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Holger Stromberg Request now

Holger Stromberg - Future Nutrition

Holger Stromberg was born into the culinary arts and a hunger for knowledge about food. He grew up in his parents’ inn in Waltrop with over 180 years of tradition. After his apprenticeship years in star gastronomy, he became Germany’s youngest chef to earn a Michelin star at the age of 23 and worked as Chef de Cuisine at the Mandarin Oriental Munich until 2002.

As president of the chefs’ association “Junge Wilde e.V.” he revolutionizes the avant-garde food scene and from 2003 goes his own way with his pan-European gastronomy and consulting companies f.e.b. GmbH and STROMBERG* Consulting GmbH. For ten years, until 2017, he accompanied the German national soccer team as a nutrition coach and chef in the DFB coaching staff and returned from Rio in 2014 as the chef of the world champions.

Holger Stromberg Lecture Topics

- The nutrition of the future.
- Delicious & healthy for people: healthy for planet earth.
- Food changes everything: The recipe for a healthy, sustainable life.
- It's time to Eat clever @ Work
- Brain Food vs. Brain Fog

Holger Stromberg conveys with passionate humor, sometimes with a touch of provocativeness, why nutrition is our second most important source of energy. How fit, alert and energetic our entire organism reacts to brain food and how food affects our mental and physical performance. Factors that are indispensable in the 21st century in order to play along in today's efficiency society, to remain efficient and healthy.

It is important to Holger Stromberg to show people in a credible and tasteful way that healthy and enjoyable eating are not mutually exclusive, but rather conditional. Naturally grown or also regionally purely produced food is of high quality and really tasty. They promise honest enjoyment and provide us with the nutrients we need to live in today's fast-paced and often energy-sapping world.

Holger Stromberg: multi-talented and visionary nutrition ambassador.

Always moving forward, never standing still, knowing when the time has come for something new, and never losing sight of the goal. That has always been Holger Stromberg’s credo. 2021 is the year for new paths and the time for big changes. In order to realize his ultimate professional goal, the nutrition of the future, which is equally fair to people and nature, Holger Stromberg joined Organic Garden AG with his company, f.e.b. GmbH, together with his team and all business branches as co-founder, shareholder and nutrition ambassador and will be responsible for the role of CCO (Chief Culinary Officer) there in the future.

Delicious and healthy for people: Healthy for Planet Earth.

Since 2008, Holger Stromberg has been advising international companies through his business unit STROMBERG CONSULTING. In doing so, he stringently follows his conviction that everyone is fitter, healthier and more efficient with the right nutrition.

And it has been clear for a long time: There is a proven direct influence of the factor nutrition on athletic performance as well as on the “performance” in everyday work. After oxygen, food is the second most important source of energy for human beings – and therefore one of the key factors for success and performance. It has been scientifically proven that Eating and drinking are just as important for performance and health as physical training and exercise in everyday life.

Holger Stromberg: Always on the lookout for the better food alternative.

Holger Stromberg transfers the nutrition recommendations together with his expert knowledge from the professional sport accurately to the complex requirements of the operational health management (BGM) as well as the operational health promotion (BGF). The result: motivated employees who are able to perform better and feel fitter and better.

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