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Gerd Wirtz: The Future of Medicine

Gerd Wirtz whets the appetite for digitization for a human medicine that lets us live healthier lives longer. Medicine is facing unprecedented change. Medical progress is exploding and the entire framework conditions are also being turned upside down by digitization.

New opportunities are emerging, but so are numerous challenges. Making sense of progress requires a new way of thinking from each of us and the ability to embrace the fundamental changes.

The expert for change and communication Dr. Gerd Wirtz knows the German health care system in all its facets and shows in a rousing lecture ways how you can beneficially shape your future instead of letting it shape you.

Gerd Wirtz Lecture Topics

- Medicine of the future - digitalization for more humanity
- Diagnosis by Google: Help, my patient is talking back - patient communication in the digital age
- Being sick was yesterday: Living longer and healthier with digital medicine
- Tomorrow's healthcare: From patient to customer
- Patients in power: Developing a new doctor-patient relationship thanks to digitization

Medicine of the future: Vision or reality?

Will we be treated by robots and artificial intelligences in the future, and will they be kind to us? This question is on many people's minds. Digital medicine will help us live longer and healthier lives but will it remain human?

Digital expert Dr. Gerd Wirtz addresses these questions in his presentations. He will first address the question of how human medicine is today and whether robots might even lead to more humanity. On his journey through the possibilities (...and also limits) of robotics in medicine and care, he will ask those who need to know. The robots.

In the age of digitalization, patients no longer place themselves ignorantly and patiently in the seemingly omniscient hands of the doctor. Tomorrow's patient takes responsibility for his or her health, comes to the doctor's office pre-informed, wants to discuss matters at eye level and be actively involved in therapy decisions. This holds many opportunities and also many challenges. Dr. Gerd Wirtz shows in a humorous but in-depth way how we can take our health into our own hands with digital tools and how doctors are transforming themselves into health consultants.

From disease repairer to health advisor - How the role of the doctor will evolve into the advisor of the patient. A look at a practice of the future that may not be so far away.

My data belongs to me - The new fuel of medicine.

Medicine has been an experimental and study-driven discipline. Data will shorten development times and make medicine safer, more precise and more individualized. How can patients collect their own health data with simple means and thus control our health themselves? With his expertise in medicine, digitalization and communication, Gerd Wirtz has been able to enrich many high-profile events, both from healthcare companies such as Bayer Vital, Roche, Novartis, Sanofi and Janssen as well as from Bethmann Bank, the AOK or the Deutscher Ärzteverlag.

In his keynotes, Gerd Wirtz is convincing, entertaining and, above all, extremely entertaining. He backs up with rock-solid data and figures, never lecturing, but charming and engaging.

"Bring on the machines! Bring on AI and robots! So that medicine becomes more human again!"

This is Dr. Gerd Wirtz's motto. Because if we were to use the possibilities of digitization for routine tasks, he concludes, doctors would once again have more freedom for the essentials: for consultation time with their patients. He demonstrates how this can work in a dialog with his "buddy" Pepper, among others. The robot demonstrates what great things he and his many alter egos are already capable of.

Medicine today - taking stock

We don't make full use of our health potential because we repair instead of prevent. Diseases almost never occur suddenly. We recognize the signals of our body only when there are already serious symptoms. By then it is often too late. Digitalization is advancing rapidly. That's why medicine is facing a historic transformation. Instead of curing diseases, the focus in the future will be on preventing diseases. What are the drivers of digital medicine? How old can humans become and how does Digital Medicine help us take more responsibility for our health? What role will doctors play in the future?

Helping to shape the future

He takes his audience on an inspiring journey into digital worlds. At the end, the auditorium is always sure that Gerd Wirtz is more than right with his theses when he reminds them that "data is the new fuel of medicine".

His second passion: communication for lively knowledge transfer. He completed several training courses as a moderator and also enjoyed training as an actor.

Gerd Wirtz succeeds in combining his two favorite occupations as a presenter and speaker on medical topics. For more than 20 years, he has been seen at medical congresses, specialist conferences and medical training courses, as well as in small, fine talk shows. The acceptance of progress is far behind the technical possibilities. That is why he fights day after day with expertise and humor to increase this acceptance.

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