VideoDescription] =>Ein Traum von einem Land - Deutschland 2040
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76f-bnrHPJA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 73 [Name] => Stelter [Firstname] => Daniel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stelter-daniel-portraitbild.jpg ) [653] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 233 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Myths about Inequality | TEDxHUBerlin
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIbLq6IBHzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [654] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 232 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Finanzfragen - Stoppschild für die Ampel?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiAVq3J8QbM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [655] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 231 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Wie weiter in Europa?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF0COgvNJzs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [656] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 230 [VideoName] => Marcel Fratzscher [VideoDescription] =>Die ökonomische Zukunft nach der Krise
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Qqx2hpfvM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 72 [Name] => Fratzscher [Firstname] => Marcel [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fratzscher-marcel-portraitbild.jpg ) [657] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 229 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Steht Ihre Karriereleiter an der richtigen Wand?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMFDynszxo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [658] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 228 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Was haben Veränderungen mit Pinguinen zu tun?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYU9QOivvRs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [659] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 227 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Scheitern gehört dazu - Wie Sie die Perspektive wechseln
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLtoNBOEJfY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [660] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 226 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>HR goes Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkQv9UAc_fo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [661] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 225 [VideoName] => Susanne Nickel [VideoDescription] =>Umgang mit Widerstand
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afOXeABegT8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 71 [Name] => Nickel [Firstname] => Susanne [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-nickel-susanne-portraitbild.jpg ) [662] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 224 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Wie wir weniger negativ denken
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_oFsqbT5XU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [663] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 223 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Auf einen Tee mit....
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoDoDNPPVfU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [664] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 222 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Gehirn-Tipps bei 3nach9
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx_GYPcp2EI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [665] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 221 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>Willkommen in einer neuen Welt - Innovation & Kreativität
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MobvsTL8JQ [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [666] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 220 [VideoName] => Volker Busch [VideoDescription] =>KOPF FREI - Kopfpflege ist wichtig
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgz9ok6q5Lw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 70 [Name] => Busch [Firstname] => Volker [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-busch-volker-portraitbild.jpg ) [667] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 219 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz im Alltag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISGtd4A3ALg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [668] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 218 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Künstliche Intelligenz, Innovation und Digitalisierung
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0yvB84ntzE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [669] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 217 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Swiss Economic Forum Talk
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PKgXLFPX3s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [670] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 216 [VideoName] => Sita Mazumder [VideoDescription] =>Expertin digitale Transformation, Künstliche Intelligenz und Big Data
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqA4E8XUI70 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 69 [Name] => Mazumder [Firstname] => Sita [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-mazumder-sita-portraitbild.jpg ) [671] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 215 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Warum Sie dringend Digital-Strategien benötigen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-6iM_JGcY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [672] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 214 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Vortrag Digitalisierung - Mittelstand vs. Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOUHvtMSBJs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [673] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 213 [VideoName] => Christian Spancken [VideoDescription] =>Digital Denken: Warum es wichtig ist, online gefunden zu werden
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxeZYZ6GZI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 68 [Name] => Spancken [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-spancken-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [674] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 212 [VideoName] => Sebastian Decker [VideoDescription] =>Neukundengewinnung mit Google
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuqTkNVX9c4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 67 [Name] => Decker [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-decker-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [675] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 211 [VideoName] => Sebastian Decker [VideoDescription] =>Digitalisierung des Mittelstandes
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIz6bDT-E_A [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 67 [Name] => Decker [Firstname] => Sebastian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-decker-sebastian-portraitbild.jpg ) [676] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 210 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>War of Talents
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxestqiT_b0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [677] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 209 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>Ansprüche an die Arbeitswelt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duq0OgrRDo0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [678] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 208 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>So ticken Digital Natives und die Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO5zfDbJJtg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [679] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 207 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>MILLENIALS - Die knappe Ressource auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOwscQX1hWw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [680] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 206 [VideoName] => Steffi Burkhart [VideoDescription] =>Gebrauchsanweisung für die Generation Y
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ZRFiR9Lp8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 66 [Name] => Burkhart [Firstname] => Steffi [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-burkhart-steffi-portraitbild.jpg ) [681] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 205 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Verkaufsexzellenz durch Beziehungsintelligenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op5ixzoKCNU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [682] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 203 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Client experience through relationship intelligence
