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Ralf Lanwehr Request now

Ralf Lanwehr - The Trainer of the Bundesliga Coaches

Ralf Lanwehr has been working as consultant, trainer & coach for over 20 years and holds management professorships since 2008. He focuses on evidence-based leadership & transformation and interacts with companies such as Allianz, BMW, Google, John Deere, Lufthansa, RWE, SAP and Siemens at board level.

In parallel, Ralf Lanwehr pursues a somewhat bizarre passion: professional football. He cooperates with management boards, trains executives and serves as leadership coach for head coaches of Bundesliga clubs. Besides, he supervises the leadership development for Bundesliga coaches and managers on behalf of the German Football Association (DFB). His own glorious career as a pro player failed – despite his time in the third Mozambican league – as miserably as deservedly and premature.

In another life, he studied psychology and mathematics at the University of Münster and earned a doctorate in business administration at the Technical University of Berlin.

Value proposition: Unconventionally successful, with humor, at eye level, yet fair, reliable and always evidence-based without being uptight.

Ralf Lanwehr lecture topics

- New Work and the future of work: What opportunities and pitfalls does the future hold for us?
- Leadership in Transformation: How can I get people excited about change and take them along for the ride?
- Kicking Leadership – What can organizations learn from professional soccer?

Ralf Lanwehr: The Expert for Change Management

When a need for change arises in an organization for a variety of reasons, the question is how to successfully address, implement and complete it. Often this has to do with leadership, strategy and/or culture. Ralf Lanwehr is happy to accompany the change process in an advisory and supportive capacity.

Ralf Lanwehr: The Coach – Kicking Leadership

Increasing digitalization is accompanied by four new challenges for leadership. First, the importance of leadership at a distance is increasing. Second, leadership must function under the constraints of ever shorter innovation and change cycles. Third, competent handling of unsettled workforces is required more frequently. And fourth, increasing complexity and networking require thinking outside the box and overcoming departmental and silo thinking. Ralf Lanwehr is happy to help.

For Ralf Lanwehr, it’s not just football that spins, he also takes a sporting approach to the topics of Leadership, Culture & Change Management and People Analytics. He is available as a keynote speaker, consultant or coach.

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