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjXbqjZ5c20 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [683] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 202 [VideoName] => Michaela Merk [VideoDescription] =>Brand Ambassadors by L'Oreal
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xScU32_S6B0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 65 [Name] => Merk [Firstname] => Michaela [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-merk-michaela-portraitbild.jpg ) [684] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 201 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>European Food Summit 2021
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17q3eaAnZo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [685] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 200 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Die Lage Europas und Rolle Deutschlands
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSTxz_a_JMU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [686] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 199 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Vom Taxifahrer und Strassenkämpfer zum Aussenminister und Diplomaten
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f70OnxmasQs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [687] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 198 [VideoName] => Joschka Fischer [VideoDescription] =>Was kann die EU von der Schweiz lernen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3K8MCqADlc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 64 [Name] => Fischer [Firstname] => Joschka [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-fischer-joschka-portraitbild.jpg ) [688] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 197 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>Executive Presence Series: Mind-set
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzdrexmquOY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [689] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 196 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>Building powerful Alliances between Leadership Teams
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh9uEterLGs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [690] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 195 [VideoName] => Marina Cvetkovic [VideoDescription] =>I Gamified My Life - Here is what I learned
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKB5rR7QUac [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 63 [Name] => Cvetkovic [Firstname] => Marina [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-cvetkovic-marina-portraitbild.jpg ) [691] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 194 [VideoName] => Nicole Heimann [VideoDescription] =>Leadership Alliance - Work in Practice
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y7g8220czs [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 62 [Name] => Heimann [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heimann-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [692] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 193 [VideoName] => Nicole Heimann [VideoDescription] =>Working Together to Build Authentic Leadership Alliances
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFDwtywIVfc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 62 [Name] => Heimann [Firstname] => Nicole [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-heimann-nicole-portraitbild.jpg ) [693] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 192 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Markworts Stammtisch: Trifft Nena Schink
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSQp-pdHx10 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [694] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 191 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Kanzler Kurz ist unseriös und zu populistisch
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_16ayUTiCk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [695] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 190 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Unfollow. Wie Instagram unser Leben zerstört.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufXIGutswK0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [696] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 189 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Talk kontrovers: Was haben Sie eigentlich gegen die Grünen?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgrmJYqJI8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [697] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 188 [VideoName] => Nena Schink [VideoDescription] =>Wenn Du Instagram Fame willst, zieh Dich aus.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e-d7eL25Eg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 61 [Name] => Brockhaus [Firstname] => Nena [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brockhaus-nena-portraitbild.jpg ) [698] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 187 [VideoName] => Felix Brych [VideoDescription] =>Die Rolle des Schiedsrichter im Fussball
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IouGjCeaYg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 60 [Name] => Brych [Firstname] => Felix [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brych-felix-portraitbild.jpg ) [699] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 186 [VideoName] => Felix Brych [VideoDescription] =>Schiedsrichter-Portrait
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCGa5lbRSWk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 60 [Name] => Brych [Firstname] => Felix [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-brych-felix-portraitbild.jpg ) [700] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 185 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Hohe Vorbildfunktion der Bundesliga
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-B2M9KJhmM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [701] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 184 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Gute Entscheidungen treffen: Sei der Schiedsrichter deines Lebens
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnp_3JGbWi8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [702] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 183 [VideoName] => Deniz Aytekin [VideoDescription] =>Schiedsrichter-Protrait
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPlHPeKkw8 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 59 [Name] => Aytekin [Firstname] => Deniz [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-aytekin-deniz-portraitbild.jpg ) [703] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 182 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Taten sprechen lauter als Worte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECakDhr2KBk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [704] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 181 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Vetrauen, die neue Schlüsselkompetenz
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqZmO--h7g [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [705] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 180 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Die Kraft Deiner Geschichte
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af7Iq1Fql7o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [706] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 179 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Erfolgsfaktor Vertrauen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC-3dMX9N2s [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [707] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 178 [VideoName] => Eva Schulte-Austum [VideoDescription] =>Vertrauen kann jeder.
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHHmXOQcRBY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 58 [Name] => Schulte-Austum [Firstname] => Eva [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-schulte-austum-eva-portraitbild.jpg ) [708] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 176 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Vom Bundesliga-Coach zum Supermarkt-Chef
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwfaRvSx5_k [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [709] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 175 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Vom Fussballtrainer zum REWE-Kaufmann
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n53VmoDIFvY [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [710] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 174 [VideoName] => Holger Stanislawski [VideoDescription] =>Best of...
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_umaZjgpAjU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 56 [Name] => Stanislawski [Firstname] => Holger [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-stanislawski-holger-portraitbild.jpg ) [711] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 169 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Medicine of the Future
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2c3DzTKzI [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [712] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 168 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Wird Medizin durch Digitalisierung menschlicher?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4RBkKjyDMg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [713] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 167 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Der Naturwissenschaftler
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6iU4KrDb5o [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [714] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 166 [VideoName] => Gerd Wirtz [VideoDescription] =>Digitale Medizin - Macht uns digitale Medizin gesünder?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9qOezum2Wk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 54 [Name] => Wirtz [Firstname] => Gerd [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wirtz-gerd-portraitbild.jpg ) [715] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 162 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Radikale Ehrlichkeit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSqd42dKcxg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [716] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 161 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Die Zukunft nach Corona
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym9bsDqCBpk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [717] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 160 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Unsere fucking Zukunft - die Macht der Megatrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfjmDRgcKNw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [718] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 159 [VideoName] => Tristan Horx [VideoDescription] =>Zukunftstrends
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeeTbQ9GHv4 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 52 [Name] => Horx [Firstname] => Tristan [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-horx-tristan-portraitbild.jpg ) [719] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 158 [VideoName] => Kati Wilhelm [VideoDescription] =>Kati Wilhelm on Stage
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEsGnQpu2Co [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 51 [Name] => Wilhelm [Firstname] => Kati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wilhelm-kati-portraitbild.jpg ) [720] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 157 [VideoName] => Kati Wilhelm [VideoDescription] =>Die Sporthilfe
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsaINWKb-_c [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 51 [Name] => Wilhelm [Firstname] => Kati [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-wilhelm-kati-portraitbild.jpg ) [721] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 156 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Digital Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzGtQVVgxzg [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [722] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 155 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Veit Etzold Film
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHo-r63bH2Q [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [723] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 154 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Aufmerksamkeit durch Storytelling
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxEZfbpByjM [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [724] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 153 [VideoName] => Veit Etzold [VideoDescription] =>Die Kunst des Storytelling - TEDxMünchen
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOTZfGyVh1I [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 50 [Name] => Etzold [Firstname] => Veit [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-etzold-veit-portraitbild.jpg ) [725] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 152 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Verschlafen Firmen die Computer-Sicherheit
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1sz3Ln90cA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [726] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 151 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Megatrends by My Digital
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulscjGt5sMc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [727] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 150 [VideoName] => Christian Baudis [VideoDescription] =>Mobilität der Zukunft
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxG4UDFKmEw [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 49 [Name] => Baudis [Firstname] => Christian [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-baudis-christian-portraitbild.jpg ) [728] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 149 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Das Spitzengespräch
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oM2es5enE [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [729] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 148 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Vereidigung der Ampel-Koalition
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thffjUOsnuk [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [730] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 147 [VideoName] => Gregor Gysi [VideoDescription] =>Redner im Bundestag
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kRHXWOrjgc [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 48 [Name] => Gysi [Firstname] => Gregor [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-gysi-gregor-portraitbild.jpg ) [731] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 146 [VideoName] => Gerhard Conrad [VideoDescription] =>Hacks and (Fake) Facts: Warfare in the information Space
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUYIWmQb6a0 [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 47 [Name] => Conrad [Firstname] => Gerhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-conrad-gerhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [732] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 145 [VideoName] => Gerhard Conrad [VideoDescription] =>Wie arbeitet der Bundesnachrichtendienst?
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWe7HVxTqmU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 47 [Name] => Conrad [Firstname] => Gerhard [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-conrad-gerhard-portraitbild.jpg ) [733] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 144 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>Die neue Seidenstrasse verbindet die Stadt der Städte mit China
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ8SdUCOxfo [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [734] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 143 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>Wie China die Weltwirtschaft jetzt anschiebt und was wir davon lernen können
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dFiqUdMPHA [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [Firstname] => Frank [PortraitImage] => keynote-speaker-sieren-frank-portraitbild.jpg ) [735] => Array ( [fk_CUST_Data_Trainer_Videos_Id] => 142 [VideoName] => Frank Sieren [VideoDescription] =>So leitet die neue Supermacht China den Abstieg des Westens ein
[YoutubeId] => [YoutubeUrl] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUgLxy70viU [CUST_Data_Trainer_Id] => 46 [Name] => Sieren [F